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Monday, August 21, 2017

Gonna use this topic to keep track of racists who lose their job as a result of

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  2. Current Events
  3. Gonna use this topic to keep track of racists who lose their job as a result of
FrisbeeDude  attack always3 days ago#1
Charlottesville. Feel free to add names as they come up

Cole white

Ryan Roy

Unnamed employee from Luckys Market in Gainesville

We're not here to educate racist. We're not here to convert them. We're not here to debate or discuss their feelings on white supremacy. It's 2017 and all the necessary information one need to dispel the ugly concept of racial superiority is available and easy to access. Those who willingly stay they course will be outed. Simple as that
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
Mr_MacPhisto 3 days ago#2
I would love to show your employers (if you even have a job) and your family the history of s***posting and trolling you've accumulated on this board.
Off with the horns,
On with the show!
Steve Bannon
sigless user is me or am I?
FrisbeeDude  attack always3 days ago#4
Mr_MacPhisto posted...
I would love to show your employers (if you even have a job) and your family the history of s***posting and trolling you've accumulated on this board.

I've never held an opinion on something I wasn't comfortable sharing in public. Cry more
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?
The WSU Republicans president stepped down cause he got flak because he went, spoke there, and is a known racist. Guy texted Hispanic people that ICE was coming to get them if they got in arguments with him. Hope my alma mater kicks him out.
Phantom_Nook 3 days ago#7
When a girl has sex with a bunch of guys, they call her a slut, but when a guy does it, they call him gay. ~ Antifar
mario2000 3 days ago#8
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

won't someone please think of the poor unfortunate kill-everyone-who-doesn't-share-my-skin-tone-believers????? :(
Arrrr the SS Goku, Mighty fine boat... -fatmatt
Hope Frieza doesn't chuck an Iceberg at the Goku, otherwise it's all over. -Nekoslash
mario2000 posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

won't someone please think of the poor unfortunate kill-everyone-who-doesn't-share-my-skin-tone-believers????? :(

Yeah, that is not what I was getting at.
FrisbeeDude  attack always2 days ago#10
Nick Fuentes withdrew from Boston university. Is Trump U still around?
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
FrisbeeDude  attack always2 days ago#11
This is sad, bro
A thousand eyes, and one.
GOATTHlEF 2 days ago#13
This weekend it's happening in Boston. It's likely to be a lot worse.
CE Unleashed! The first of two gamefaqs based magic sets.
DarthAragorn posted...
This is sad, bro
I love all things cute and kawaii!!!1
--kresnik-- 2 days ago#15
Anthony weiner: democrat
V-E-G-Y- 2 days ago#16
Dathrowed1 2 days ago#17
People aren't thinking for the long are they?
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Yeah, these people were already of the opinion that they were "victims" and now it's been engraved into them. They're not going to have some sudden epiphany to stop being bigoted, they're going to double-down on those beliefs harder then ever, and there's no telling what some of them will do now that they have nothing else to lose and are itching for revenge.

We don't want these kinds of people giving into full-blown radicalization and terrorism.
Les aristocrates a la lanterne!
Les aristocrates on les pendra!
FrisbeeDude  attack always2 days ago#19
cuteandkawaii posted...
DarthAragorn posted...
This is sad, bro

No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
Good. Next throw them in jail.
#NotMyPresident #JusticeDemocrats #PathOfExile #WolfPAC #Bitcoin
#WeAre12 #12thMan #Seahawks #Belieber #UBI #PokemonGo #twitterfriends #MMA #PopularHashtags
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Bullet_Wing 2 days ago#21
Mr_MacPhisto posted...
I would love to show your employers (if you even have a job) and your family the history of s***posting and trolling you've accumulated on this board.

You're equating trolling on a message board to actual Neo-Nazis? You're really doubling down on Trump's "same thing both sides" idiocy, huh?
even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - Franklin
Kineth  BLM sympathizer2 days ago#22
So many people on this board eager to defend Nazis.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

thats their choice, just like being a nazi piece of s*** and trying to advocate treason and sedition was their choice.
ItsYourFault posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

thats their choice, just like being a nazi piece of s*** and trying to advocate treason and sedition was their choice.

Im pretty sure he's saying that them now not having anything to do or anything to LOSE may give them the idea to go Dylan Roof it up.
the real Irving Rameses
Inferno Dive Dragoon posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate. 

What could possibly go wrong?

Yeah, these people were already of the opinion that they were "victims" and now it's been engraved into them. They're not going to have some sudden epiphany to stop being bigoted, they're going to double-down on those beliefs harder then ever, and there's no telling what some of them will do now that they have nothing else to lose and are itching for revenge.

We don't want these kinds of people giving into full-blown radicalization and terrorism.

Sorry man, this logic doesn't make anyone sympathize with Muslims that become radicalized and it's certainly not going to work for f***ing nazis.
Posted with GameRaven 3.2.2
Schwarber 1 day ago#27
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Your threats don't scare anyone.
Schwarber posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Your threats don't scare anyone.

What threats? This is exactly what will happen.
FrisbeeDude  attack always1 day ago#29
HashBrownAgain posted...
Schwarber posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Your threats don't scare anyone.

What threats? This is exactly what will happen.

Who gives a f***? Either stay mad or change up
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
Schwarber 1 day ago#30
What if his job gives him a platform to go do something horrific? The "what if" game works both ways. It's a dumb way to go about thinking.
FrisbeeDude posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Schwarber posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Your threats don't scare anyone.

What threats? This is exactly what will happen.

Who gives a f***? Either stay mad or change up

And guess what these people will probably do? They sure as hell are not going to change. They are going to stew in that anger until they reach a breaking point.
FrisbeeDude posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Schwarber posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

Your threats don't scare anyone.

What threats? This is exactly what will happen.

Who gives a f***? Either stay mad or change up

So you admit you want them to be mad.
Conflict  refugee love block me1 day ago#33
Mr_MacPhisto posted...
I would love to show your employers (if you even have a job) and your family the history of s***posting and trolling you've accumulated on this board.

It's pretty minimal compared to yours lol
I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
LinksLiege 1 day ago#34
TC must be really f***ing bored to do this.
This is LinksLiege's signature. It is fantastic.
ModLogic 1 day ago#35
mario2000 posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

won't someone please think of the poor unfortunate kill-everyone-who-doesn't-share-my-skin-tone-believers????? :(

"oh noes racists hurting feels. lets band together a racist hating group and ruin their lives. bonus if we can put their kids in the gutter too. f*** em all. "
GOATTHlEF 1 day ago#36
ModLogic wants us to feel bad about nazis lol
-The Amicable
Conflict  refugee love block me1 day ago#37
ModLogic posted...
mario2000 posted...
HashBrownAgain posted...
Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

What could possibly go wrong?

won't someone please think of the poor unfortunate kill-everyone-who-doesn't-share-my-skin-tone-believers????? :(

"oh noes racists hurting feels. lets band together a racist hating group and ruin their lives. bonus if we can put their kids in the gutter too. f*** em all. "

Racists put their own kids in the gutter by saying hateful s***. Or are you going to call that "victim blaming" since you're bent on your little 'Tolerate My Intolerance' movement
I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
ModLogic 1 day ago#38
GOATTHlEF posted...
ModLogic wants us to feel bad about nazis lol

You mean like the liberals always try to do with islamic terrorists?
Conflict  refugee love block me1 day ago#40
ModLogic posted...
"my intolerance is superior and more righteous than your intolerance"

Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?
I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
Kineth  BLM sympathizer1 day ago#41
HashBrownAgain posted...
GOATTHlEF posted...
ModLogic wants us to feel bad about nazis lol

You mean like the liberals always try to do with islamic terrorists?

No, as in he is trying to paint Nazis as sympathetic people. Please stop trying to goalpost shift.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
LinksLiege 1 day ago#42
Conflict posted...
Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?

I'm not going to deny it's better.

But I'll be pedantic and point out good and bad aren't objective qualities. Ever.
This is LinksLiege's signature. It is fantastic.
Mr_MacPhisto posted...
I would love to show your employers (if you even have a job) and your family the history of s***posting and trolling you've accumulated on this board.

You think he has an employer...

My sides...
- The Admiral
Kineth posted...
No, as in he is trying to paint Nazis as sympathetic people. Please stop trying to goalpost shift.

Like the liberals don't do that with muslim terrorists.

"He did it because he was poor, uneducated, and indoctrinated. That is what drives these people to join up with isis."

"As long as people keep attacking their beliefs they will be driven right into isis' arms, so leave them and their culture alone and they will stop."

The left paints them as feeling pushed to the edge so they have no choice and we should be all lovey dovey with them because they might change, but with these nazis they are automatic evil and need to be treated like trash and hated on because they will never change.
(message deleted)
ModLogic 1 day ago#46
Conflict posted...
ModLogic posted...
"my intolerance is superior and more righteous than your intolerance"

Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?

"its ok to be hateful and intolerant of people who are hateful and intolerant"
Tolerate my intolerance!!
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
ModLogic 1 day ago#48
ModLogic posted...
Conflict posted...
ModLogic posted...
"my intolerance is superior and more righteous than your intolerance"

Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?

"its ok to be hateful and intolerant of people who are hateful and intolerant"

Yes. Yes it is.
When a girl has sex with a bunch of guys, they call her a slut, but when a guy does it, they call him gay. ~ Antifar
Kyurem-BW 1 day ago#50
Phantom_Nook posted...
ModLogic posted...
Conflict posted...
ModLogic posted...
"my intolerance is superior and more righteous than your intolerance"

Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?

"its ok to be hateful and intolerant of people who are hateful and intolerant"

Yes. Yes it is.

but if you are hateful and intolerant to them then by your opinion it is ok for them to be hateful and intolerant back to you
dont know why I even have one of these
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events 
  3. Gonna use this topic to keep track of racists who lose their job as a result of
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events
    3. Gonna use this topic to keep track of racists who lose their job as a result of
    FrisbeeDude posted...
    We're not here to educate racist. We're not here to convert them. We're not here to debate or discuss their feelings on white supremacy. It's 2017 and all the necessary information one need to dispel the ugly concept of racial superiority is available and easy to access. Those who willingly stay they course will be outed. Simple as that

    I gotta applaud you, openly antagonizing people to the point that you're vaguely threatening their lives simply because they might not hold the same belief as you is truly reprehensible. You amaze, and shock me, to be quite frank.
    Official Praying Monk from the Sky Temple of the MKX boards
    iPhone_7 posted...
    F*** Islamic terrorists
    F*** Antifa
    F*** the Alt-Right
    F*** the Nazi/KKK apologists like Trump
    and F*** his s*** posting followers on here

    Centrists? On my CE?!
    Official Praying Monk from the Sky Temple of the MKX boards
    Conflict  refugee love block me1 day ago#53
    Kyurem-BW posted...
    Phantom_Nook posted...
    ModLogic posted...
    Conflict posted...
    ModLogic posted...
    "my intolerance is superior and more righteous than your intolerance"

    Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?

    "its ok to be hateful and intolerant of people who are hateful and intolerant"

    Yes. Yes it is.

    but if you are hateful and intolerant to them then by your opinion it is ok for them to be hateful and intolerant back to you

    Maybe if you have no reading comprehension and don't understand the concept of nuance
    I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
    ModLogic 1 day ago#54
    FrisbeeDude  attack always1 day ago#55
    EverDownward posted...
    FrisbeeDude posted...
    We're not here to educate racist. We're not here to convert them. We're not here to debate or discuss their feelings on white supremacy. It's 2017 and all the necessary information one need to dispel the ugly concept of racial superiority is available and easy to access. Those who willingly stay they course will be outed. Simple as that

    I gotta applaud you, openly antagonizing people to the point that you're vaguely threatening their lives simply because they might not hold the same belief as you is truly reprehensible. You amaze, and shock me, to be quite frank.

    Wanting me dead and/or expelled from this country is a bit more than not holding the same beliefs as me
    No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
    Conflict  refugee love block me1 day ago#56
    ModLogic posted...
    "tolerate our intolerance"

    Yes, that's precisely what people who complain about people not approving of racial superiority beliefs and that certain races should rule the world tend to say.
    I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
    ModLogic 1 day ago#57
    its also irony that the equally as repulsive "my hate group is better than your hate group" clowns are completely oblivious to.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Conflict  refugee love block me1 day ago#58
    ModLogic posted...
    its also irony that the equally as repulsive "my hate group is better than your hate group" clowns are completely oblivious to.

    We're really classifying 'people who don't like racism and hate speech' as a "hate group" now. Lol CE is a circus
    I want a 6ft amazon girl to uppercut my junk - SSJGrimReaper
    3rd_Best_Master posted...
    Inferno Dive Dragoon posted...
    HashBrownAgain posted...
    Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate. 

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Yeah, these people were already of the opinion that they were "victims" and now it's been engraved into them. They're not going to have some sudden epiphany to stop being bigoted, they're going to double-down on those beliefs harder then ever, and there's no telling what some of them will do now that they have nothing else to lose and are itching for revenge.

    We don't want these kinds of people giving into full-blown radicalization and terrorism.

    Sorry man, this logic doesn't make anyone sympathize with Muslims that become radicalized and it's certainly not going to work for f***ing nazis.

    It's not about garnering sympathy for the potentially radicalized, it's that there's a far greater risk of me and other people I know being caught in a Neo-Nazi/KKK terrorist act than an ISIS one because I not only live in the US, but the lower class South on top of that.

    I've already had run-ins with the KKK in particular at some points, because I'm white myself and they have this really nasty habit of thinking every other white person is eager to join up. Their subsequent reactions to my disgusted refusal have ranged anywhere from condescending pity over how "lost" or "ignorant" I am, to downright threats for being a "race traitor". A lot of these people have been all bark and no bite for years though, I don't want that changing all of a sudden because they finally got pushed over the edge, and it certainly doesn't make me comfortable at all that there's people in here who are perfectly fine with putting innocent people in danger just so they can feel good about themselves

    Great, you cost that man his job, but what if he then costs somebody or several sombodies their lives? Is TC going to make a topic puffing his chest out about that too? Will they even care? I don't want to get caught in the crossfire of some f***ing war happening in my own backyard, and you can bet your ass I'll be blaming both sides if s*** ever goes down and I'm made to suffer for it.
    Les aristocrates a la lanterne!
    Les aristocrates on les pendra!
    asdf8562 1 day ago#60
    HashBrownAgain posted...
    Yes, let's be excited that all these hate filled people will now be unemployed and stewing in that hate.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I get where your coming from, but you dont reward these people either.
    ModLogic 1 day ago#61
    Inferno Dive Dragoon posted...
    Will they even care?

    not likely. some key points about these hypocrites. 

    1. they dont actually care about the group that is the target (ie non whites) 

    2. they are only out to destroy lives 

    3. they do it for their own ego and to make themselves look good
    EverDownward 23 hours ago#62
    FrisbeeDude posted...
    EverDownward posted...
    FrisbeeDude posted...
    We're not here to educate racist. We're not here to convert them. We're not here to debate or discuss their feelings on white supremacy. It's 2017 and all the necessary information one need to dispel the ugly concept of racial superiority is available and easy to access. Those who willingly stay they course will be outed. Simple as that

    I gotta applaud you, openly antagonizing people to the point that you're vaguely threatening their lives simply because they might not hold the same belief as you is truly reprehensible. You amaze, and shock me, to be quite frank.

    Wanting me dead and/or expelled from this country is a bit more than not holding the same beliefs as me

    So meet violence with more violence.

    Why hasn't this country erupted into civil war, yet?
    Official Praying Monk from the Sky Temple of the MKX boards
    LightningAce11 23 hours ago#63
    EverDownward posted...
    So meet violence with more violence.

    He never said that in those posts.
    "I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
    HashBrownAgain posted...
    GOATTHlEF posted...
    ModLogic wants us to feel bad about nazis lol

    You mean like the liberals always try to do with islamic terrorists?

    no one does that
    "I can i i everything else," Bob reportedly said. Alice replied: "Balls have zero to me to me to me..." (Facebook AIs talking to each other)
    ModLogic posted...
    Conflict posted...
    ModLogic posted...
    "my intolerance is superior and more righteous than your intolerance"

    Uh, yeah. It's objectively better to be intolerant of people who are intolerant of people with different/certain skin colors. This really the hill you want to die on?

    "its ok to be hateful and intolerant of people who are hateful and intolerant"

    why did you use quotations here?
    "I can i i everything else," Bob reportedly said. Alice replied: "Balls have zero to me to me to me..." (Facebook AIs talking to each other)
    Samurontai 23 hours ago#66
    This is like blackballing during the McCarthy Era. Whiteballing?
    EverDownward 19 hours ago#68
    LightningAce11 posted...
    EverDownward posted...
    So meet violence with more violence.

    He never said that in those posts.

    Except that's always what happens. Violence always occurs, it's the most basic way to create success. Go to any rally these days, ANY, no matter what it's for, and there will be violence. He may advocate informational attacks, but it will devolve into brute force.
    Official Praying Monk from the Sky Temple of the MKX boards
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events 
    3. Gonna use this topic to keep track of racists who lose their job as a result of

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