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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?

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  3. Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?
Dr_RudyMjolnir 2 months ago#1
God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.
3DS friend code: 3308-4835-1515
And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
epik_fail1 2 months ago#2
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
KendoRe2 2 months ago#3
Not against it at all, whatever floats your boat. I am extremely confused as to what rights, other than marriage, they think they don't have.
AceMos 2 months ago#4
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

imagine if you where forced to where a pair of boots that where a size to small at all times that is how a transgender feels
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
AceMos 2 months ago#5
KendoRe2 posted...
Not against it at all, whatever floats your boat. I am extremely confused as to what rights, other than marriage, they think they don't have.

adoption for one thing 

for another schools can be harsh to LGBT youth
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Jaghave 2 months ago#6
I would comment but the mods will suspended me because they can't handle the truth.
Most accurate analysis in this forum here the proof
AceMos 2 months ago#7
Jaghave posted...
I would comment but the mods will suspended me because they can't handle the truth.

no you would get modded for violating the TOS which you agreed to when you signed up
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
rockyoumonkeys 2 months ago#8
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

Simply "being" transgender is not a choice. Choosing to outwardly reflect that gender (i.e. "what you wear") is, just like being gay isn't a choice but coming out of the closet is. 

It's not the "same" but logically they can be defended under the same umbrella.
XBL: rockyoumonkeys
digressive 2 months ago#9
AceMos posted...
KendoRe2 posted...
Not against it at all, whatever floats your boat. I am extremely confused as to what rights, other than marriage, they think they don't have.

adoption for one thing 

for another schools can be harsh to LGBT youth

In many states, someone can be fired for being gay.
mrplainswalker 2 months ago#10
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

I'm not really understanding what you think the difference is. If a male "feels female," how is that exactly a choice while sexual attraction isn't?
It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
- willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas
Nix 2 months ago#11
I don't think they are.

Con man Evangelical pastors have ricked Conservatives to be more against it than they should.

Conservatives resists change and is cautious of major change. So they would naturally be cautious of laws and actions that dramatically change LGBT rights.

But since con man southern and Midwestern and foreign religious leaders have stressed the issue and provided crap arguments that galvanized the LGBT movements
As a Christian, the while thing disgusts me.
All for profit and profit for all.
Giants and Yankees!
Sensual_T_Rex 2 months ago#12
Don't know. A better question would be why do so many liberals call themselves the all inclusive group and yet insist on categorizing people by race, sex, and so forth?
Babylon ah mosh up the sea and fear him da Rasta mon.
AceMos 2 months ago#13
Sensual_T_Rex posted...
Don't know. A better question would be why do so many liberals call themselves the all inclusive group and yet insist on categorizing people by race, sex, and so forth?

er what this post makes no sense at all

accepting what makes us different does not mean thinking we are all the same being we are all different and that is what acceptance is accepting that we are different but still all deserve to be treated like equals
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Bluebomber182 2 months ago#14
i fully support lgbt rights. this is 1 of the key issues i break from the gop on
Not changing this sig until Jinder Mahal becomes WWE champ
Started 4/24/17
mrplainswalker 2 months ago#15
Sensual_T_Rex posted...
Don't know. A better question would be why do so many liberals call themselves the all inclusive group and yet insist on categorizing people by race, sex, and so forth?

What? Including both men and women doesn't mean not recognizing the difference.

Dem straw men, yo.
It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
- willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas
Marmitecashews 2 months ago#16
Because they hate people who are different from them?
Breitbart has been caught lying so many times that you might as well call it Liebart.
epik_fail1 2 months ago#17
mrplainswalker posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

I'm not really understanding what you think the difference is. If a male "feels female," how is that exactly a choice while sexual attraction isn't?

You don't decide the people you are attracted to. Even straight males don't decide their preferences when it comes to women. You don't decide your sex either, if someone is "attracted" to the way the other sex dress that makes them just one to dress like that, it doesn't make them female.(I have nothing against it, I just thing we should not act like it changes their genders)
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
AceMos 2 months ago#18
epik_fail1 posted...
mrplainswalker posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

I'm not really understanding what you think the difference is. If a male "feels female," how is that exactly a choice while sexual attraction isn't?

You don't decide the people you are attracted to. Even straight males don't decide their preferences when it comes to women. You don't decide your sex either, if someone is "attracted" to the way the other sex dress that makes them just one to dress like that, it doesn't make them female.(I have nothing against it, I just thing we should not act like it changes their genders)

a transgender feels like they are the other gender they dont choose to feel this way
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
User728 2 months ago#19
Why is TC so against LGBT that (s)he lumps LGB people with T people despite the fact that they do not fit together from a vocabulary standpoint AND that many LGB people do WANT to be lumped with T people and vice versa.
hollow_shrine 2 months ago#20
AceMos posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
mrplainswalker posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

I'm not really understanding what you think the difference is. If a male "feels female," how is that exactly a choice while sexual attraction isn't?

You don't decide the people you are attracted to. Even straight males don't decide their preferences when it comes to women. You don't decide your sex either, if someone is "attracted" to the way the other sex dress that makes them just one to dress like that, it doesn't make them female.(I have nothing against it, I just thing we should not act like it changes their genders)

a transgender feels like they are the other gender they dont choose to feel this way

Exactly. The only choice they have is whether they are going to try and live and present as themselves or "stay in the closet" and choose to live for society's comfort instead of their own. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
guerrillakidney 2 months ago#21
Its mostly just the religious right but in general conservatives are fearful of change/thing different from them. Not all conservatives of course, but as a voting group the gop needs fear/an existential threat (lbgt, muslims, athiests) to keep their base on the same page and to convince people to vote against their self interests.
Stonedwolfed 2 months ago#22
The point of a conservative is they want what is or what is from the recent past, as gay rights are a new thing they are naturally resistive.

It's the job of a liberal to argue case for gay rights, something that can only happen with the free exchange of ideas and debate. 

And that's why the SJW left who run up behind people with weapons and hit them on the head, or at the milder end just screech and use the violence of the mob to de-platform, are so counterproductive if nothing else.
Trying to understand the rationality of Social Justice Warriors is like trying to smell the colour 9.
Sensual_T_Rex 2 months ago#23
AceMos posted...
Sensual_T_Rex posted...
Don't know. A better question would be why do so many liberals call themselves the all inclusive group and yet insist on categorizing people by race, sex, and so forth?

er what this post makes no sense at all

accepting what makes us different does not mean thinking we are all the same being we are all different and that is what acceptance is accepting that we are different but still all deserve to be treated like equals

Why not just accepted people as individuals instead of putting them into different groups and using blanket statement to assume what said person thoughts should be based on the group they've been put in willingly or not.

mrplainswalker posted...
Dem straw men, yo.

Exactly. I'm just showing the absurdity of what TC is saying.
Babylon ah mosh up the sea and fear him da Rasta mon.
hollow_shrine 2 months ago#24
Historically, the party didn't enshrine the value of homophobia into the conservative ethos until the fall out of the civil rights act essentially drove southern voters from the Democratic party and into the arms of the Republican party who sweetened the deal with fundamental firebrands like Jerry Falwell. In a real way conservative homophobia has always been a calculated decision to exploit yet another minority for expedient political gain. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
90sNinja 2 months ago#25
Catering to religion, same with abortion. Very few people give a rat's ass about either nowadays except the loudmouths.
If life was meant to be easy, then everyone would be doing it.
hollow_shrine 2 months ago#26
90sNinja posted...
Catering to religion, same with abortion. Very few people give a rat's ass about either nowadays except the loudmouths.

And, where Planned Parenthood is involved, give or take all conservative policy makers. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
KA1N3R 2 months ago#27
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

Dude, that is one stupid opinion.

I also don't believe you're really gay when you say things like that.
No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
Foreman22 2 months ago#28
More fake news.
All lives matter. Except terrorist.
hollow_shrine 2 months ago#29
KA1N3R posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

Dude, that is one stupid opinion.

I also don't believe you're really gay when you say things like that.

I can. Being gay doesn't automatically imbue you with all the right answers. We can be every bit as problematic as straight people when we set our minds to it. Even when you think we should know better. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
Thanatos the Great 2 months ago#30
It's a divide-and-rule tactic. Conservatism is about maintaining the power, wealth and privilege of the ruling class. The more divided the ruled classes are, the less of a threat they are. Therefore it's in the interest of the ruling class to deceive people into blaming LGBT people (among other groups) for their problems.
Nix 2 months ago#31
hollow_shrine posted...
Historically, the party didn't enshrine the value of homophobia into the conservative ethos until the fall out of the civil rights act essentially drove southern voters from the Democratic party and into the arms of the Republican party who sweetened the deal with fundamental firebrands like Jerry Falwell. In a real way conservative homophobia has always been a calculated decision to exploit yet another minority for expedient political gain.


Conservatives were never forcefully against LGBT. They just found it icky.

It wasn't until Conservatives lost blacks that they decided to snatch up the racists and homophobes (who saw it as a chance for power).
All for profit and profit for all.
Giants and Yankees!
Muhspaceaids 2 months ago#32
As a conservative, Im fully supportive of LGB. They shouldd have marriage, adoption rights...etc just the same.

Im not sure why T is lumped in there though, and I do not accept T.

*going for honest opinion hopefully no mod.*
Only plebs use 10 posts per page
KA1N3R 2 months ago#33
hollow_shrine posted...
KA1N3R posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

Dude, that is one stupid opinion.

I also don't believe you're really gay when you say things like that.

I can. Being gay doesn't automatically imbue you with all the right answers. We can be every bit as problematic as straight people when we set our minds to it. Even when you think we should know better.

I'm not saying that that's the case.
But holding such an opinion in 2 topics that are so similar is...weird if you're gay yourself.
No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
Muhspaceaids 2 months ago#34
KA1N3R posted...

I'm not saying that that's the case.
But holding such an opinion in 2 topics that are so similar is...weird if you're gay yourself.

how is a sexual orientation the same as gender identity?

T is the oddball and does not fit with LGB b.c it is jot a sexual orientation.

Its a pretty logical viewpoint.
Only plebs use 10 posts per page
darkace77450 2 months ago#35
AceMos posted...
for another schools can be harsh to LGBT youth

A great school experience isn't a right. I'm sure LGBT kids have a tough time in school, but that's hardly a market they've cornered. Lots of people go through that; it's almost a right of passage in this country.
Rin-Tohsaka 2 months ago#36
we're not.
mercurydude 2 months ago#37
Jaghave posted...
I would comment but the mods will suspended me because they can't handle the truth.

That's because you would pull a Falwell and blame LGBT people for 9/11 or something equally stupid and offensive.
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." 
- Thomas Jefferson, writing on the subject of religion
KA1N3R 2 months ago#38
Muhspaceaids posted...
KA1N3R posted...

I'm not saying that that's the case.
But holding such an opinion in 2 topics that are so similar is...weird if you're gay yourself.

how is a sexual orientation the same as gender identity?

T is the oddball and does not fit with LGB b.c it is jot a sexual orientation.

Its a pretty logical viewpoint.

It's not the same, but both things not being a choice is the same.
No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
TheHonorableOne 2 months ago#39
I'm a republican and think gay marriage should be legal.

people should remain their gender. they are free to get surgery (on their own dime) but shouldn't be allowed to legally change their gender.
"So you never wanted a regular type life?"
"What the **** is that...barbeques and ball games?"
AceMos 2 months ago#40
darkace77450 posted...
AceMos posted...
for another schools can be harsh to LGBT youth

A great school experience isn't a right. I'm sure LGBT kids have a tough time in school, but that's hardly a market they've cornered. Lots of people go through that; it's almost a right of passage in this country.

a teacher should not tell a student they are a freak and they hope a that students gets raped so they can be cured
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Muhspaceaids 2 months ago#41
KA1N3R posted...
Muhspaceaids posted...
KA1N3R posted...

I'm not saying that that's the case.
But holding such an opinion in 2 topics that are so similar is...weird if you're gay yourself.

how is a sexual orientation the same as gender identity?

T is the oddball and does not fit with LGB b.c it is jot a sexual orientation.

Its a pretty logical viewpoint.

It's not the same, but both things not being a choice is the same.

I mean is it?

If gender is supposedly a social construct, then how exactly, outside of choice, does one be trans?

Social constructs are things that are made by a society and are not set in stone. they are not inherant.
So for instance, someone may inherently attracted to other men. this isnt a social construct. its biologically what you are attracted to.
gender though...we create what each gender is "suppose to be". so in ssence, a trans is choosing one gender construct over another. 

plus, at what age doe someone actually understand gender identities? a child pretends to be a wolf, or a girl (if they are a boy). does that make them trans? my answer, no. children dont have that mental capacity. Yet parents today are forcing children into a Trans lifestyle. Obviously they wouldnt fight it after growing up either because thats the reality they learned.

Trans is a choice because you choose a social construct to abide by. how is it not a choice?
Only plebs use 10 posts per page
Muhspaceaids 2 months ago#42
AceMos posted...
darkace77450 posted...
AceMos posted...
for another schools can be harsh to LGBT youth

A great school experience isn't a right. I'm sure LGBT kids have a tough time in school, but that's hardly a market they've cornered. Lots of people go through that; it's almost a right of passage in this country.

a teacher should not tell a student they are a freak and they hope a that students gets raped so they can be cured

that goes for anyone not just lgbt. That goes into a quality school experience. it would be like saying you have the right not to get bullied. you dont. but you do have the right to speak up and do something about it.

Morals =/= Rights
Only plebs use 10 posts per page
hollow_shrine 2 months ago#43
Muhspaceaids posted...
As a conservative, Im fully supportive of LGB. They shouldd have marriage, adoption rights...etc just the same.

Im not sure why T is lumped in there though, and I do not accept T.

*going for honest opinion hopefully no mod.*

Because back at the start of the gay rights movement the public zeitgeist and even most of the queer community didn't understand the difference between being trans and being bi/gay/lesbian. 

So when we look back at the riots that sparked the gay rights movement, the contributions of trans people are often invisible. In fact they've always been vocal allies of queer activism in America. A trans woman of color, Marsha P. Johnson is credited with having thrown the first stone of the Stonewall riots. Yet despite their continual sacrifice, they remain extremely vulnerable and rely on the signal boost of other queer allies to find their representation in policy making.

To go on a bit of a tangent, the documentary "Paris is Burning" was one of the first efforts to explore the voices of displaced and homeless LGBT youth of the seventies and the found family of the black gay culture's ballroom scene. For many straight people these was the first real perspectives of queer youth culture that they encountered that wasn't vilifying them. And there you also see the symbiotic relationship of the LGB and T communities. Paris is Burning is currently on Netflix by the way and I'd recommended it to anyone looking for a slice of often underreported queer history. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
epik_fail1 2 months ago#44
As a gay guy there is nothing wrong with being against changing your natural body through operations(I will never prevent someone who is doing ), but I feel like rejecting your natural sex is like taking a pill to change your sexual orientation. Nothing wrong with it, but I won't encourage it either especially due to the huge health issues that comes after the operations. Not to mention the high risk of side effects while taking hormones.
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
Jx1010 2 months ago#45
Jaghave posted...
I would comment but the mods will suspended me because they can't handle the truth.

Suspend us and the gay people who are conservatives. 
Because in their eyes, a gay person cant be conservative and must support the lgbt movement. 
Just like there cant be anti-feminist women.
Porunga 2 months ago#46
epik_fail1 posted...
I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear

Are you confusing transgender with transvestism? Not the same thing.
epik_fail1 2 months ago#47
Porunga posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear

Are you confusing transgender with transvestism? Not the same thing.

That's still doesn't make them the opposite gender, they are not women because they like wearing or acting the way society say women should act. Do they break gender ROLES? Yes, they do and they should live the way they want, but it still doesn't change their genders.
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
Porunga 2 months ago#48
epik_fail1 posted...
they are not women because they like wearing or acting the way society say women should act

Still not transgender. That is transvestism.
epik_fail1 2 months ago#49
Porunga posted...
epik_fail1 posted...
they are not women because they like wearing or acting the way society say women should act

Still not transgender. That is transvestism.

Well feeling like a straight guy(something I felt at time due to gay stereotypes) doesn't make me attracted to women or less gay.
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
Geno4LoveGeno4L 2 months ago#50
SJW are fighting each other xD it's hilarious :0 Only Trump supporters prove that peace can exist as proven by this topic ^_^
I am mature enough to not follow the noob shaming flavor of the century swag fashion T_T and will fight for us >:)
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  3. Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?
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    3. Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?
    AceMos 2 months ago#51
    epik_fail1 posted...
    Porunga posted...
    epik_fail1 posted...
    they are not women because they like wearing or acting the way society say women should act

    Still not transgender. That is transvestism.

    Well feeling like a straight guy(something I felt at time due to gay stereotypes) doesn't make me attracted to women or less gay.

    you really dont get it do you a transgender does not choose to feel how they feel 

    i know this may shock you but a transgender can be gay to as in a MtF can be a lesbian and a FtM can be gay
    3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
    The_Undying_84 2 months ago#52
    Because different things scare them.
    PSN: TheUndying84
    Jimayo 2 months ago#53
    epik_fail1 posted...
    mrplainswalker posted...
    epik_fail1 posted...
    I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

    I'm not really understanding what you think the difference is. If a male "feels female," how is that exactly a choice while sexual attraction isn't?

    You don't decide the people you are attracted to. Even straight males don't decide their preferences when it comes to women. You don't decide your sex either, if someone is "attracted" to the way the other sex dress that makes them just one to dress like that, it doesn't make them female.(I have nothing against it, I just thing we should not act like it changes their genders)

    Psychology disagrees with your bigotry.
    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    Stonedwolfed 2 months ago#54
    Jimayo posted...
    Psychology disagrees with your bigotry.

    Citation please.
    Trying to understand the rationality of Social Justice Warriors is like trying to smell the colour 9.
    Jimayo 2 months ago#55
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    Psychology disagrees with your bigotry.

    Citation please.

    "Gender dysphoria" is a term that reflects more accurately than gender identity disorder when an individual is distressed about a conflict between their sex assigned at birth and their gender identity/role. "Gender identity disorder" suggests that their gender identity is disordered, yet having any gender identity, including a transgender identity, is not a disorder. However, having any gender identity, including a transgender identity, is not a disorder. Rather, the distress that some transgender people may experience at some point in their lives may be of clinical concern and can be alleviated through clinical management. The change in the DSM from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria was a way to depathologize having a gender identity that differs from one’s sex assigned at birth and recognize the concern and clinical care that transgender individuals may need to achieve comfort with their gender identity, their body and gender role.
    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    Stonedwolfed 2 months ago#56
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?
    Trying to understand the rationality of Social Justice Warriors is like trying to smell the colour 9.
    Porunga 2 months ago#57
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    I think it might be that they are reluctant to classify transgenderism as a mental illness. That sort of thing tends to piss people off. The same could be said when they used to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder.
    AcFan87 2 months ago#58
    Dr_RudyMjolnir posted...
    God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.

    I agree.
    Sir Will 2 months ago#59
    epik_fail1 posted...
    I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice

    And you would be completely wrong.

    epik_fail1 posted...
    what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear have no idea what being trans even means, do you?
    River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
    DragonBlood87 2 months ago#60
    Sir Will posted... have no idea what being trans even means, do you?

    I'll admit to not being entirely clear on it myself.

    I'm assuming that it has to do with the gender-changing surgeries and such? Would it be referring to the... mindset, I guess, for lack of a better term coming to mind (not trying to imply it's a choice or anything, I just really can't think of any terminology that hits closer to the mark)... that makes them feel like they are the opposite gender of their biological sex?
    Atheism - A non-prophet organization.
    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits
    Stonedwolfed 2 months ago#61
    DragonBlood87 posted...
    I'll admit to not being entirely clear on it myself.

    It's good you have self-awareness of your limitations, but you need to do some education. And it won't be easy as people with Agendas try to influence that.

    For some it is a phase of affectation or experimentation, and that's fine. For others it is a lifelong issue and most certainly not a "choice". And it can be really debilitating, self-destructively so.
    Trying to understand the rationality of Social Justice Warriors is like trying to smell the colour 9.
    Rin-Tohsaka 2 months ago#62
    Jimayo posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    Psychology disagrees with your bigotry.

    Citation please.

    "Gender dysphoria" is a term that reflects more accurately than gender identity disorder when an individual is distressed about a conflict between their sex assigned at birth and their gender identity/role. "Gender identity disorder" suggests that their gender identity is disordered, yet having any gender identity, including a transgender identity, is not a disorder. However, having any gender identity, including a transgender identity, is not a disorder. Rather, the distress that some transgender people may experience at some point in their lives may be of clinical concern and can be alleviated through clinical management. The change in the DSM from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria was a way to depathologize having a gender identity that differs from one’s sex assigned at birth and recognize the concern and clinical care that transgender individuals may need to achieve comfort with their gender identity, their body and gender role.

    What part of gender dysphoria existing do you actually think discredits anything in his post?
    mrplainswalker 2 months ago#63
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Technically, for something to be a "disorder" it has to meet 2 conditions. First, it has to be atypical. Second, it has to be distressing in some way. The only reason that transgenders are distressed is because people like you don't accept them in society. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    It's like saying that being Jewish was a "disorder" in Nazi Germany. I mean, it's technically true...
    It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
    - willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas
    Jimayo 2 months ago#64
    Rin-Tohsaka posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    Psychology disagrees with your bigotry.

    Citation please.

    "Gender dysphoria" is a term that reflects more accurately than gender identity disorder when an individual is distressed about a conflict between their sex assigned at birth and their gender identity/role. "Gender identity disorder" suggests that their gender identity is disordered, yet having any gender identity, including a transgender identity, is not a disorder. However, having any gender identity, including a transgender identity, is not a disorder. Rather, the distress that some transgender people may experience at some point in their lives may be of clinical concern and can be alleviated through clinical management. The change in the DSM from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria was a way to depathologize having a gender identity that differs from one’s sex assigned at birth and recognize the concern and clinical care that transgender individuals may need to achieve comfort with their gender identity, their body and gender role.

    What part of gender dysphoria existing do you actually think discredits anything in his post?

    No one cares what you think madfoot.
    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    Rin-Tohsaka 2 months ago#65
    mrplainswalker posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Technically, for something to be a "disorder" it has to meet 2 conditions. First, it has to be atypical. Second, it has to be distressing in some way. The only reason that transgenders are distressed is because people like you don't accept them in society. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    It's like saying that being Jewish was a "disorder" in Nazi Germany. I mean, it's technically true...

    The only reason someone who identifies with the opposite sex to what they're born as feels distress is because of societal oppression? Really? Really?

    Come the fuck on...
    hunter_gohan 2 months ago#66
    Muhspaceaids posted...
    Yet parents today are forcing children into a Trans lifestyle.

    No they very much do not. 

    DragonBlood87 posted...
    Would it be referring to the... mindset, I guess, for lack of a better term coming to mind (not trying to imply it's a choice or anything, I just really can't think of any terminology that hits closer to the mark)... that makes them feel like they are the opposite gender of their biological sex?

    It's deeper than that. Trans men born in female bodies do not have female brains and vice versa.
    The food that stands on his [Odin's] table he gives to two wolves of his called Geri and Freki. He himself needs no food; wine is for him both drink and meat.
    mrplainswalker 2 months ago#67
    Rin-Tohsaka posted...
    The only reason someone who identifies with the opposite sex to what they're born as feels distress is because of societal oppression? Really? Really?

    Come the fuck on...

    Ok, maybe it isn't the only reason. But it's a significant hurdle. And the bigger point is that there's no reason to affect harm on people when you don't need to.

    I mean, what's the point?
    It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
    - willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas
    hunter_gohan 2 months ago#68
    Like just imagine you are who you are, your brain is still the same, but tomorrow you woke up in the body of the opposite sex and now you'll have that body for the rest of your life. All you dudes thinking people choose would just be perfectly fine with that body until you grow old and die? You don't think there'd be any dissonance between that body and the brain you have right now telling you you're the opposite sex of this hypothetical body?
    The food that stands on his [Odin's] table he gives to two wolves of his called Geri and Freki. He himself needs no food; wine is for him both drink and meat.
    DragonBlood87 2 months ago#69
    hunter_gohan posted...
    DragonBlood87 posted...
    Would it be referring to the... mindset, I guess, for lack of a better term coming to mind (not trying to imply it's a choice or anything, I just really can't think of any terminology that hits closer to the mark)... that makes them feel like they are the opposite gender of their biological sex?

    It's deeper than that. Trans men born in female bodies do not have female brains and vice versa.

    Interesting to know. I'll have to check out those articles later, though -- I'm already up later than I should be.
    Atheism - A non-prophet organization.
    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits
    mrplainswalker 2 months ago#70
    hunter_gohan posted...
    Like just imagine you are who you are, your brain is still the same, but tomorrow you woke up in the body of the opposite sex and now you'll have that body for the rest of your life.

    That sounds kinky. I wonder what it would be like to be a girl who wants to fuck a dude.

    Too bad I wasn't born in the future where such thoughts are possible to actually coalesce
    It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
    - willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas
    TheGrowlanser 2 months ago#71
    If I say what I believe (the truth and nothing but the truth) I'd get banned.
    Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily
    (message deleted)
    hunter_gohan 2 months ago#73
    mrplainswalker posted...
    That sounds kinky. I wonder what it would be like to be a girl who wants to fuck a dude.

    Well that's why I specifically said rest of your life. I'm pretty sure most straight dudes would not mind a girl's body for a day or two for stuff :p
    The food that stands on his [Odin's] table he gives to two wolves of his called Geri and Freki. He himself needs no food; wine is for him both drink and meat.
    mrplainswalker 2 months ago#74
    hunter_gohan posted...
    Well that's why I specifically said rest of your life. I'm pretty sure most straight dudes would not mind a girl's body for a day or two for stuff :p

    I was just being slightly ridiculous :)
    It's like punching a round bottom dummy. We all know it's futile, but occasionally it's fun.
    - willythemailboy on the subject of stray orcas
    TheGrowlanser 2 months ago#75
    Jimayo posted...
    TheGrowlanser posted...
    If I say what I believe (the truth and nothing but the truth) I'd get banned.

    That's cause you're a bigoted piece of shit at odds with reality.

    No, is because I would be piercing through society's veil of illusion.
    Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily
    Neo1661 2 months ago#76
    epik_fail1 posted...
    I am gay and I still think being transgender is a choice. Sexual attraction is not, what you wear is definitly what you choose to wear. There is nothing wrong with it though, I just hate that people act like it's the same.

    This is very contradictory. Being transgender is no different from being gay ie you don't choose to be either. Wearing women's clothing is a choice but have the feeling that you are/were born the wrong gender and in the wrong body is not.
    Jimayo 2 months ago#77
    TheGrowlanser posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    TheGrowlanser posted...
    If I say what I believe (the truth and nothing but the truth) I'd get banned.

    That's cause you're a bigoted piece of shit at odds with reality.

    No, is because I would be piercing through society's veil of illusion.

    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    TheShadowViper 2 months ago#78
    Honestly in the last 5 or so years I've seen the pendulum swing the other direction. Many of my gay friends are openly critical of religious families regardless of their views on gay marriage. That is, they are assuming that they "are against them" without even knowing where they stand on the issue. 

    I think a lot of conservatives need to realize members of LGBT aren't aliens out to abduct their children and transform them into gaybots. LGBT members need to realize that believing in a god does not necessarily mean that person is against LGBT.
    hollow_shrine 2 months ago#79
    TheShadowViper posted...
    Honestly in the last 5 or so years I've seen the pendulum swing the other direction. Many of my gay friends are openly critical of religious families regardless of their views on gay marriage. That is, they are assuming that they "are against them" without even knowing where they stand on the issue. 

    I think a lot of conservatives need to realize members of LGBT aren't aliens out to abduct their children and transform them into gaybots. LGBT members need to realize that believing in a god does not necessarily mean that person is against LGBT.

    I don't know about the rest of us, but the homosexual agenda and I are absolutely working 24/7 to convert your children and eventually everyone in to card-carrying friends of Dorothy. (by mark2000)
    Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
    Rin-Tohsaka 2 months ago#80
    hollow_shrine posted...
    TheShadowViper posted...
    Honestly in the last 5 or so years I've seen the pendulum swing the other direction. Many of my gay friends are openly critical of religious families regardless of their views on gay marriage. That is, they are assuming that they "are against them" without even knowing where they stand on the issue. 

    I think a lot of conservatives need to realize members of LGBT aren't aliens out to abduct their children and transform them into gaybots. LGBT members need to realize that believing in a god does not necessarily mean that person is against LGBT.

    I don't know about the rest of us, but the homosexual agenda and I are absolutely working 24/7 to convert your children and eventually everyone in to card-carrying friends of Dorothy.

    I wish there was a homosexual Christian agenda that pissed off both sides.
    hollow_shrine 2 months ago#81
    There are homosexuals who claim to be Christian. There are even non-denominational churches that make an effort to reach out to LGBT people who want to be part of spiritual communities but can't find any willing to accept them because of their sexuality. There are actually a lot of religious gay people, and to a large degree, the LGBT community couldn't care less...

    ...Until you open your trap and start Uncle Tom-ing for religious fundies. Then your gay privileges get revoked. (by mark2000)
    Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
    WarDog2016 2 months ago#82
    Dr_RudyMjolnir posted...
    God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.

    This is more of a problem with Republicans in my opinion, not conservatives. They do the same thing with rape abortions. If a Republican believed in "god's plan" at all, they'd not be okay with murdering the rape babies, and only the rape babies. They believe in the free market, except when we need to bail out the banks.

    So on, and so forth. I consider myself a conservative, but I understand that the Republicans are walking caricatures, similar to the cast of Sunny in Philadelphia. It brings me no pain to see them mocked relentlessly.
    (message deleted)
    TaiIs82 2 months ago#84
    We talk about bubbles quite a bit, and this is one of those cases. I don't mean to discourage the question, but it says something that people have to ask it in the first place, because they've never really heard the other side's case. Their press doesn't report it.

    For people who are seriously curious, I would suggest looking at what church leaders have to say. Take a look at people who formerly identified as trans. Children raised in a same-sex environment who testified to keep marriage as-is.

    There are simply some 2+2=4 issues in society. It does not equal five, no matter how many activists and judges say so. But we have a first amendment and people can be as wrong as they want to be. Here's another issue, though. More than the behavior, I would say the #1 reason I despise the SJW movement is that they refuse to recognize free speech and religious liberty. They ask everyone to accept whatever they want, to the point where Salon writers defend pedophiles, but they can't handle it when someone who lives a good life in every respect simply says "no." Some of them even want jail time for speech. It's absurd.
    Hero/Legend of 261. Lover of life,free speech,etc.
    The man who cared too much. Providing trickle-down knowledge since 2009
    Stonedwolfed 2 months ago#85
    mrplainswalker posted...
    Technically, for something to be a "disorder" it has to meet 2 conditions. First, it has to be atypical. Second, it has to be distressing in some way. The only reason that transgenders are distressed is because people like you don't accept them in society. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I personally "accept" anyone in society.

    But I disagree the the only trans people who have ever been distressed are because of society, plenty of people don't to be atypical just on their own terms. And dysmorphias, generally, are on the OCD spectrum - and that doesn't help.
    Trying to understand the rationality of Social Justice Warriors is like trying to smell the colour 9.
    pbnj 1 month ago#86
    Why are Muslims so against the LGBT?
    EliteGuard99 1 month ago#87
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Opponent cites the APA, Stone cites Wikipedia.

    Seems legit.
    "Sessions is like what would happen if a really sheltered home school kid did the fusion dance with everyone's racist thanksgiving uncle" - D_Bart
    Jimayo 1 month ago#88
    EliteGuard99 posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Opponent cites the APA, Stone cites Wikipedia.

    Seems legit.

    He's a joke poster.
    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    Boliver77 1 month ago#89
    Jimayo posted...
    EliteGuard99 posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Opponent cites the APA, Stone cites Wikipedia.

    Seems legit.

    He's a joke poster.

    You know its not hard to check the credibility of a Wikipedia page. Instead of bashing the link immediately without giving it a quick look on your own. This is one of the main articles this particular wiki page is referencing. Brought to you by PhDs and MDs in neuroscience.

    Students just wishing they could use Wikipedia for their classes actually can. They simply just need to scroll to the bottom of the article and use the sources provided to the page from there. They can easily click them and determine if the article is from a credible source.
    Muhspaceaids 1 month ago#90
    Boliver77 posted...
    You know its not hard to check the credibility of a Wikipedia page.


    Its sad that almost everyone who bashes wiki and says its unreliable often dont even know that wiki pages come with a reference tab that cites sources of information.

    One of the best ways to research is start at wiki to get basic info and then follow their references to delve deeper.

    but alas...
    Only plebs use 10 posts per page
    Boliver77 1 month ago#91
    Muhspaceaids posted...
    Boliver77 posted...
    You know its not hard to check the credibility of a Wikipedia page.


    Its sad that almost everyone who bashes wiki and says its unreliable often dont even know that wiki pages come with a reference tab that cites sources of information.

    One of the best ways to research is start at wiki to get basic info and then follow their references to delve deeper.

    but alas...

    I also think its gets more of a bad rap because many folks, especially college age students, get lectured by their professors on the 'evils' of Wikipedia because of its public nature of getting edited by anyone. Its my opinion that they are just stupid jealous that they didn't have information like this when they were younger and had to actually go to the library and use books. There has been a few studies done on Wikipedia and its found that's its actually quite a reliable place for information. There have been many stupid edits people would make to pages but it typically gets fixed really quick. As long as your paying attention to its sources and where they are from you should be fine.
    Sczoyd 1 month ago#92
    Conservatism is a philosophy that seeks to preserve the status quo from threats.
    They see any change with suspicion and fear.

    The GOP exploits that by exaggerating the threat from minorities: "They're ruining the sanctity of marriage!" 
    "Slippery slope, people will be marrying toasters!"

    They don't care about the lives they hurt as long as they can drum up enough fear to get people to vote for them
    Posted using GameFlux
    Jimayo 1 month ago#93
    Boliver77 posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    EliteGuard99 posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Opponent cites the APA, Stone cites Wikipedia.

    Seems legit.

    He's a joke poster.

    You know its not hard to check the credibility of a Wikipedia page. Instead of bashing the link immediately without giving it a quick look on your own. This is one of the main articles this particular wiki page is referencing. Brought to you by PhDs and MDs in neuroscience.

    Students just wishing they could use Wikipedia for their classes actually can. They simply just need to scroll to the bottom of the article and use the sources provided to the page from there. They can easily click them and determine if the article is from a credible source.

    I don't care. I provided the APA. He tried to counter with fucking wikipedia. I'll the AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION every time.
    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    Tech_Guy 1 month ago#94
    digressive posted...
    AceMos posted...
    KendoRe2 posted...
    Not against it at all, whatever floats your boat. I am extremely confused as to what rights, other than marriage, they think they don't have.

    adoption for one thing 

    for another schools can be harsh to LGBT youth

    In many states, someone can be fired for being gay.

    Even with federal protections?
    Clintrump 1 month ago#95
    Most corporate Democrats are against LGBT as well.
    Trump winning the 2016 election doesn't mean he's not a Democratic plant.
    Jimayo 1 month ago#96
    Clintrump posted...
    Most corporate Democrats are against LGBT as well.

    Literally a derpier poster than madfoot.
    261 - More troll food than any other board on the net.
    What the right sounds like:
    Boliver77 1 month ago#97
    Jimayo posted...
    Boliver77 posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    EliteGuard99 posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Opponent cites the APA, Stone cites Wikipedia.

    Seems legit.

    He's a joke poster.

    You know its not hard to check the credibility of a Wikipedia page. Instead of bashing the link immediately without giving it a quick look on your own. This is one of the main articles this particular wiki page is referencing. Brought to you by PhDs and MDs in neuroscience.

    Students just wishing they could use Wikipedia for their classes actually can. They simply just need to scroll to the bottom of the article and use the sources provided to the page from there. They can easily click them and determine if the article is from a credible source.

    I don't care. I provided the APA. He tried to counter with fucking wikipedia. I'll the AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION every time.

    You provided an interview posted ON the APA website from ONE PhD whereas the Wikipedia article had a plethora of sources referenced to actual studies from many PhDs and other reliable articles from peers. In fact, I think the Wikipedia article he posted wasn't even trying to object to your original article. He just made an insight, you immediately saw Wikipedia, and flipped the f**k out. "I don't care" doesn't discredit his link. If anything, he should have just scrolled down and posted the main referenced article instead to at least avoid any anti-wiki backlash due to the taboo nature Wikipedia has with ill-informed people.
    SaikyoStyle 1 month ago#98
    My fellow republicans tend to be driven by bigotry and hate and the only real acceptable bigotry left in the country is hatred of gays. It's quite simple really.
    Orlando City/USA Soccer 
    Dukat 2020. Make Cardassia Great Again!
    M_Project 1 month ago#99
    Dr_RudyMjolnir posted...
    God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.

    As an observant person who practices (as much as he can) of my own organized faith, it's essentially part of the larger problem - Why bad things happen to good people.

    This simple answer is we don't want to know why (because if did we would have no remorse). Instead G-d made it this way so that we would help others regardless of our understanding.
    Stonedwolfed 1 month ago#100
    Boliver77 posted...
    Jimayo posted...
    EliteGuard99 posted...
    Stonedwolfed posted...
    It's interesting that Gender Dysphoria is the only one of the Body Dysmorphic Disorders that is not a disorder. So if a man is mentally overwhelmed that his muscles are not big enough, it's both a dysmorphia and a disorder. If a woman is mentally overwhelmed he is too fat, it's both a dysphoria and a disorder. But if they are overwhelmed that their do not have the correct genitals - suddenly it's not a disorder.

    Is it the only Body Dysmorphic Disorder subcategory that's not a Disorder?

    Opponent cites the APA, Stone cites Wikipedia.

    Seems legit.

    He's a joke poster.

    You know its not hard to check the credibility of a Wikipedia page. Instead of bashing the link immediately without giving it a quick look on your own. This is one of the main articles this particular wiki page is referencing. Brought to you by PhDs and MDs in neuroscience.

    Students just wishing they could use Wikipedia for their classes actually can. They simply just need to scroll to the bottom of the article and use the sources provided to the page from there. They can easily click them and determine if the article is from a credible source.


    I had gone through the sources of that Wiki page to ensure they were well cited, as tends (VERY strongly) to be the case in their scientific pages.
    Understanding the rationality of SJWs is like trying to smell the colour 9.
    Locating the humanity of neo-Nazis is like finding the Unicorns' Graveyard.
    1. Boards
    2. Politics 
    3. Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?
      1. Boards
      2. Politics
      3. Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?
      Dyinglegacy 1 month ago#101
      Dr_RudyMjolnir posted...
      God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.

      I assume you're referring to the Christian god? That god has made mistakes. The story of Noah confirms it. If you read it, it states clearly that God repented for having made man, due to their wickedness (Genesis 6:6). In order to repent, one must have felt regret for something. To feel regret for something, one feels that they have made a mistake. 

      This god is not perfect. A perfect being would never have any need to repent.

      As to why conservatives are against LGBT? I would assume that mostly the Christian base is that way, and this is due to the Bibles outright condemnation of homosexuals. In the Old Testament, it plainly states that homosexuals should be killed. The New Testament is a bit more relaxed, but they are still condemned saying that they will go to hell.
      PSN: KillingLegacy Gamertag: Killing Legacy
      Tamamo-no-mae 1 month ago#102
      Dr_RudyMjolnir posted...
      God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.

      i'm not christian but this is basically my thinking, these people are the way they are because that's how they're supposed to be, if that wasn't the case they'd be something else.
      PSN:Red-BreastRobin |Crew Leader for the Anti-Earth Union(AEUG)GTA5
      The Official Tamamo-no-mae of GameFAQs.
      Stonedwolfed 1 month ago#103
      if God does not make mistakes... childhood cancer is an intentional act and choice on "his" part?
      Understanding the rationality of SJWs is like trying to smell the colour 9.
      Locating the humanity of neo-Nazis is like finding the Unicorns' Graveyard.
      Hyena 20 1 month ago#104
      I can simplify this with the following answer:

      1. Religion
      2. Sexism (men need 2 act manly, gayz r limpwrists and commies, and lesbians r just bitter chicks who can't get a man cuz they ugly. Lezbians annoying, gays r a threat to our kidz, our blood supply, and national security)

      Dyinglegacy posted...
      Dr_RudyMjolnir posted...
      God does not make mistakes, so God intentionally made people gay and transgender. Love thy neighbor you know.

      As to why conservatives are against LGBT? I would assume that mostly the Christian base is that way, and this is due to the Bibles outright condemnation of homosexuals. In the Old Testament, it plainly states that homosexuals should be killed. The New Testament is a bit more relaxed, but they are still condemned saying that they will go to hell.

      Yes, along with liars, thieves, swindlers/con artists, addicts, prostitutes, non-Christians, anyone who worships anything other than the Judeo Christian God, anyone who hates another human being for any reason, people who hold grudges, blasphemers, the arrogant, the boastful, adulterers, anyone who uses lewd speech, and anyone who disrespects their parents. (and murderers, of course)

      Yet somehow, the homophobes view male homosexuality as being worse than any of those excepting murder and maybe blasphemy and prostitution.
      Meet Captain Euro, the coolest superhero this side of Aquaman!~~Portal of Evil
      [Disillusioned Independent]
      DragonBlood87 1 month ago#105
      Hyena 20 posted...
      Yes, along with liarsthievesswindlers/con artistsaddicts, prostitutes, non-Christians, anyone who worships anything other than the Judeo Christian God, anyone who hates another human being for any reasonpeople who hold grudgesblasphemersthe arrogantthe boastfuladulterersanyone who uses lewd speech, and anyone who disrespects their parents. (and murderers, of course)

      Am I the only person amused by the fact that most of that list could be used to describe Republican politicians as a group, based on their personal sins?
      Atheism - A non-prophet organization.
      The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits
      DeltaRayquaza 1 month ago#106
      Dyinglegacy posted...
      In the Old Testament, it plainly states that homosexuals should be killed.

      Not necessarily. The only group outright condemned by that passage is bisexuals.
      I'm Garioshi. I haven't bothered getting this alt to Veteran in 4 years.
      PsykoMage 1 month ago#107
      DragonBlood87 posted...
      Hyena 20 posted...
      Yes, along with liarsthievesswindlers/con artistsaddicts, prostitutes, non-Christians, anyone who worships anything other than the Judeo Christian God, anyone who hates another human being for any reasonpeople who hold grudgesblasphemersthe arrogantthe boastfuladulterersanyone who uses lewd speech, and anyone who disrespects their parents. (and murderers, of course)

      Am I the only person amused by the fact that most of that list could be used to describe Republican politicians as a group, based on their personal sins?

      The Bible transcends politics.
      Voidgolem 1 month ago#108
      Stonedwolfed posted...
      if God does not make mistakes... childhood cancer is an intentional act and choice on "his" part?

      Some people would spin it as arbitrary tests of faith or a punishment for some misdoing.

      I'd take it as evidence that if there is a god it's either sadistic or doesn't care about our well being.
      Butthead24 1 month ago#109
      There is so much projection and opinion being presented as fact in this topic its outrageous. 

      Good God i hope none of you are decision makers.
      Dyinglegacy 1 month ago#110
      DeltaRayquaza posted...
      Dyinglegacy posted...
      In the Old Testament, it plainly states that homosexuals should be killed.

      Not necessarily. The only group outright condemned by that passage is bisexuals.

      Leviticus 20:13

      Depending on the translation you read, this could very well be referring to homosexuals.

      For instance, the international standard version words it like this: 

      "If a man has sexual relations with another male as he would with a woman, both have committed a repulsive act. They are certainly to be put to death."

      In this translation, the language is emphasizing comparison. Notice the word "would" is not the word "does". The word usage could insinuates that if a man has sex with another man, similar to how he would with a woman, then he should be killed.

      Another translation specifically uses the word "homosexuality".

      Some of the translations are not as clear, such as the King James Version: 

      "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

      I can see how one could get that this passage is referring to bisexuals.

      It's probably hokey, anyway.
      PSN: KillingLegacy Gamertag: Killing Legacy
      Dyinglegacy 1 month ago#111
      DragonBlood87 posted...
      Hyena 20 posted...
      Yes, along with liarsthievesswindlers/con artistsaddicts, prostitutes, non-Christians, anyone who worships anything other than the Judeo Christian God, anyone who hates another human being for any reasonpeople who hold grudgesblasphemersthe arrogantthe boastfuladulterersanyone who uses lewd speech, and anyone who disrespects their parents. (and murderers, of course)

      Am I the only person amused by the fact that most of that list could be used to describe Republican politicians as a group, based on their personal sins?

      Most of that list could be used to describe any group or individual, not just reps or dems.

      I feel that humans in general are a fuckin' stain.
      PSN: KillingLegacy Gamertag: Killing Legacy
      The_Undying_84 1 month ago#112
      Dyinglegacy posted...
      DeltaRayquaza posted...
      Dyinglegacy posted...
      In the Old Testament, it plainly states that homosexuals should be killed.

      Not necessarily. The only group outright condemned by that passage is bisexuals.

      Leviticus 20:13

      Depending on the translation you read, this could very well be referring to homosexuals.

      For instance, the international standard version words it like this: 

      "If a man has sexual relations with another male as he would with a woman, both have committed a repulsive act. They are certainly to be put to death."

      In this translation, the language is emphasizing comparison. Notice the word "would" is not the word "does". The word usage could insinuates that if a man has sex with another man, similar to how he would with a woman, then he should be killed.

      Another translation specifically uses the word "homosexuality".

      Some of the translations are not as clear, such as the King James Version: 

      "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

      I can see how one could get that this passage is referring to bisexuals.

      It's probably hokey, anyway.

      I mean, if you just think about it, the idea that it means bisexuals is absurd. That's obviously not what it means because they would never have thought that. They would not have had no beef with homosexuals but think bisexuals should die. Inability to procreate is a big part of ancient gay bashing, that doesn't apply to bisexuals.
      PSN: TheUndying84
      Vesperas 1 month ago#113
      AceMos posted...
      Jaghave posted...
      I would comment but the mods will suspended me because they can't handle the truth.

      no you would get modded for violating the TOS which you agreed to when you signed up

      No, because lefties narc. Most of you guys are so soft skinned, and I wonder how you function in public.
      Fierce Uprising's Legendary Leader and undisputed best MGO3 Sniper. 
      NA PS4 PSN: Vesperas (10 secsonds)
      suchiuomizu 1 month ago#114
      Vesperas posted...
      AceMos posted...
      Jaghave posted...
      I would comment but the mods will suspended me because they can't handle the truth.

      no you would get modded for violating the TOS which you agreed to when you signed up

      No, because lefties narc. Most of you guys are so soft skinned, and I wonder how you function in public.

      And conservatives are so ignorant and hateful, I don't know how we don't save the world by treating you all like 5 year old.
      1. Boards
      2. Politics 
      3. Why are conservatives so against the LGBT?

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