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Friday, July 28, 2017

Raised without gender in sweden is this ok to you?

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  3. Raised without gender in sweden is this ok to you?
Halo478 2 days ago#1
BillyKidd 2 days ago#2
Sweden is a lost cause, just forget about it and move on.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
Really don't care unless of course the parents are forcing the kids to choose the opposite stuff.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
billcom6 2 days ago#4
gender is a meaningless social construct
Because most days are bad days... --- Steam and XBOX Live: billcom6
My Teams: The Ohio State Buckeyes, New York Yankees, Buffalo Bills, The CBJ, Cavs
gunplagirl 2 days ago#5
Fair, next

Truly leading the way for the rest of the world to follow
Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: Vanessa
I'm so confused
I mean

Right this is why I drink
nothing wrong with it really, but I bet the kids are gonna be real obnoxious when they grow up.
The "b" word and the "g" word

Okay I'm dead. This is partially a parody right?
Like, I get it's serious on some levels but some of it has to be a f***ing parody.
eston 2 days ago#9
I am kind of curious how having no gender will affect a person's sense of "self." As a cis man I really can't deny that my gender is a fundamental part of my personal identity
Teh_Dr_Phil 2 days ago#10
eston posted...
I am kind of curious how having no gender will affect a person's sense of "self." As a cis man I really can't deny that my gender is a fundamental part of my personal identity

please don't use silly words like cis.
FF_Redux 2 days ago#11
Yes it's how it is in Sweden. Annoying when the old man turned out to be a woman.

seriously never head of this and this is just one more attempt to make Sweden look worse by the internet
eston posted...
I am kind of curious how having no gender will affect a person's sense of "self."

I honestly consider it a bit of play and imagination time for kids - you can pretend to be a builder and that won't make you a builder when you're an adult.
I mean on some level, yes there are kids suffering from being transgender and having to wait until puberty to start HRT/HB but at the end of the day, the entire thing so far seems like adults are trying to be progressive for the sake of progression and the kids are going along with it. Some kids continue it when they realize they're actually opposite sex and some won't.

I still think the parents are parodying on some level

FF_Redux posted...
Yes it's how it is in Sweden.

Also don't forget the mosque on every corner just like there's a pub on every corner in Ireland.
That's only a half joke.
Seeing Batman doing ballet really lightened up the video.

If there's anything I did agree with in it, I think the children school's approach to avoid enforcing gender stereotypes was a sound way to go. I don't believe it's really necessary to tell little kids at that age that they must do girl or boy things, because it could stifle their learning and creativity as individuals. 

Maybe a little boy has made friends with girls in class. They like playing with dolls, so he plays along with them. So what? That doesn't mean he's going to want to collect dolls as a grown man. He's learning to socialize, that's what needs to be paid attention to. The dolls can just be an activity for the kids to bond over. And some pivotal aspects of early development that little boys could use more help with are overcoming social anxiety and learning to make bonds with kids their own age. Girls are often more inclined to do that. Boys can have trouble with it and sometimes need help.

Maybe a little girl likes playing with the boys and you don't see her interacting much with the other girls doing girly stuff. Don't pick her up and keep setting her with the other girls. When she wants to hang with the girls she will come to that decision on her own. If she keeps running back to play with the boys, it's because she's having more fun with them. Let her have fun her way. There will be plenty of time for her to learn how to play with girls later. She's not gonna turn 18 in one day. She's not gonna become a lesbian just because she played super ninjas with the boys as a little kid. Although she might become a Power Ranger.

When the kids get older and start hitting puberty, okay, maybe then it's time to give them some subtle gender guidance. But like 3-10 years old? Forget that, let them play how they want.
Surprised it's not California.
"where's your partner"

"at work; someone's got to bring home the veggie bacon."

Literally spit my drink out at that one. I know he's being super serious and I'm 100% fine with how they live their lives, but that line is straight out of some right wing parody of this sort of lifestyle.
Gt: justaguy3492
CADE FOSTER 2 days ago#16
(message deleted)
it's kind of creepy how these initiatives more often than not result in emasculated boys that are trained to be anti-masculinity
It is pretty cool how that one episode of South Park is slowly coming to life. Looks like not only the Simpsons can predict the future.
NathanX95 1 day ago#20
This is f***ing scary what this world is coming to. I hope this insanity doesn't spread.
Parappa09 1 day ago#21
i'm glad someone posted this on CE, i published that video on YT >.>
Flasbangs 1 day ago#22
BillyKidd posted...
Sweden is a lost cause, just forget about it and move on.

You just can't trust a people where the men generally have longer hair than the women and they put mashed potatoes on their hotdogs.. It's just barbaric.
"That's the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lion's mouth and flicking his love spuds with a wet towel" - Arnold Rimmer
Kaiganeer 1 day ago#23
humanity was a mistake
Parappa09 23 hours ago#24
Parappa09 15 hours ago#25
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  3. Raised without gender in sweden is this ok to you?

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