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Thursday, July 20, 2017

I wonder how the LGBT feels about Trump now that he has betrayed them again

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  3. I wonder how the LGBT feels about Trump now that he has betrayed them again
HaiseSasaki 1 month ago#1
First Pence.
Then, DeVos (Davros)
Now this:
The Doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me now, and I will end you and everything you love.
IMadepooh4U 1 month ago#2
Good. Trump refuses to divide the country. And stop lumping all gay people together. Many love Trump.
Alleged science looks for defense from Washington when it fails in the real world. - Edmund Burke
Dyinglegacy 1 month ago#3
PSN: KillingLegacy Gamertag: Killing Legacy
ClayGuida 1 month ago#4
IMadepooh4U posted...
Good. Trump refuses to divide the country. A

HaiseSasaki 1 month ago#5
Trump just divided he country even more
The Doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me now, and I will end you and everything you love.
TundraKing87 1 month ago#6
He held a flag the wrong way once for 30 seconds so clearly he's great for LGBTQ Americans. The RNC platform endorsing barriers to gay marriage, gay couples adopting and supporting conversion therapy on kids isn't important...that flag though!
Villain_S_Fiend 1 month ago#7
I don't think more than a relative handful within the LGBT community ever actually believed Trump's presidency would hold anything worthwhile for them. Likely just hopeful log cabin republicans.
The food here is awful. My steak was so tough, halfway through my meal it got up and attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
hollow_shrine 1 month ago#8
What betrayal? No member of the LGBTQ community with any sense of history believed for an instant that this administration would stand for them. You have to have trust before you can have betrayal. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
SPMcGuilicutty 1 month ago#9
IMadepooh4U posted...
Good. Trump refuses to divide the country.

But he's already done that.
Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)
HaiseSasaki 1 month ago#10
Villain_S_Fiend posted...
I don't think more than a relative handful within the LGBT community ever actually believed Trump's presidency would hold anything worthwhile for them. Likely just hopeful log cabin republicans.

Well this girl who graduated a year before me, she is 21-22 now. She is bisexual, she voted for Trump. She is sorta a gothic/Emo type girl. I'm not sure of the exact phrase. She isn't full goth. But she dyes her hair alot wears piercings alot. Likes Ariana Grande. 
Honestly, it was a bit odd. I wonder what she thinks now. She has kept quiet on instagram, but I'm sure she only keeps up with politics when it comes to the president.
The Doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me now, and I will end you and everything you love.
ClayGuida 1 month ago#11
HaiseSasaki posted...
Villain_S_Fiend posted...
I don't think more than a relative handful within the LGBT community ever actually believed Trump's presidency would hold anything worthwhile for them. Likely just hopeful log cabin republicans.

Well this girl who graduated a year before me, she is 21-22 now. She is bisexual, she voted for Trump. She is sorta a gothic/Emo type girl. I'm not sure of the exact phrase. She isn't full goth. But she dyes her hair alot wears piercings alot. Likes Ariana Grande. 
Honestly, it was a bit odd. I wonder what she thinks now. She has kept quiet on instagram, but I'm sure she only keeps up with politics when it comes to the president.
mercurydude 1 month ago#12
I am not surprised by any betrayal by him. If he said tomorrow that he wanted to reinstate DADT, I would not be surprised. 

He showed his true colors when he picked Pence as a running mate, and holding up a flag and paying lip service to protecting the LGBT community won't ever make up for that.
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." 
- Thomas Jefferson, writing on the subject of religion
WindMouseHanpan 1 month ago#13
So he's not hosting LGBT events. Okay, big deal lol, gay people can celebrate their month by themselves. Good on Trump.
Come check out Iido's Gaming Den for Let's Plays 'n other stuff!
mercurydude 1 month ago#14
WindMouseHanpan posted...
So he's not hosting LGBT events. Okay, big deal lol, gay people can celebrate their month by themselves. Good on Trump.

Yes, good on Trump on showing how fake he is in pretending he was a friend to the LGBT community. But as has already been discussed here, few people were fooled by his bullshit in the first place. 

Fuck this treasonous Putin cockholster.
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." 
- Thomas Jefferson, writing on the subject of religion
hollow_shrine 1 month ago#15
mercurydude posted...
Fuck this treasonous Putin cockholster.

Unless he's into that. Then unfuck him leave him to roam the halls the WH alone and confused. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
Goldice 1 month ago#16
Why would anyone be surprised? His only show was holding a flag for a few seconds.
New England Patriots: Super Bowl XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLIX, LI Champions
Jaghave 1 month ago#17
Make June Great Again!
AP3Brain 1 month ago#18
Villain_S_Fiend posted...
I don't think more than a relative handful within the LGBT community ever actually believed Trump's presidency would hold anything worthwhile for them. Likely just hopeful log cabin republicans.

Yeah... pretty sure the LGBT support Trump got was relatively small. The one's that did vote him should feel silly though...
hollow_shrine 1 month ago#19
Jaghave posted...
Make June Great Again!

June has always been fierce, but this June is about to get sickening. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
Triad 1 month ago#20
Villain_S_Fiend posted...
I don't think more than a relative handful within the LGBT community ever actually believed Trump's presidency would hold anything worthwhile for them. Likely just hopeful log cabin republicans.
Conoci la paz.
hivebent4life 1 month ago#21
It's not really a betrayal when 95% of us didn't fall for his lies in the first place. A republican government of any sort will always be damaging to LGBT+ people
3DS FC: 5069-3910-2647
IMadepooh4U 1 month ago#22
hivebent4life posted...
It's not really a betrayal when 95% of us didn't fall for his lies in the first place. A republican government of any sort will always be damaging to LGBT+ people

LGBT+ people don't benefit from a stronger economy and more secure borders?
Alleged science looks for defense from Washington when it fails in the real world. - Edmund Burke
hivebent4life 1 month ago#23
IMadepooh4U posted...
hivebent4life posted...
It's not really a betrayal when 95% of us didn't fall for his lies in the first place. A republican government of any sort will always be damaging to LGBT+ people

LGBT+ people don't benefit from a stronger economy and more secure borders?

Republicans always crash the economy and then a democrat has to come along and fix it.

And wasting billions of tax payer dollars on a wall is not going to stop a single illegal crossing
3DS FC: 5069-3910-2647
Sir Will 1 month ago#24
Only delusional idiots were on his side to begin with. As with most Trump supporters, no amount of idiocy will dissuade them it seems.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
dotsdfe 1 month ago#25
hollow_shrine posted...
What betrayal? No member of the LGBTQ community with any sense of history believed for an instant that this administration would stand for them. You have to have trust before you can have betrayal.
Winner of the Third Hacked User Contest.
World's #1 Phoenix Wright fan.
(message deleted)
Sephiroth4747 1 month ago#27
Truth is, 78% of the LGTB community voted for Hillary and 14% voted for Trump. I forget where I got this statistic. They knew what they were getting with the Trump administration.

Washington Post article shortly after the election:

As Tuesday night faded into Wednesday, Steve Mendelsohn, deputy executive director of the Trevor Project, a suicide prevention hotline for LBGTQ youths, decided to sleep instead of wait out the results. He knew he’d need to get to the office early the next morning, he said, and that he would need to rally extra help to take calls, which were already flooding in.

Still, the calls kept coming.

Between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Wednesday, their average intake had more than doubled, Mendelsohn said. Almost everyone was calling about the election.

“We have made so much progress over the past few years, and there’s a fear that we’re going” going backward and that “LGBTQ people are going to lose their rights,” Mendelsohn told Time magazine. “Young people are worried about their futures.”

The last time the Trevor Project saw a surge like this, Mendelsohn said, was after the massacre in Orlando at the Pulse nightclub.

At the Crisis Text Line, pleas for help more than doubled in the 24 hours since Trump emerged victorious. Some 2,000 people contacted the text hotline, with the words “election” and “scared” as the most commonly used. The latter was most often associated with “LGBTQ.”

More than 5 percent of texters mentioned anxieties about family disagreements over the election, a fear probably heightened by the looming holiday season.

And at Trans Lifeline, a hotline launched just two years ago for transgender people and staffed by other trans people, the phones started ringing louder about 10 p.m. Ninety-seven calls were answered Tuesday night, and by early Wednesday evening the hotline had received more than 500 calls. At times, they had more than they could handle.

“Trans people face very real harassment and discrimination, and I think a lot of people had very much hoped it would get better,” Greta Martela, co-founder and executive director of Trans Lifeline, said. “It’s very hard to believe it will get better in the next four years, which is a very long time to wait.”

After same-sex marriage was legalized across the country, the national discourse shifted to the rights of people who identify as transgender. The Obama administration became a champion of the community in his final year in office, issuing “guidance” to schools nationwide to allow transgender students to use of bathrooms and locker rooms conforming to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex.

That outcry was the last time Trans Lifelife saw a heavy uptick in call volume — and even then it peaked at just 251.

“I just think it’s getting hard for people to keep having hope,” Martela said. “We have a lot of work to do in this country. And it’s stalled for the next four years, and that’s pretty bad.”

Trump has said in the past that he believes transgender people should be able to use the bathroom of their choice, but many in the party he now leads disagree, and there remains a fear that his picks to fill vacancies on the Supreme Court could work to strip away protections for LGBTQ people.

It’s not uncommon for a large life event, such as the election of a new national leader, to force those who have had traumatic experiences to relive them all at once, said Draper, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline director. The anxieties build — about relationships, family, finances — and become overwhelming.
hollow_shrine 1 month ago#28
1Y2i3m0d posted...
lol the pathetic sense of victimization itt is despicable. 

So Trump didn't RSVP for some sort of meaningless gay pride tradition, and all of a sudden he's Hitler and hates gays? The delusion is is strong with you bunch. Maybe he's already got plans, or just doesn't like the general theme and tradition. He doesn't have to like everything. As a presidential candidate he said he really doesn't give a shit about gay marriage. It's already done, they have rights, and he has no issues with that. He doesn't have to grab his golden horn and blow it for every group. He's not hurting anyone by not following this meaningless cry for attention tradition from the gays. But of course that's not enough, the homosexual movement always wants the thought police to come down hard on people who don't go to the end of the earth to proclaim their support.

False, sweetie. Pay more attention to those fire and brimstone sermons some of you love so much. We don't get angry; we give natural disasters.

Why, my coven and I are busy gaying up this years' batch of tropical storms and West Texas floods as we speak. 

Stay tuned (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
mizukage2 1 month ago#29
In fairness, holding a flag for a few seconds was way more effort then he put into proving he was totally going to do things like bring back jobs.
I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-Josh
hollow_shrine 1 month ago#30
mizukage2 posted...
In fairness, holding a flag for a few seconds was way more effort then he put into proving he was totally going to do things like bring back jobs.

True. Why do you think his supporters believed him? Personally, I suspect they've got self esteem and attachment issues, and they don't love themselves. But that's just my speculation. (by mark2000)
Transwomen have been murdered since 1/1/2017
KD003 1 month ago#31
So Trump disappointed Kaitlyn Jenner, a handful of conservatives in denial of their sexuality, a good amount of Republican politicians with a scandal coming their way, and that's about it.
There is no SFV Message Board. Only Reek now.
mizukage2 1 month ago#32
hollow_shrine posted...
mizukage2 posted...
In fairness, holding a flag for a few seconds was way more effort then he put into proving he was totally going to do things like bring back jobs.

True. Why do you think his supporters believed him? Personally, I suspect they've got self esteem and attachment issues, and they don't love themselves. But that's just my speculation.

Desperation on the part of the jobs crowd, I guess.
I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-Josh
Muscle Buster 1 month ago#33
hollow_shrine posted...
mizukage2 posted...
In fairness, holding a flag for a few seconds was way more effort then he put into proving he was totally going to do things like bring back jobs.

True. Why do you think his supporters believed him? Personally, I suspect they've got self esteem and attachment issues, and they don't love themselves. But that's just my speculation.

You're thinking of Democrats. Hence their whining and bitching that Hillary, apparently the ONLY Democrat worth a (supposed) damn to them, lost.

1Y2i3m0d posted...
lol the pathetic sense of victimization itt is despicable. 

So Trump didn't RSVP for some sort of meaningless gay pride tradition, and all of a sudden he's Hitler and hates gays? The delusion is is strong with you bunch. Maybe he's already got plans, or just doesn't like the general theme and tradition. He doesn't have to like everything. As a presidential candidate he said he really doesn't give a shit about gay marriage. It's already done, they have rights, and he has no issues with that. He doesn't have to grab his golden horn and blow it for every group. He's not hurting anyone by not following this meaningless cry for attention tradition from the gays. But of course that's not enough, the homosexual movement always wants the thought police to come down hard on people who don't go to the end of the earth to proclaim their support.

The sad part is, as a lesbian myself, I can personally attest to this belligerent half-'Us vs Them', half-'victim syndrome' mentality amongst our kind. And I should clarify that, much like feminazis and SJWs as opposed to actual feminists and social justice activists, they're just a rabid segment of the overall LGBT community.
Don't look at me like that, you cretin.
Greatest GTA Moment Ever...
(message deleted)
SPMcGuilicutty 1 month ago#35
Taiis is the only person who makes me wish that Hell was real, because I know that he'll end up there.
Make 261 Great Again
Not changing this sig until infinitys_7th pays me the $1,000 he owes me(4/6/17)
Sin_of_Chaos 1 month ago#36
A lot of gay people that did like him thought that he would preserve gay rights. He didn't. Today, many of them regret ever supporting him and felt like they were lied to. They were.
IMadepooh4U 1 month ago#37
Sin_of_Chaos posted...
A lot of gay people that did like him thought that he would preserve gay rights. He didn't. Today, many of them regret ever supporting him and felt like they were lied to. They were.

What rights are you referring to?
Alleged science looks for defense from Washington when it fails in the real world. - Edmund Burke
Sin_of_Chaos 1 month ago#38
Oh trust me, he tried to come off as the most gay friendly republican out there. All he did was to play them. He played them, they fell for it. There are even videos of him acting like he is pro gay in every form and then look what he does. He contradicts everything he has said about gays based on his actions.

The Log Cabin Republicans, the republicans who are pro gay endorsed him of all republicans because of his stance. Boy were they fooled.
1Y2i3m0d 1 month ago#39
Muscle Buster posted...
hollow_shrine posted...
mizukage2 posted...
In fairness, holding a flag for a few seconds was way more effort then he put into proving he was totally going to do things like bring back jobs.

True. Why do you think his supporters believed him? Personally, I suspect they've got self esteem and attachment issues, and they don't love themselves. But that's just my speculation.

You're thinking of Democrats. Hence their whining and bitching that Hillary, apparently the ONLY Democrat worth a (supposed) damn to them, lost.

1Y2i3m0d posted...
lol the pathetic sense of victimization itt is despicable. 

So Trump didn't RSVP for some sort of meaningless gay pride tradition, and all of a sudden he's Hitler and hates gays? The delusion is is strong with you bunch. Maybe he's already got plans, or just doesn't like the general theme and tradition. He doesn't have to like everything. As a presidential candidate he said he really doesn't give a shit about gay marriage. It's already done, they have rights, and he has no issues with that. He doesn't have to grab his golden horn and blow it for every group. He's not hurting anyone by not following this meaningless cry for attention tradition from the gays. But of course that's not enough, the homosexual movement always wants the thought police to come down hard on people who don't go to the end of the earth to proclaim their support.

The sad part is, as a lesbian myself, I can personally attest to this belligerent half-'Us vs Them', half-'victim syndrome' mentality amongst our kind. And I should clarify that, much like feminazis and SJWs as opposed to actual feminists and social justice activists, they're just a rabid segment of the overall LGBT community.

That's good to hear. The out of touch LGBT warriors are only doing more harm for your kind tbh. It's like terrorism and Islam. Every new attack just makes some people more questionable of the ideology. At least there are people like you who are able to recognize the fault and move on from it.
Sephiroth4747 1 month ago#40
TaiIs82 posted...
Trans Lifelife saw a heavy uptick in call volume — and even then it peaked at just 251.

Surely we could find a wing for them somewhere. Calming colors and rainbows on the walls, with an attentive staff to meet their every need. Any daycares go out of business recently?

Making fun of people who were worried about committing suicide? How edgy.
  1. Boards
  2. Politics 
  3. I wonder how the LGBT feels about Trump now that he has betrayed them again

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