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Friday, July 28, 2017

T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'

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  3. T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'

A retired Navy SEAL Team 6 hero who is transgender had a message for President Donald Trump after he announced the US military would bar transgender people from serving."Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy," Kristin Beck, a 20-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, told Business Insider on Wednesday. "Transgender doesn't matter. Do your service."

Beck said Trump's abrupt change in policy could negatively affect many currently or wanting to serve in the military. The RAND Corporation estimated in 2016 that there were between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender people serving. Many of them just want to serve their country like everyone else, Beck said. "Being transgender doesn't affect anyone else," Beck said. "We are liberty's light. If you can't defend that for everyone that's an American citizen, that's not right."

Beck is not just your average service member. Born Christopher Beck, she served for 20 years in the Navy with SEAL Teams 1, 5, and, eventually, the elite 6. She deployed 13 times over two decades, including stints in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. She received the Bronze Star award for valor and the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat.

"I was defending individual liberty," she said. "I defended for Republicans. I defended for Democrats. I defended for everyone." In a series of tweets, Trump said the decision was based on the costs of medical services that transgender service members could use. But "the money is negligible," Beck said. "You're talking about .000001% of the military budget.

"They care more about the airplane or the tank than they care about people," Beck said. "They don't care about people. They don't care about human beings." When asked about potential problems with unit cohesion or war fighting, Beck said those were not issues that would arise from transgender service members, but from leadership.

"A very professional unit with great leadership wouldn't have a problem," Beck said. "I can have a Muslim serving right beside Jerry Falwell, and we're not going to have a problem. It's a leadership issue, not a transgender issue."

Once again, 'small-government' hypocrites..
You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
{Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
billcom6 1 day ago#2
Trump always wanted a Purple Heart!
Because most days are bad days... --- Steam and XBOX Live: billcom6
My Teams: The Ohio State Buckeyes, New York Yankees, Buffalo Bills, The CBJ, Cavs
(message deleted)
CADE FOSTER 1 day ago#4
CADE FOSTER posted...
All the motherf***ers in congress and the senate are p****** f*** them
Garioshi 1 day ago#5
billcom6 posted...
Trump always wanted a Purple Heart!

I think he already has one. It's frostbitten from how cold-hearted he is.
"The only things I can trust right now are myself and this big gun." - Eric from Zero Time Dilemma
Duncanwii 1 day ago#6
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military. They belong there so don't leave, fight the power.
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
Kaiganeer 1 day ago#7
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military.

better yet, stage an armed uprising on a US military base

that'll show those suits!
bretonftw 1 day ago#8
s***_Fet says that SEAL shouldn't have been allowed to get that far.
"Christians cannot be violent, the new testament is completely against it" - darkphoenix181
(message deleted)
lww99 1 day ago#10
Kaiganeer posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military.

better yet, stage an armed uprising on a US military base

that'll show those suits!

Duncanwii 1 day ago#11
lww99 posted...
Kaiganeer posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military.

better yet, stage an armed uprising on a US military base

that'll show those suits!


I hope that wasn't directed towards me. Sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to defend yourself when other options won't work. What Trump did today is unforgivable to trans soldiers everywhere and they need to tell him what they think of it.
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Axiom 1 day ago#12
Lmao I saw that dumb post Fam_Fam
I'll say it to your face, you're nothing.
Draft dodging garbage like Trump says 7500 transgender cant serve the country f*** him they are braver than he will will ever be
lww99 1 day ago#15
Duncanwii posted...
lww99 posted...
Kaiganeer posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military.

better yet, stage an armed uprising on a US military base

that'll show those suits!


I hope that wasn't directed towards me. Sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to defend yourself when other options won't work. What Trump did today is unforgivable to trans soldiers everywhere and they need to tell him what they think of it.

Civil disobedience is not an armed uprising. Try again. 

One ends in their deaths. Don't play coy.
Duncanwii 1 day ago#16
lww99 posted...
Duncanwii posted...
lww99 posted...
Kaiganeer posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military.

better yet, stage an armed uprising on a US military base

that'll show those suits!


I hope that wasn't directed towards me. Sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to defend yourself when other options won't work. What Trump did today is unforgivable to trans soldiers everywhere and they need to tell him what they think of it.

Civil disobedience is not an armed uprising. Try again. 

One ends in their deaths. Don't play coy.

Yes because I'm sure murdering every transsexual soldier for trying to protect their rights as American citizens would go real well with the public (sarcasm)
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
Garioshi 1 day ago#17
Bryan_the_Lion posted...
I'll say it to your face, you're nothing.

"The only things I can trust right now are myself and this big gun." - Eric from Zero Time Dilemma
ColdOne666 1 day ago#18
So a guy served in the army for 20 years and then decided to get a sex change later lol.

Yeah whatever.
FFX is the best game of all time. The only good Nintendo franchises are Pokemon and Fire Emblem. Comics are for kids.
(message deleted)
Samurontai 1 day ago#20
ColdOne666 posted...
So a guy served in the army for 20 years and then decided to get a sex change later lol.

Yeah whatever.

What's your point...?
Santorin 1 day ago#21
~~o ~~o ( . Y . )
Samurontai posted...
ColdOne666 posted...
So a guy served in the army for 20 years and then decided to get a sex change later lol.

Yeah whatever.

What's your point...?

probably that something done after serving in the military has little to no bearing on this situation whatsoever

but i'm just guessing <--CR site.
The silence of a man waiting to die.
Samurontai 1 day ago#23
ShadowNinja606 posted...
Samurontai posted...
ColdOne666 posted...
So a guy served in the army for 20 years and then decided to get a sex change later lol.

Yeah whatever.

What's your point...?

probably that something done after serving in the military has little to no bearing on this situation whatsoever

but i'm just guessing

So you don't know what transgender means or....?

Or maybe ColdOne doesn't know what it means?

Yeah I still don't understand what the point of the post is tbh
Got DAYUM I haven't seen the libcucks this upset in awhile. 

"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
J E S U S 1 day ago#25
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military. They belong there so don't leave, fight the power.

Yes they should definitely get themselves court martialed. I'm sure this will ensure everyone else in the army that these people won't become a liability in battle.
Duncanwii 1 day ago#26
J E S U S posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military. They belong there so don't leave, fight the power.

Yes they should definitely get themselves court martialed. I'm sure this will ensure everyone else in the army that these people won't become a liability in battle.

They've already been discharged there's nothing left the government can do to them. The least they can do is make a statement and I'm not backing down on this.
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
Kaiganeer posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military.

better yet, stage an armed uprising on a US military base

that'll show those suits!

Only on CE can a suggestion to peacefully protest by continuing to work be construed into an act of violent uprising.
Duncanwii posted...
J E S U S posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military. They belong there so don't leave, fight the power.

Yes they should definitely get themselves court martialed. I'm sure this will ensure everyone else in the army that these people won't become a liability in battle.

They've already been discharged there's nothing left the government can do to them. The least they can do is make a statement and I'm not backing down on this.

Transsexuals should refuse to leave the military 

They've already been discharged 

"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
Duncanwii 1 day ago#30
PokemonHunter69 posted...
You were worthy, not anymore v_v

They are still worthy, the fact that the President and his army of bigots think otherwise is inconsequential.
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
So she was still a guy when she was in action? Kinda mutes her point a little bit doesn't it.

glitteringfairy posted...
Got DAYUM I haven't seen the libcucks this upset in awhile. 


2 days ago they didn't give one s*** about the military and now all of them are die hard fans.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
BBT topic. Please don't feed the OP. Discuss this in a topic made by someone who isn't a derpy troll.
E32005 1 day ago#33
(message deleted)
Is part of this an attempt by Trump admins to ensure people aren't joining the military with the intent to turn around and use military benefits to get free sex change operations? If you had transgender soldiers, wouldn't the military be required to pay for their ongoing hormone treatments indefinitely? 

I would bet that is more likely than Trump actively hating trans people. His wife is a super model, he's DJT , he sees that s*** everywhere. No big deal.
Keith_Valentine posted...
Is part of this an attempt by Trump admins to ensure people aren't joining the military with the intent to turn around and use military benefits to get free sex change operations? If you had transgender soldiers, wouldn't the military be required to pay for their ongoing hormone treatments indefinitely?

Yeah, the military can barely take care of the people that actually need treatment. But lets add all this other stuff. And imagine the b****fit the left would have if a transgender was turned away so someone with an actual medical problem could get care.
Duncanwii posted...
J E S U S posted...
Duncanwii posted...
Transsexual soldiers need to make a statement and refuse to leave the military. They belong there so don't leave, fight the power.

Yes they should definitely get themselves court martialed. I'm sure this will ensure everyone else in the army that these people won't become a liability in battle.

They've already been discharged there's nothing left the government can do to them. The least they can do is make a statement and I'm not backing down on this.

Kid, you have no idea what you're talking about. Shut the f*** up.
Voted best user on CE 2012 - 2016
Current e-argument streak: 9005 wins. 0 losses.
HogRiderreturns posted...
Keith_Valentine posted...
Is part of this an attempt by Trump admins to ensure people aren't joining the military with the intent to turn around and use military benefits to get free sex change operations? If you had transgender soldiers, wouldn't the military be required to pay for their ongoing hormone treatments indefinitely?

Yeah, the military can barely take care of the people that actually need treatment. But lets add all this other stuff. And imagine the b****fit the left would have if a transgender was turned away so someone with an actual medical problem could get care.

Agreed. Logistically, it would almost certainly be a f***ing nightmare. 

Hence the emotional appeals. 'Former navy seal stands up to evil Trump!!' Pure basic, emotional propoganda to push an agenda. No f***s given to the enormous problems that would be created by their demands.

Only 6k. Why wouldn't i, as a business or.. military leader, not hire new recruits without these serious medical issues?
Samurontai 1 day ago#39
gatorsPENSbucs posted...
So she was still a guy when she was in action? Kinda mutes her point a little bit doesn't it

"I don't know what transgender means"
yemmy 1 day ago#40
7,500 is a made up number
TheVipaGTS 1 day ago#41
Man conservatives are gonna be stuck. They berated Kaepernick because he disrespected troops by kneeling, now they have to disparage this soldier for being Trans to make it look like they're doing the right thing. 

*gets popcorn*
Samurontai posted...
gatorsPENSbucs posted...
So she was still a guy when she was in action? Kinda mutes her point a little bit doesn't it

"I don't know what transgender means"

Does it mean you can transform into whatever gender you want?
Samurontai 1 day ago#43
BalisticWarri0r posted...
Samurontai posted...
gatorsPENSbucs posted...
So she was still a guy when she was in action? Kinda mutes her point a little bit doesn't it

"I don't know what transgender means"

Does it mean you can transform into whatever gender you want?


I didn't realize shapeshifters existed irl, holy s*** that's amazing
Samurontai 1 day ago#44

Do you think that if I concentrate hard enough, I could maybe transform into a Japanese guy and finally live out my dream of being Asian? :o
(edited 1 day ago)quote
yemmy 1 day ago#45
TheVipaGTS posted...
Man conservatives are gonna be stuck. They berated Kaepernick because he disrespected troops by kneeling, now they have to disparage this soldier for being Trans to make it look like they're doing the right thing. 

*gets popcorn*

Except the National Anthem isn't necessarily about the troops. 

Maybe liberals need to be more concerned with their own image (like their deluded obsession with Russia and Donald Trump) instead of what conservatives look like. 

Identity politics, virtue signaling and mud slinging aren't gonna get you the house and senate back (or the presidency for that matter).
Samurontai 1 day ago#46
yemmy posted...
Maybe liberals need to be more concerned with their own image (like their deluded obsession with Russia and Donald Trump) instead of what conservatives look like.

"Stop focusing on things that have plausible cause behind them and are being investigated by multiple intelligence agencies if you're going to focus on something that the president does for literally no reason other than to ostracize a specific group of people!"

Uh, how about no?
Keith_Valentine posted...
HogRiderreturns posted...
Keith_Valentine posted... 
Is part of this an attempt by Trump admins to ensure people aren't joining the military with the intent to turn around and use military benefits to get free sex change operations? If you had transgender soldiers, wouldn't the military be required to pay for their ongoing hormone treatments indefinitely?

Yeah, the military can barely take care of the people that actually need treatment. But lets add all this other stuff. And imagine the b****fit the left would have if a transgender was turned away so someone with an actual medical problem could get care.

Agreed. Logistically, it would almost certainly be a f***ing nightmare. 

Hence the emotional appeals. 'Former navy seal stands up to evil Trump!!' Pure basic, emotional propoganda to push an agenda. No f***s given to the enormous problems that would be created by their demands.

Only 6k. Why wouldn't i, as a business or.. military leader, not hire new recruits without these serious medical issues?

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Barenziah Boy Toy 1 day ago#48
yemmy posted...
Identity politics, virtue signaling and mud slinging aren't gonna get you the house and senate back

That's exactly how Trump and the GOP got Congress, and the Presidency in the first place.
You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
{Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
Garioshi posted...
Bryan_the_Lion posted...
I'll say it to your face, you're nothing.


Who is Ed supposed to be?
PokemonHunter69 posted...
Garioshi posted...
Bryan_the_Lion posted...
I'll say it to your face, you're nothing.


Who is Ed supposed to be?

new Dante
  1. Boards
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  3. T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'
    1. Boards
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    3. T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'
    that's badass
    HogRiderreturns posted...
    Keith_Valentine posted...
    Is part of this an attempt by Trump admins to ensure people aren't joining the military with the intent to turn around and use military benefits to get free sex change operations? If you had transgender soldiers, wouldn't the military be required to pay for their ongoing hormone treatments indefinitely?

    Yeah, the military can barely take care of the people that actually need treatment. But lets add all this other stuff. And imagine the b****fit the left would have if a transgender was turned away so someone with an actual medical problem could get care.

    I mean, it is a problem that people can't get coverage, but turning people away for being transgender is wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    Official Aqua of the Kingdom Hearts 3 board.
    Holy_Cloud105 posted...
    I mean, it is a problem that people can't get coverage, but turning people away for being transgender is wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    So you want it so even more people lose coverage? Not to mention the coverage that would be going to trans people rather than people that actually need it because of PTSD and injuries.
    Where did I say I want more people to lose coverage? I think it's terrible how veterans don't get support. My brother has been in the military for 19 years. I'd be pissed off if he couldn't get coverage after giving up his life to the military. Forcing people out of the military for being transgender is still wrong any way you slice it. They got rid of benefits for police in certain counties of Florida as well even if they spend 20 years of their life serving. The whole system is f***ed up everywhere, but I'm not gonna pretend like I know how to fix any of this stuff.
    Official Aqua of the Kingdom Hearts 3 board.
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    Holy_Cloud105 posted...
    Forcing people out of the military for being transgender is still wrong any way you slice it.

    They can force you out for many other reasons, why is this different?
    Mal_Fet 1 day ago#56
    E32005 posted...

    eat some crow for your other s*** topic

    They disqualify people over 80 inches tall from enlisting because they don't want to order more uniform sizes. 

    Go ahead, tell them that aren't worthy enough to serve.
    Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    -George Orwell
    Kanaya413 1 day ago#57
    Damn she's badass
    Official Secretary of Kyogre's Cascade!!! FC: 5086-1980-2580 IGN: Vivi TSV 4077
    Silent Chexmix: "Toxapex is Trump's wall in pixel form."
    It's dumb as hell to enlist needy transgender people when there are plenty of recruits without those medical issues. Remember when Brad manning the traitor got the government to pay for his sex change? Wow that pissed me off.

    If a trans individual had had surgery already, the military would still be on the hook for their drugs. So they are bogging down the med because of their gender identification issues in a situation where lives are at stake. This isn't a f***in game. 

    Djt chose right.
    yemmy 1 day ago#59
    Samurontai posted...
    yemmy posted...
    Maybe liberals need to be more concerned with their own image (like their deluded obsession with Russia and Donald Trump) instead of what conservatives look like.

    "Stop focusing on things that have plausible cause behind them and are being investigated by multiple intelligence agencies if you're going to focus on something that the president does for literally no reason other than to ostracize a specific group of people!"

    Uh, how about no?

    It would be great if Dems were doing anything but 'resisting' and OBSESSING over Trump. I don't even think Bill Clinton had this much coverage on getting his dick sucked and that was a real thing. 

    Also "plausible" is a stretch, considering they haven't found ANYTHING linking Trump or his organization with Putin yet. Absolutely NOTHING, and this has been going on for 6 months.

    Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
    That's exactly how Trump and the GOP got Congress, and the Presidency in the first place.

    Ehh at least Trump actually had a few ideas. Plenty of reasons why Trump won but the main one is probably the fact that he wasn't Hillary Clinton. I agree with that sentiment for the most part, but polls are coming in saying people are tired of the Russian bs.
    Twinmold 1 day ago#60
    It's funny how many conservatives won't just come out and admit they posses an immense hatred of the LGBT community. They'll do everything up to outright stating it, but they're too cowardly to to take the heat that comes with outright admitting bigotry.
    Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
    Barenziah Boy Toy 1 day ago#61
    yemmy posted...
    It would be great if Dems were doing anything but 'resisting' and OBSESSING over Trump.

    Oh, you mean how the Democrats proposed multiple bills to fix Medicaid and Obamacare, and none of you shills gave one f*** about it?
    You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
    {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    I would be ok with an armed protest by our military. Why fight for a commander that clearly doesn't car about you?
    I have trouble concentrating because I have 80HD.
    E32005 23 hours ago#63
    E32005 21 hours ago#64
    Mal_Fet posted...
    E32005 posted...

    eat some crow for your other s*** topic

    They disqualify people over 80 inches tall from enlisting because they don't want to order more uniform sizes. 

    Go ahead, tell them that aren't worthy enough to serve.

    Still waitin MAL
    Santorin 21 hours ago#65
    Yahoo comments are spot on... this s***s ridiculous.
    ~~o ~~o ( . Y . )
    Mal_Fet 21 hours ago#66
    E32005 posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    E32005 posted...

    eat some crow for your other s*** topic

    They disqualify people over 80 inches tall from enlisting because they don't want to order more uniform sizes. 

    Go ahead, tell them that aren't worthy enough to serve.

    Still waitin MAL

    - Serving in the military is not a right
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are
    - The cost of GRS is not fiscally sound, especially when there are much more minor cost-saving measures that even disqualify people who are too short and too tall.
    - General f***in Mattis agrees that trans people shouldn't serve.

    I'm not sure how to make this simpler for you.

    Instead, Beck should walk their ass up to Mattis and tell him that they know more about running a military than Mad Dog Mattis does.
    Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    -George Orwell
    (edited 21 hours ago)quote
    E32005 21 hours ago#67
    Tell it to that guys face mal

    Let's see how maga you really are
    Mal_Fet 21 hours ago#68
    E32005 posted...
    Tell it to that guys face mal

    Let's see how maga you really are

    I'd ask him if he would rather trust his life to someone with a 2% chance of being suicidal or someone with a ~40% chance of being suicidal.

    Anyone who's being honest will give the same answer.
    Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    -George Orwell
    TwoStrikes94 21 hours ago#69
    in canada

    ive only known 6 transgender soldiers

    3 of them got their operations paid for, and then bounced.

    the other 3, i dont think ever intend on fully transitioning.
    SSJ-JohnLennon 20 hours ago#70
    Did anyone ever give a reason why people over 80 inches can't serve but transgender folk can?
    Mal_Fet posted...
    E32005 posted...
    Tell it to that guys face mal

    Let's see how maga you really are
    I'd ask him if he would rather trust his life to someone with a 2% chance of being suicidal or someone with a ~40% chance of being suicidal.

    Anyone who's being honest will give the same answer.
    Maybe the reason transgender people have such a high suicide rate is because people won't accept them for who they are, which this rule actively contributes to.
    I'm not very good at this...
    Jagr_68 20 hours ago#72
    Twinmold posted...
    It's funny how many conservatives won't just come out and admit they posses an immense hatred of the LGBT community. They'll do everything up to outright stating it, but they're too cowardly to to take the heat that comes with outright admitting bigotry.

    Well what do you expect from people that don't have penises or balls.
    SSJ-JohnLennon 20 hours ago#73
    Jagr_68 posted...
    Twinmold posted...
    It's funny how many conservatives won't just come out and admit they posses an immense hatred of the LGBT community. They'll do everything up to outright stating it, but they're too cowardly to to take the heat that comes with outright admitting bigotry.

    Well what do you expect from people that don't have penises or balls.

    Jagr_68 20 hours ago#74
    SSJ-JohnLennon posted...
    Jagr_68 posted...
    Twinmold posted...
    It's funny how many conservatives won't just come out and admit they posses an immense hatred of the LGBT community. They'll do everything up to outright stating it, but they're too cowardly to to take the heat that comes with outright admitting bigotry.

    Well what do you expect from people that don't have penises or balls.


    Conservatives prejudiced against the gay and trans demographic.
    Lorenzo_2003 20 hours ago#75
    I support trans persons serving their country through the armed forces. This thread is amusing, though. Lol, look at Barenziah Boy Toy and several others pretending they give a s*** about the US military for once in their life. Lol, you're not fooling anybody. This is just another political football for you to push your own agendas.
    gatorsPENSbucs 20 hours ago#76
    Lorenzo_2003 posted...
    Lol, look at Barenziah Boy Toy and several others pretending they give a s*** about the US military for once in their life. Lol, you're not fooling anybody. This is just another political football for you to push your own agendas.

    Exactly, and a week from now everyone will go back to not caring.
    Mal_Fet 20 hours ago#77
    MysticMismagius posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    E32005 posted...
    Tell it to that guys face mal

    Let's see how maga you really are
    I'd ask him if he would rather trust his life to someone with a 2% chance of being suicidal or someone with a ~40% chance of being suicidal.

    Anyone who's being honest will give the same answer.
    Maybe the reason transgender people have such a high suicide rate is because people won't accept them for who they are, which this rule actively contributes to.

    If this were true, then black people would surely have a higher suicide rate than white people, right? But they don't. In fact it's way lower. 

    There's no evidence that not being accepted enough is a cause for suicide. Stop being dumb.
    Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    -George Orwell
    Barenziah Boy Toy 20 hours ago#78
    Lorenzo_2003 posted...
    This is just another political football for you to push your own agendas.

    Yes, our own 'agenda' being that marginalized people should be treated decently and fairly. HOW SINISTER of us!!
    You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
    {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
    (edited 20 hours ago)quote
    SSJ-JohnLennon 20 hours ago#79
    gatorsPENSbucs posted...
    Lorenzo_2003 posted...
    Lol, look at Barenziah Boy Toy and several others pretending they give a s*** about the US military for once in their life. Lol, you're not fooling anybody. This is just another political football for you to push your own agendas.

    Exactly, and a week from now everyone will go back to not caring.
    Barenziah Boy Toy 20 hours ago#80
    Mal_Fet posted...
    If this were true, then black people would surely have a higher suicide rate than white people, right? But they don't. In fact it's way lower.

    Probably because they prefer acting out of anger towards the people responsible for their troubles, rather than in.
    You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
    {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
    (edited 20 hours ago)quote
    SSJ-JohnLennon 20 hours ago#81
    Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    If this were true, then black people would surely have a higher suicide rate than white people, right? But they don't. In fact it's way lower.

    Probably because they prefer acting out of anger towards the people responsible for their troubles, rather than in.

    Black people fought hard to get where they are today and you're making it sound like a bad thing just to push your agenda.
    Mal_Fet 20 hours ago#82
    Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    If this were true, then black people would surely have a higher suicide rate than white people, right? But they don't. In fact it's way lower.

    Probably because they prefer acting out of anger towards the people responsible for their troubles, rather than in.

    Mal_Fet posted...
    There's no evidence that not being accepted enough is a cause for suicide. Stop being dumb.
    Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    -George Orwell
    HylianFox 20 hours ago#83
    Mal_Fet posted...
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are

    are you for real? my god
    I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals FUH-LAMING! - Homer Simpson
    Mal_Fet 19 hours ago#84
    HylianFox posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are

    are you for real? my god

    I'm dead serious. Which part of that statement is confusing to you?
    Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    -George Orwell
    Lorenzo_2003 19 hours ago#85
    Mal_Fet posted...
    HylianFox posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are

    are you for real? my god

    I'm dead serious. Which part of that statement is confusing to you?

    There is the argument, made by some service members, that trans inclusion into the armed forces could be detrimental to mission readiness because the transition process can take a trans service member out of deployment rotation, for example, for x amount of months. (Sorry, I don't know what x time frame would be, but it's not just a few days.) Of course, this applies to a trans person who did not transition prior to enlistment, and decides to transition during their service career.
    Skasa 17 hours ago#86
    I would gladly as I tore that purple heart off him.
    Proud Communist
    E32005 17 hours ago#87
    Mal_Fet posted...
    HylianFox posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are

    are you for real? my god

    I'm dead serious. Which part of that statement is confusing to you?

    Tell it to that guys face then
    Skasa 17 hours ago#88
    E32005 posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    HylianFox posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are

    are you for real? my god

    I'm dead serious. Which part of that statement is confusing to you?

    Tell it to that guys face then

    Proud Communist
    E32005 17 hours ago#89
    Skasa posted...
    E32005 posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    HylianFox posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are

    are you for real? my god

    I'm dead serious. Which part of that statement is confusing to you?

    Tell it to that guys face then

    Stop switching alts
    Patchwork 17 hours ago#90
    Mal_Fet posted...
    E32005 posted...
    Mal_Fet posted...
    E32005 posted...

    eat some crow for your other s*** topic

    They disqualify people over 80 inches tall from enlisting because they don't want to order more uniform sizes. 

    Go ahead, tell them that aren't worthy enough to serve.

    Still waitin MAL

    - Serving in the military is not a right
    - It's immoral to demand soldiers entrust their lives to individuals prone to suicide, as transgenders overwhelmingly are
    - The cost of GRS is not fiscally sound, especially when there are much more minor cost-saving measures that even disqualify people who are too short and too tall.
    - General f***in Mattis agrees that trans people shouldn't serve.

    I'm not sure how to make this simpler for you.

    Instead, Beck should walk their ass up to Mattis and tell him that they know more about running a military than Mad Dog Mattis does.

    Mattis had no hand in the transgender military ban.

    And worrying about suicide rates among transgenders is ridiculous considering suicide rates among veterans. Maybe transgender individuals would be less likely to commit suicide if s*** like this wasn't treating them like they're not people? 

    Just a thought.
    The mind is its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
    SSJ-JohnLennon 17 hours ago#91
    Patchwork posted...
    And worrying about suicide rates among transgenders is ridiculous considering suicide rates among veterans.

    That's exactly why it's a problem.
    LittleRoyal 17 hours ago#92
    The argument isn't that you're unworthy it's that your medicine and treatments are a personal choice not something our military should be paying for 

    And the weird argument is that taking pills and going through surgery has a heightened chance to give you extreme emotions like aggression or depression and you don't want soldiers who have weapons are see a lot of really crazy and sad stuff to get spouts of aggression or depression. 

    I-I really needed this~~
    Time to stomp some faces!!!
    Patchwork 15 hours ago#93
    SSJ-JohnLennon posted...
    Patchwork posted...
    And worrying about suicide rates among transgenders is ridiculous considering suicide rates among veterans.

    That's exactly why it's a problem.

    That's not at all the reason given, though. Show me the suicide rates of transgender vets, and we'll talk.
    The mind is its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
    Patchwork 15 hours ago#94
    LittleRoyal posted...
    The argument isn't that you're unworthy it's that your medicine and treatments are a personal choice not something our military should be paying for 

    And the weird argument is that taking pills and going through surgery has a heightened chance to give you extreme emotions like aggression or depression and you don't want soldiers who have weapons are see a lot of really crazy and sad stuff to get spouts of aggression or depression. 


    The price tag on this is unbelievably small, considering the astronomical military budget.
    The mind is its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
    Correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't this person a pre op full on man when s/he served?
    Patchwork 15 hours ago#96
    Yes. That's why she's a bad example. There's an active Air Force transgender man that has come out against the ban recently. That's a better example.
    The mind is its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
    LittleRoyal 15 hours ago#97
    Patchwork posted...
    LittleRoyal posted...
    The argument isn't that you're unworthy it's that your medicine and treatments are a personal choice not something our military should be paying for 

    And the weird argument is that taking pills and going through surgery has a heightened chance to give you extreme emotions like aggression or depression and you don't want soldiers who have weapons are see a lot of really crazy and sad stuff to get spouts of aggression or depression. 


    The price tag on this is unbelievably small, considering the astronomical military budget.

    Are you legit saying we should be spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on trans surgeries and medicine that they want, not need?
    I-I really needed this~~
    Time to stomp some faces!!!
    Barenziah Boy Toy 15 hours ago#98
    Patchwork posted...
    That's not at all the reason given, though.

    The suicide rates of vets are higher because they have easier access to guns. It's already been shown that suicide rates skyrocket when convenient access to handguns are increased.
    You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
    {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
    Patchwork 15 hours ago#99
    LittleRoyal posted...
    Patchwork posted...
    LittleRoyal posted...
    The argument isn't that you're unworthy it's that your medicine and treatments are a personal choice not something our military should be paying for 

    And the weird argument is that taking pills and going through surgery has a heightened chance to give you extreme emotions like aggression or depression and you don't want soldiers who have weapons are see a lot of really crazy and sad stuff to get spouts of aggression or depression. 


    The price tag on this is unbelievably small, considering the astronomical military budget.

    Are you legit saying we should be spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on trans surgeries and medicine that they want, not need?

    I'm saying I'm already paying high taxes to support an astronomical military budget, and eliminating this practice (by banning transgender people from service) will not in any way impact me financially, so that would be a pretty stupid way to justify my position one way or the other. 

    You won't reap benefits from the military not paying for these operations. 

    Besides, they chose to serve this country, and I appreciate their service and their willingness to lay down their lives for our freedoms if need be. So, if they want medicine and surgery, sure; go ahead. You earned it by putting yourself between me and my nation's enemies.
    The mind is its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
    Patchwork 15 hours ago#100
    Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
    Patchwork posted...
    That's not at all the reason given, though.

    The suicide rates of vets are higher because they have easier access to guns. It's already been shown that suicide rates skyrocket when convenient access to handguns are increased.

    Study to support the easy access to firearms correlation, specifically among vets?
    The mind is its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
    (edited 15 hours ago)quote
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events 
    3. T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'
      1. Boards
      2. Current Events
      3. T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'
      LittleRoyal 15 hours ago#101
      But military already has lots of benefits and they're getting paid for it. 

      What we should just do whatever they want? Because again it's not like we don't give any benefits to military's personnel and yes they are heroes for what they do but it doesn't mean my taxes should pay for that really. It's something you want for yourself it doesn't help anyone and you have a job that pays you money already anyway. 

      Especially when lots of people don't even believe in that stuff. Our military budget should be focused on health (they need), training, weapons, recruitment. Not on feelings really. 

      If we focus our budget on feelings it should be to make sure they can see their family more! ^.^
      I-I really needed this~~
      Time to stomp some faces!!!
      Barenziah Boy Toy 15 hours ago#102
      Patchwork posted...
      Study to support the easy access to firearms correlation, specifically among vets?
      You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
      {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
      Patchwork 14 hours ago#103
      LittleRoyal posted...
      But military already has lots of benefits and they're getting paid for it. 

      What we should just do whatever they want? Because again it's not like we don't give any benefits to military's personnel and yes they are heroes for what they do but it doesn't mean my taxes should pay for that really. It's something you want for yourself it doesn't help anyone and you have a job that pays you money already anyway. 

      Especially when lots of people don't even believe in that stuff. Our military budget should be focused on health (they need), training, weapons, recruitment. Not on feelings really. 

      If we focus our budget on feelings it should be to make sure they can see their family more! ^.^

      It's something we might not feel that they need, per se, but that individual may feel he or she needs it. I don't know that men necessarily NEED viagara, but it's paid for by the military. Now, I'm not equating costs here like some outlets have done because that's ridiculous; the number of men vs. the number of transgender people makes it an unfair monetary comparison. But it's an optional "medication" that is paid for by us, the taxpayers. 

      Where we differ here seems to be what you're willing to allow your tax dollars to go to, and what you're not. That's fine. I'm okay with paying for these surgeries and medications for any veteran. 

      I'm honestly tired of arguing on here about it all. I get where you're coming from, partly, but I can't agree.
      The mind is its own place, and in itself
      Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
      Patchwork 14 hours ago#104
      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      Patchwork posted...
      Study to support the easy access to firearms correlation, specifically among vets?

      I've seen the first one. I'll read the others. Do these pertain specifically to vets, or to society in general?
      The mind is its own place, and in itself
      Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
      LittleRoyal 14 hours ago#105
      Patchwork posted...
      LittleRoyal posted...
      But military already has lots of benefits and they're getting paid for it. 

      What we should just do whatever they want? Because again it's not like we don't give any benefits to military's personnel and yes they are heroes for what they do but it doesn't mean my taxes should pay for that really. It's something you want for yourself it doesn't help anyone and you have a job that pays you money already anyway. 

      Especially when lots of people don't even believe in that stuff. Our military budget should be focused on health (they need), training, weapons, recruitment. Not on feelings really. 

      If we focus our budget on feelings it should be to make sure they can see their family more! ^.^

      It's something we might not feel that they need, per se, but that individual may feel he or she needs it. I don't know that men necessarily NEED viagara, but it's paid for by the military. Now, I'm not equating costs here like some outlets have done because that's ridiculous; the number of men vs. the number of transgender people makes it an unfair monetary comparison. But it's an optional "medication" that is paid for by us, the taxpayers. 

      Where we differ here seems to be what you're willing to allow your tax dollars to go to, and what you're not. That's fine. I'm okay with paying for these surgeries and medications for any veteran. 

      I'm honestly tired of arguing on here about it all. I get where you're coming from, partly, but I can't agree.

      "I feel like I need this" doesn't mean you do and that is an argument that is just so sad that people except. No that individual doesn't need it. They don't like where they are or how they feel so good in you for looking to change it for what you like better but it isn't anyone else's responsibility it's purely desire. 

      And I argue against paying for viagra too so that's a weak argument. 

      I think we need tax deductible charities. 
      If you want a "trans surgeries for the vets" then that's fine but it doesn't mean I should be legally obligated to pay into that
      I-I really needed this~~
      Time to stomp some faces!!!
      pinky0926 14 hours ago#106
      Transgender Navy Seal Veteran

      I feel a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of republicans suddenly cried out in shock and confusion and were suddenly silenced.
      Trigg3rH4ppy 13 hours ago#107
      Duncanwii posted...
      PokemonHunter69 posted...
      You were worthy, not anymore v_v

      They are still worthy, the fact that the President and his army of bigots think otherwise is inconsequential.

      I mean... that's kinda factually wrong my dude. Considering how his s***ty views are having consequences right now.
      ~A little nonsense, now and then, is relished by the wisest men ~
      TWSSted since~ 3/27/12
      yemmy 12 hours ago#108
      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      yemmy posted...
      It would be great if Dems were doing anything but 'resisting' and OBSESSING over Trump.

      Oh, you mean how the Democrats proposed multiple bills to fix Medicaid and Obamacare, and none of you shills gave one f*** about it?

      First of all, I didn't vote for the man, I'm just tired of Fox News being the only news network that isn't dedicated towards Russian BS that has really gotten nowhere. I am right-leaning, but I don't defend Trump blindly. I would prefer him not being the president, but he was a better choice than Hillary and if I'm a shill (I'm not a politician so why my opinion on a bill really doesn't matter because I don't get to vote on it), then if you were a Bernie bro and voted for Hillary, you basically just took it up the ass with a smile on your face.

      Second of all, giving MORE tax credits with no tort reform, and offering even worse plans than the Bronze plans (which basically cover nothing as it is) isn't fixing a damn thing. If they offered a worthwhile solution, Republicans would sure as s*** entertain it because they are going to the point of a full repeal if they can't reach an agreement on replacing it. 

      Third, if you're a liberal, using terms like "snowflake, cuck, shill, etc." is stupid lol. Using words that the alt-right coined makes you look even more butthurt. It doesn't offend anyone, it just shows that dems are losing their mind so badly that they will resort to using the same stupid insults in order to try to get a rise out of conservatives. 

      Liberals could've taken the high road, and they'd have a better chance of getting Trump out of there if they kept their cool. I can't even have a real life political conversation with a democrat right now because they literally will not discuss something at all because they can't keep their cool. It is a sad state of affairs when you can't use facts anymore to back up your statements without being considered a bigot and not making someone want to f***ing kill you just because you think slightly different than them.
      Barenziah Boy Toy 12 hours ago#109
      yemmy posted...
      I would prefer him not being the president, but he was a better choice than Hillary

      Bull-f***ing-s***. This is objectively wrong on so many levels, and has been proven over and over again.
      You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
      {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
      (edited 12 hours ago)quote
      thelovefist 12 hours ago#110
      Based on the pictures in the OP it looks like this person wasn't transgender when they were in the military so I don't understand why their opinion is important.
      yemmy 11 hours ago#111
      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      yemmy posted...
      I would prefer him not being the president, but he was a better choice than Hillary

      Bull-f***ing-s***. This is objectively wrong on so many levels, and has been proven over and over again.

      See, this is what I'm talking about. I'm a moderate-conservative that doesn't even support Donald Trump (well not blindly, I support the decision being discussed itt however) and you can't have civil discourse with me. You come off as just mad, not even bringing any points to the table (even acting as if an alternate reality is undeniable proof), and basically want to attack me.

      This is why your side is losing. Conservatives were always the uptight a******s until now. Now liberals just look whiny and emasculated.

      thelovefist posted...
      Based on the pictures in the OP it looks like this person wasn't transgender when they were in the military so I don't understand why their opinion is important.

      Politics as usual. Stupid s***, I'm getting off of here. I don't know why I spend any of my free time on the internet talking about things that don't even affect me.
      (edited 11 hours ago)quote
      some of the people on this board, man
      "Does our ruin benefit the earth? Does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine? Is this darkness in you, too?"
      Barenziah Boy Toy 11 hours ago#113
      yemmy posted...
      See, this is what I'm talking about. I'm a moderate-conservative that doesn't even support Donald Trump (well not blindly, I support the decision being discussed itt however) and you can't have civil discourse with me. You come off as just mad, not even bringing any points to the table (even acting as if an alternate reality is undeniable proof), and basically want to attack me.

      This is why your side is losing. Conservatives were always the uptight a******s until now. Now liberals just look whiny and emasculated.

      Everything that Trump has stated has turned out to be false and full of s***. It's already been proven that he is a more corrupt politician than Clinton, and his attempts to repeal Obamacare will lead to higher premiums, and worse coverage nationally than what Obamacare was providing. Dozens and dozens of prominent conservative writers and intellectuals have already admitted that Clinton would make a better President than Trump.
      You don't need a treaty to have free trade. M Rothbard
      {Self-Hating Token Asian of the Ivory Tower's Zionist Elite}
      (edited 11 hours ago)quote
      That’s like saying a trans won an Olympic medal in decathelon. He was a man when he served in the military. He became a trans after the fact. Just like Bruce Jenner was a man when he won the medal, not when he was trans.

      He didn’t serve in the military when he was trans. He was a man and that is a fact, not feelings.
      Sig under construction!
      yemmy 10 hours ago#115
      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      Everything that Trump has stated has turned out to be false and full of s***.

      [citation needed]

      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      It's already been proven that he is a more corrupt politician than Clinton

      [citation needed] [child soldiers in South Sudan] [defending rapists and laughing about it] [Emails] [his name was Seth Rich]

      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      his attempts to repeal Obamacare will lead to higher premiums

      [citation needed] [not Huffpost or Buzzfeed pls]

      Barenziah Boy Toy posted...
      Dozens and dozens of prominent conservative writers and intellectuals have already admitted that Clinton would make a better President than Trump.

      if there are dozens and dozens than you'd be able to name one off the top of your head

      GreatEvilEmpire posted...
      He didn%u2019t serve in the military when he was trans. He was a man and that is a fact, not feelings.

      I think the argument is that if you transform yourself sexually, you were a 'woman trapped in a man's body' so therefore you were a woman your whole life. Point being, Bruce Jenner just got some fake t*** and started wearing a dress, so apparently body parts don't matter, and apparently if you want to stretch it out neither does your appearance. I know plenty of lesbians that aren't transgender that tbh look like men.
      (edited 10 hours ago)quote
      Mal_Fet 9 hours ago#116
      Patchwork posted...
      Mattis had no hand in the transgender military ban.

      But he was against it from the beginning.

      And worrying about suicide rates among transgenders is ridiculous considering suicide rates among veterans.

      If the greater population can become suicidal so easily after experiencing war, what hope does the population with a 40% suicide rate have?

      Maybe transgender individuals would be less likely to commit suicide if s*** like this wasn't treating them like they're not people?

      This keeps getting brought up but no one has proof it's true.

      And before you say it should be obvious, first explain why white people have a higher suicide rate than black people. Is it because white people are more discriminated against?
      Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
      -George Orwell
      1. Boards
      2. Current Events 
      3. T-Gender Navy SEAL Purple Heart to GOP- 'Tell me to my face that I'm not worthy'

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