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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops

  1. Boards
  2. Politics
  3. Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops
So here's a highly controversial and political topic 

Seems SJW or at least some of them are now starting to claim it's Transphobic for Straight men to refuse to date pre-op Trans women.

It's become, quite weird

Things have seemingly heated up when Laci Green suggested maybe this stuff isn't ok

And that maybe the idea of being sex positive doesn't mean people are require to have sex with you and you should respect that.

Which went down like a lead balloon

Which goes more insane suggesting that it's transphobic if someone won't let a pre-op Tran woman rub their cock and balls on your face.

So um.........

I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
stop your obsession with combing the internet for PC shit

Free thinkers are dangerous
(edited 1 day ago)
(message deleted)
axelfooley2k5 posted...
stop your obsession with combing the internet for PC shit

Behold my beauty!
Also this is obviously a joke come the fuck on:

Have your trans girlfriend rub her balls and dick on your face until you realize how awesome it is? I don't know dude
Behold my beauty!
Welcommatt 1 day ago#6
CherryTsundere posted...
axelfooley2k5 posted...
stop your obsession with combing the internet for PC shit


I don't bother to click the links from troll posters, but if this is true then the headline is just grammatically incorrect.

Internet person*
"Hodor" -Hodor
In fairness, "internet people" aren't exactly the most authoritative source.
He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke. - Charles Darwin
(edited 1 day ago)
JcOpIVY86 1 day ago#8
This is what happens when everyone has a voice. 
Or when you take everything you read seriously online. 

PROTIP: If something is so outlandish and deplorable, they're either joking or insane.
Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are.
(edited 1 day ago)
Ellesarien 1 day ago#9
CherryTsundere posted...
Also this is obviously a joke come the fuck on:

Have your trans girlfriend rub her balls and dick on your face until you realize how awesome it is? I don't know dude

TC is quite a lot like Fox News so not surprised by this.
I will try and see it from your point of view, but I doubt we'll be able to fit both our heads up there.
acolytes 1 day ago#10
Internet people like chuckyhacks?
Empty the Tanks.
Ivory Free.
Superlnfinity45 posted...
In fairness, "internet people" aren't exactly the most authoritative source.

With "internet people" I can prove that Lizard people exist and control us.
Behold my beauty!
(edited 1 day ago)
Ellesarien 1 day ago#12
Oh Anti-SJW's...just the best and smartest people on the planet.
I will try and see it from your point of view, but I doubt we'll be able to fit both our heads up there.
Then call me transphobic. I want the women I see naked to be in possession of their vaginas from birth up to and beyond the point I see it, I do not want dicks remade into hamburger helper.
axelfooley2k5 posted...
stop your obsession with combing the internet for PC shit


axelfooley2k5 posted...

It's the second person I know of. And a 45k sub youtube channel is nothing to sneer at.

And in "small world" connections, this person was a witness in the Chelsea Manning trial.
He who laughs last, thinks fastest.
willythemailboy posted...
axelfooley2k5 posted...

It's the second person I know of. And a 45k sub youtube channel is nothing to sneer at.

And in "small world" connections, this person was a witness in the Chelsea Manning trial.

Oh, no the second person!

Also, it was obviously a joke as seen by the replies.
Behold my beauty!
Nitro378 1 day ago#17
Kinda wish a hot trap would rub their balls on my face, but regardless, of course it's not transphobic.
Why is it only called class war when we fight back?
Number of 30-day suspensions for attacking Zionism: 3
Welcommatt 1 day ago#18
CherryTsundere posted...
willythemailboy posted...
axelfooley2k5 posted...

It's the second person I know of. And a 45k sub youtube channel is nothing to sneer at.

And in "small world" connections, this person was a witness in the Chelsea Manning trial.

Oh, no the second person!

Also, it was obviously a joke as seen by the replies.

Oh, great. It was a joke too? Conservatives really are scared of things that literally don't exist.
"Hodor" -Hodor
willythemailboy posted...
axelfooley2k5 posted...

It's the second person I know of. And a 45k sub youtube channel is nothing to sneer at.

And in "small world" connections, this person was a witness in the Chelsea Manning trial.

Wow! 45K. That's so big. That's a whole 7 thousand more than 1/9th of Blaire Whites sub count, less than a whole 1/10th of say, Carl Benjamin and a massive 1/20th of Laci Greens
"Hey bridesmaid, love the beard! Give's me something to hang onto!!"- Lord Flasheart
Welcommatt posted...
CherryTsundere posted...
willythemailboy posted...
axelfooley2k5 posted...

It's the second person I know of. And a 45k sub youtube channel is nothing to sneer at.

And in "small world" connections, this person was a witness in the Chelsea Manning trial.

Oh, no the second person!

Also, it was obviously a joke as seen by the replies.

Oh, great. It was a joke too? Conservatives really are scared of things that literally don't exist.

There was like one person that showed support for this thread. 

Look at the graphic content you get when you click on the links, in fact I'm marking it.
He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke. - Charles Darwin
(edited 1 day ago)
Sczoyd 1 day ago#21
I mean, I'm a liberal and I wouldn't date one. I don't care what you label it as.
Posted using GameFlux
Nitro378 posted...
Kinda wish a hot trap would rub their balls on my face.

I'm not complaining btw.

Also, best quote ever since the beginning of 2017 on this board.

We should have a yearly rundown of the best ones.
Behold my beauty!
(edited 1 day ago)
(message deleted)
Welcommatt posted...
Oh, great. It was a joke too? Conservatives really are scared of things that literally don't exist.

Nah, they exist. Which is unfortunate because I thought we taught everyone that you can't change your sexual preferences/who you're sexually attracted to like 10 years ago. But now it's the left that's claiming you can just condition yourself into being attracted to someone. (To be fair, people like this are few and far between, and this video is getting massive hate against it. It's not like it's a popular sentiment.)

Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
I distinctly recall being told during the gay rights era, "bend over or you're a homophobe".
Carmelo 1 day ago#26
axelfooley2k5 posted...
stop your obsession with combing the internet for PC shit


this is exactly what I expected and yes it's pathetic
^ The "they exist though" angle doesn't mean much if you have flat earthers and people who believe that gay frogs are taking your jobs away.

The question is how much influence they have.
Behold my beauty!
TonyKojima 1 day ago#28
Joke topic.
Though the XBOX 360 is good in theory, it's hardware limitations say otherwise - Hideo Kojima 
PSN - Guncrazy56
CherryTsundere posted...
^ The "they exist though" angle doesn't mean much if you have flat earthers and people who believe that gay frogs are taking your jobs away.

The question is how much influence they have.

Well, that trans girl I linked to has 35k subscribers. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but I, as a frequenter of the twitters, have seen far too many people agree with this bullshit than I'd like. (Still very few overall, but it's definitely 'a thing'.)
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
SamCarlson 1 day ago#30
CherryTsundere posted...
^ The "they exist though" angle doesn't mean much if you have flat earthers and people who believe that gay frogs are taking your jobs away.

The question is how much influence they have.

its called eggmanning; combing the internet for one person/a small handful of people of no importance, influence, or powwr, expressing an incredibly fringe opinion just so you can stir outrage/play the victim card. the fact tc is so blinded by trans hate he couldnt tell an obvious joke only makes it more pathetic/funnier.
Force feeding people the truth.
(edited 1 day ago)
Topu_Kek 1 day ago#31
Well shit guys, according to this extremely small group of people, I'm transphobic. Damn.
"My son is a high-quality person" -Donald J Trump
SamCarlson posted...
CherryTsundere posted...
^ The "they exist though" angle doesn't mean much if you have flat earthers and people who believe that gay frogs are taking your jobs away.

The question is how much influence they have.

its called eggmanning; combing the internet for one person/a small handful of people of no importance, influence, or powwr, expressing an incredibly fringe opinion just so you can stir outrage/play the victim card. the fact tc is so blinded by trans hate he couldnt tell an obvious joke only makes it more pathetic/funnier.

What's it called when a decent amount of people with shitty opinions do exist, but you pretend they don't and call them boogymen? (Like 261 likes to do with SJWs even though they haven't been to a decent college within the last 5 or 10 years.) Does that qualify as gaslighting?
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
KA1N3R 1 day ago#33
CherryTsundere posted...
axelfooley2k5 posted...
stop your obsession with combing the internet for PC shit

No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
Argonian_Maid posted...
SamCarlson posted...
CherryTsundere posted...
^ The "they exist though" angle doesn't mean much if you have flat earthers and people who believe that gay frogs are taking your jobs away.

The question is how much influence they have.

its called eggmanning; combing the internet for one person/a small handful of people of no importance, influence, or powwr, expressing an incredibly fringe opinion just so you can stir outrage/play the victim card. the fact tc is so blinded by trans hate he couldnt tell an obvious joke only makes it more pathetic/funnier.

What's it called when a decent amount of people with shitty opinions do exist, but you pretend they don't and call them boogymen? (Like 261 likes to do with SJWs even though they haven't been to a decent college within the last 5 or 10 years.) Does that qualify as gaslighting?

Theay nowhere pretended that they don't exist, though.
Behold my beauty!
(edited 1 day ago)
There are people out there who make the argument. My girlfriend found herself in a debate about it on Facebook a while back. More often than not I side with those dastardly SJWs, but there are ideas they put out that I think go too far, or are poorly thought-out. To me this is one of them.
The food here is awful. My steak was so tough, halfway through my meal it got up and attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
SamCarlson 1 day ago#36
Argonian_Maid posted...
SamCarlson posted...
CherryTsundere posted...
^ The "they exist though" angle doesn't mean much if you have flat earthers and people who believe that gay frogs are taking your jobs away.

The question is how much influence they have.

its called eggmanning; combing the internet for one person/a small handful of people of no importance, influence, or powwr, expressing an incredibly fringe opinion just so you can stir outrage/play the victim card. the fact tc is so blinded by trans hate he couldnt tell an obvious joke only makes it more pathetic/funnier.

What's it called when a decent amount of people with shitty opinions do exist, but you pretend they don't and call them boogymen? (Like 261 likes to do with SJWs even though they haven't been to a decent college within the last 5 or 10 years.) Does that qualify as gaslighting?

nothing. social theorists dont waste their time trying to name things that dont exist.
Force feeding people the truth.
This isn't something that just started, it's always been an extreme minority opinion and something used for trolling.
How deep is too deep?
I could search the internet and find internet people claiming anything I want. This isn't news.
3DS FC: 5069-3910-2647
CherryTsundere posted...
Theay nowhere pretended that they don't exist, though.


SamCarlson posted...
nothing. social theorists dont waste their time trying to name things that dont exist.
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
SamCarlson 1 day ago#40
wait did you just take what i said out of context so you had a response to a different poster?

its easier and less embarassing to give up
Force feeding people the truth.
Gotta love that mentality, though. "Only a few people have that opinion that I disagree with, so they don't actually count."

Chillax, guys. A few trans people having shitty opinions doesn't invalidate trans people as a whole. #notalltranspeople
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
SamCarlson 1 day ago#42
Argonian_Maid posted...
Gotta love that mentality, though. "Only a few people have that opinion that I disagree with, so they don't actually count."

Chillax, guys. A few trans people having shitty opinions doesn't invalidate trans people as a whole. #notalltranspeople

it does invalidate this topic though
Force feeding people the truth.
Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#43
Superlnfinity45 posted...
In fairness, "internet people" aren't exactly the most authoritative source.

Well it's probably more accurate than "Trans right activist" because that's just insulting to actual Trans rights activists.
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#44
hivebent4life posted...
I could search the internet and find internet people claiming anything I want. This isn't news.

And this is a political discussion board. This is Political.

This isn't the breaking news board that's 400.
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
Also, I'm going to challenge both the guy that claimed it was a joke and the people who are saying "it's just one person". Plenty of people are fighting with Laci Green right now for her radical claim that conversion therapy is, like, bad. And this person, for the small following she has, is getting a lot of support.

The gaslighting is real af today.

Spoilers: yes, it's possible for a trans person to be shitbags. Pretending they don't exist isn't a valid tactic.
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
Dwavenhobble posted...
hivebent4life posted...
I could search the internet and find internet people claiming anything I want. This isn't news.

And this is a political discussion board. This is Political.

This isn't the breaking news board that's 400.

Keep crying because people don't take the absurf looneys you find seriously
Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#47
SamCarlson posted...
Argonian_Maid posted...
Gotta love that mentality, though. "Only a few people have that opinion that I disagree with, so they don't actually count."

Chillax, guys. A few trans people having shitty opinions doesn't invalidate trans people as a whole. #notalltranspeople

it does invalidate this topic though

I'm sorry but how many topics do we get regularly about the Alt-Right again?
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
TonyKojima 1 day ago#48
Argonian_Maid posted...
Also, I'm going to challenge both the guy that claimed it was a joke and the people who are saying "it's just one person". Plenty of people are fighting with Laci Green right now for her radical claim that conversion therapy is, like, bad. And this person, for the small following she has, is getting a lot of support.

The gaslighting is real af today.

Spoilers: yes, it's possible for a trans person to be shitbags. Pretending they don't exist isn't a valid tactic.

Conversion therapy is torture and should be criminalized nationally.
Though the XBOX 360 is good in theory, it's hardware limitations say otherwise - Hideo Kojima 
PSN - Guncrazy56
Kradek 1 day ago#49
Ellesarien posted...
CherryTsundere posted...
Also this is obviously a joke come the fuck on:

Have your trans girlfriend rub her balls and dick on your face until you realize how awesome it is? I don't know dude

TC is quite a lot like Fox News so not surprised by this.

He's like Piers Morgan but less reprehensible.
Nitro378 1 day ago#50
CherryTsundere posted...
I'm not complaining btw.

Oh, you know anyone like that honey? <3
Why is it only called class war when we fight back?
Number of 30-day suspensions for attacking Zionism: 3
(edited 1 day ago)
  1. Boards
  2. Politics 
  3. Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops
    1. Boards
    2. Politics
    3. Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops
    The Great Muta 22 posted...
    Keep crying because people don't take the absurf looneys you find seriously

    Well, it's good that nobody here is taking people like this seriously. But it's absurd in itself to pretend like they don't exist.
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    TonyKojima posted...
    Joke topic.
    It's ideology from your fellow SJW's, so it must be true.

    You need to let pre-op Trans women rub their cock and balls on your face, or else you'd be labeled Trans-Phobic by your fellow SJW's.
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    SamCarlson 1 day ago#53
    Dwavenhobble posted...
    SamCarlson posted...
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    Gotta love that mentality, though. "Only a few people have that opinion that I disagree with, so they don't actually count."

    Chillax, guys. A few trans people having shitty opinions doesn't invalidate trans people as a whole. #notalltranspeople

    it does invalidate this topic though

    I'm sorry but how many topics do we get regularly about the Alt-Right again?

    you mean a group responsible for the current president gets talked about more than some nobody on the internet you had to scour for? color me shocked.
    Force feeding people the truth.
    Nitro378 posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...
    I'm not complaining btw.

    Oh, you know anyone like that honey? <3

    Lol, I wish!
    Behold my beauty!
    SamCarlson 1 day ago#55
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    The Great Muta 22 posted...
    Keep crying because people don't take the absurf looneys you find seriously

    Well, it's good that nobody here is taking people like this seriously. But it's absurd in itself to pretend like they don't exist.

    youve gone from egmanning to strawmanning. anymore fallacies you want to commit?
    Force feeding people the truth.
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    Also, I'm going to challenge both the guy that claimed it was a joke and the people who are saying "it's just one person". Plenty of people are fighting with Laci Green right now for her radical claim that conversion therapy is, like, bad. And this person, for the small following she has, is getting a lot of support.

    The gaslighting is real af today.

    Spoilers: yes, it's possible for a trans person to be shitbags. Pretending they don't exist isn't a valid tactic.

    Um, I want to say something but I'm pretty sure it would only produce more accusations so I 'll just say nothing, then.
    Behold my beauty!
    TheDwavenhobble posted...
    hivebent4life posted...
    I could search the internet and find internet people claiming anything I want. This isn't news.

    And this is a political discussion board. This is Political.

    This isn't the breaking news board that's 400.

    We don't start topics anytime the likes of Sargon does something shitty. Or any other time one of that crowd (who have a much bigger reach than any if the trans activist that you have bitched about) does something terrible. Because you know, in a turning point in American and world politics, one snarky tweet or bad video doesn't mean anything in the long run
    "Hey bridesmaid, love the beard! Give's me something to hang onto!!"- Lord Flasheart
    (edited 1 day ago)
    These people do exist, but they're a very small minority, and do not represent the views of most trans people or trans rights activists. I'm trans and I believe they do far more harm than good.
    3DS FC: 5069-3910-2647
    hivebent4life posted...
    These people do exist, but they're a very small minority, and do not represent the views of most trans people or trans rights activists. I'm trans and I believe they do far more harm than good.
    Then get on twitter and tell them how they're wrong.
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    I don't think genital preferences are transphobic, but I also don't think most people actually have genital preferences so much as culturally defined gender preferences that are mitigated by socialization factors and stigmatization of certain modes of sexuality.

    Most men are attracted to femininity, and cocks don't terrify them as much as they publicly announce in order to posture as being masculine and totally not gay. 

    Or put another way, if a genie forced most men to choose between a very feminine and beautiful transexual, or a very butch and masculine woman (And assured the men that no one would ever know they were with a transexual), I don't think their sexual equipment would be the deciding factor for most people. I mean, if genital preferences really were a widespread thing, you'd expect the men who reject pre-op transexuals to accept post-op ones, but that doesn't happen often at all.
    Disobedience is the stamp of the hero. -Ragnar Redbeard
    Also, this is Kagata..
    (edited 1 day ago)
    SamCarlson 1 day ago#61
    KamenRiderBlade posted...
    hivebent4life posted...
    These people do exist, but they're a very small minority, and do not represent the views of most trans people or trans rights activists. I'm trans and I believe they do far more harm than good.
    Then get on twitter and tell them how they're wrong.

    why dont you waste your time on a non-problem?
    Force feeding people the truth.
    (message deleted)
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    yes, it's possible for a trans person to be shitbags.

    It's possible, sure, but I don't think this particular issue is due to people being shitbags. I feel like it probably comes from genuine feelings of dejection and frustration. I'm sure it's difficult for a lot of trans people to find someone whom they can be happy with - more difficult than for most cis folk, certainly. I'm not going to call them shitbags for it.

    I will tell them I think they're wrong about this, though.
    The food here is awful. My steak was so tough, halfway through my meal it got up and attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
    (edited 1 day ago)
    SamCarlson posted...
    why dont you waste your time on a non-problem?
    I don't care about this problem.
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    mad_hax_man posted...
    TheDwavenhobble posted...
    hivebent4life posted...
    I could search the internet and find internet people claiming anything I want. This isn't news.

    And this is a political discussion board. This is Political.

    This isn't the breaking news board that's 400.

    We don't start topics anytime the likes of Sargon does something shitty. Or any other time one of that crowd (who have a much bigger reach than any if the trans activist that you have bitched about) does something terrible. Because you know, in a turning point in American and world politics, one snarky tweet or bad video doesn't mean anything in the long run


    Why does Tc only post SJW topics anyway?

    Why not post a topic where Tara McCarthy said humans have subspecies?

    The bias is real.
    Behold my beauty!
    (edited 1 day ago)
    Argonian_Maid posted...

    Spoilers: yes, it's possible for a trans person to be shitbags. Pretending they don't exist isn't a valid tactic.

    I don't think anyone denies Caitlyn Jenner exists
    Auto correct, room = room. - Vesperas
    Ellesarien 1 day ago#67
    KamenRiderBlade posted...
    SamCarlson posted...
    why dont you waste your time on a non-problem?
    I don't care about this problem.

    I will try and see it from your point of view, but I doubt we'll be able to fit both our heads up there.
    SamCarlson posted...
    youve gone from egmanning to strawmanning.

    The way you defined 'eggmanning' doesn't apply to me as I didn't make this thread.

    And I'm not strawmanning either, unless you're about to deny that people ITT (including yourself) haven't been arguing that this opinion isn't a problem because so few people have it.
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    Villain_S_Fiend posted...
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    yes, it's possible for a trans person to be shitbags.

    It's possible, sure, but I don't think this particular issue is due to people being shitbags. I feel like it probably comes from genuine feelings of dejection and frustration. I'm sure it's difficult for a lot of trans people to find someone whom they can be happy with - more difficult than for most cis folk, certainly. I'm not going to call them shitbags for it.

    I will tell them I think they're wrong about this, though.

    Eh, I'd call anyone arguing in favor of what amounts to conversion therapy a shitbag.
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    I guess under this particular definition I am transphobic.
    Mortal Kombat X, Overwatch and Dark Souls matches
    TonyKojima 1 day ago#71
    G_I_B_B_O_N posted...
    I guess under this particular definition I am transphobic.

    Its one idiot on twitter.
    Though the XBOX 360 is good in theory, it's hardware limitations say otherwise - Hideo Kojima 
    PSN - Guncrazy56
    andel 1 day ago#72
    this notion is moronic. whether or not you would have sex/a relationship with a trans person can never be transphobic but treating them like shit and not accepting who they are is
    I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
    Welcome to 2017. Everything's a phobia
    Start me, bench Forte
    I am pretty sure Conservatives would love it if they tried dating a trans person.
    3DS friend code: 3308-4835-1515
    And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
    Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#75
    mad_hax_man posted...

    We don't start topics anytime the likes of Sargon does something shitty. Or any other time one of that crowd (who have a much bigger reach than any if the trans activist that you have bitched about) does something terrible. Because you know, in a turning point in American and world politics, one snarky tweet or bad video doesn't mean anything in the long run

    Except Milo, you guys loved Milo lol.

    CherryTsundere posted...


    Why does Tc only post SJW topics anyway?

    Why not post a topic where Tara McCarthy said humans have subspecies?

    The bias is real.

    Because I'm not expecting a very American centric board to be up on the intricacies of UK politics and honestly I see SJWs are part of the reason American didn't get Bernie Sanders in because based on SJW logic he's practically the devil what with being Cis-White- Straight and Male.
    I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
    Dwavenhobble posted...
    mad_hax_man posted...

    We don't start topics anytime the likes of Sargon does something shitty. Or any other time one of that crowd (who have a much bigger reach than any if the trans activist that you have bitched about) does something terrible. Because you know, in a turning point in American and world politics, one snarky tweet or bad video doesn't mean anything in the long run

    Except Milo, you guys loved Milo lol.

    CherryTsundere posted...


    Why does Tc only post SJW topics anyway?

    Why not post a topic where Tara McCarthy said humans have subspecies?

    The bias is real.

    Because I'm not expecting a very American centric board to be up on the intricacies of UK politics and honestly I see SJWs are part of the reason American didn't get Bernie Sanders in because based on SJW logic he's practically the devil what with being Cis-White- Straight and Male.

    You posted topics concerning the UK before, stop lying.
    Behold my beauty!
    Tmk 1 day ago#77
    There's probably more people on the planet who write Sonic fanfictions and believe Sonic is real out there somewhere and that they're married to him, than people who believe what this topic is about.

    So why not make a topic about them instead?

    This is just bait for the most politically rattled of people who have nonstop fighting going on in their head and need every outlet they can find to blurt it out whenever possible. This topic is basically, "Hey, a very small number of crazy people on the internet have a crazy viewpoint on a larger issue. DOESN'T THAT PISS YOU OFF? LET'S ARGUE ABOUT IT"

    And as I've said before: there's enough stupid shit said on this board already that we don't need to outsource stupid statements from other sites.
    I am snazzier, hot, hot rant. Warily slight as.
    Croak rush, OK? Weirder, almighty make out. ::)
    Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#78
    CherryTsundere posted...

    You posted topics concerning the UK before, stop lying.

    Yeh generally during things like Major elections or major events that have likely managed to reach the US. 

    You likely don't want to know how one MP has called her constituency the home of mostly Drunks and Druggies and then spectacularly failed when she tried to show off her local knowledge by getting it wrong and mis-pronouncing a load of names lol
    I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
    atmasabr 1 day ago#79
    Seems SJW or at least some of them are now starting to claim it's Transphobic for Straight men to refuse to date pre-op Trans women.

    I will never stop wondering why the genders used to describe transgender people are the reverse of what makes sense. A pre-op transgender woman should mean someone who was born a woman who has not yet had a sex change operation to become a man. Someone who was born a man who has not yet had a sex change operation to become a woman is a man, is a man, is a man.
    Do your own research!
    (message deleted)
    Topu_Kek 1 day ago#81
    @Tmk posted...
    There's probably more people on the planet who write Sonic fanfictions and believe Sonic is real out there somewhere and that they're married to him, than people who believe what this topic is about.

    So why not make a topic about them instead?

    This is just bait for the most politically rattled of people who have nonstop fighting going on in their head and need every outlet they can find to blurt it out whenever possible. This topic is basically, "Hey, a very small number of crazy people on the internet have a crazy viewpoint on a larger issue. DOESN'T THAT PISS YOU OFF? LET'S ARGUE ABOUT IT"

    And as I've said before: there's enough stupid shit said on this board already that we don't need to outsource stupid statements from other sites.
    There are more people writing Sonic fanfics than there are people on gamefaqs.
    "My son is a high-quality person" -Donald J Trump
    Topu_Kek posted...
    @Tmk posted...
    There's probably more people on the planet who write Sonic fanfictions and believe Sonic is real out there somewhere and that they're married to him, than people who believe what this topic is about.

    So why not make a topic about them instead?

    This is just bait for the most politically rattled of people who have nonstop fighting going on in their head and need every outlet they can find to blurt it out whenever possible. This topic is basically, "Hey, a very small number of crazy people on the internet have a crazy viewpoint on a larger issue. DOESN'T THAT PISS YOU OFF? LET'S ARGUE ABOUT IT"

    And as I've said before: there's enough stupid shit said on this board already that we don't need to outsource stupid statements from other sites.
    There are more people writing Sonic fanfics than there are people on gamefaqs.

    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    Topu_Kek 1 day ago#83
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    Topu_Kek posted...
    @Tmk posted...
    There's probably more people on the planet who write Sonic fanfictions and believe Sonic is real out there somewhere and that they're married to him, than people who believe what this topic is about.

    So why not make a topic about them instead?

    This is just bait for the most politically rattled of people who have nonstop fighting going on in their head and need every outlet they can find to blurt it out whenever possible. This topic is basically, "Hey, a very small number of crazy people on the internet have a crazy viewpoint on a larger issue. DOESN'T THAT PISS YOU OFF? LET'S ARGUE ABOUT IT"

    And as I've said before: there's enough stupid shit said on this board already that we don't need to outsource stupid statements from other sites.
    There are more people writing Sonic fanfics than there are people on gamefaqs.

    "My son is a high-quality person" -Donald J Trump
    Dwavenhobble posted...
    mad_hax_man posted...

    We don't start topics anytime the likes of Sargon does something shitty. Or any other time one of that crowd (who have a much bigger reach than any if the trans activist that you have bitched about) does something terrible. Because you know, in a turning point in American and world politics, one snarky tweet or bad video doesn't mean anything in the long run

    Except Milo, you guys loved Milo lol.

    CherryTsundere posted...


    Why does Tc only post SJW topics anyway?

    Why not post a topic where Tara McCarthy said humans have subspecies?

    The bias is real.

    Because I'm not expecting a very American centric board to be up on the intricacies of UK politics and honestly I see SJWs are part of the reason American didn't get Bernie Sanders in because based on SJW logic he's practically the devil what with being Cis-White- Straight and Male.

    The stereotype of the SJW- a young, aggressive ideologues lines up more with Bernie supporters than Hillarys.
    "Hey bridesmaid, love the beard! Give's me something to hang onto!!"- Lord Flasheart
    mad_hax_man posted...
    The stereotype of the SJW- a young, aggressive ideologues lines up more with Bernie supporters than Hillarys.

    Really? Because you've got SJWs claiming Bernie is racist, protested at his speeches, and claim that his worker-focused platform is racist too because it only affects white people.

    You're right about young, aggressive ideologues lining up with Bernie, but you've got the wrong group of ideologues if you're suggesting SJWs are pro-Bernie.
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    DOAbayman 1 day ago#86
    ive always found it incredibly disrespectful for trans people to just ignore someone sexuality especially considering the entire crux of their argument is that sex has nothing to do with gender.
    "Are you one of those scrubs that likes the story spoon fed to you?"
    "You mean books?"
    DOAbayman posted...
    ive always found it incredibly disrespectful for trans people to just ignore someone sexuality especially considering the entire crux of their argument is that sex has nothing to do with gender.

    I'm surprised more feminists aren't flipping their shits about this like Laci Green is, considering the main focus of this mentality is lesbians, not straight men. The argument is that lesbians that don't want to be with a transwoman because they have a dick are transphobic, or 'transmisogynistic'.
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    (edited 1 day ago)
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    mad_hax_man posted...
    The stereotype of the SJW- a young, aggressive ideologues lines up more with Bernie supporters than Hillarys.

    Really? Because you've got SJWs claiming Bernie is racist, protested at his speeches, and claim that his worker-focused platform is racist too because it only affects white people.

    You're right about young, aggressive ideologues lining up with Bernie, but you've got the wrong group of ideologues if you're suggesting SJWs are pro-Bernie.

    Um, yeah. That's the general stereotype.

    Lol, do SJWs like Hillary now or what?
    Behold my beauty!
    CherryTsundere posted...
    Um, yeah. That's the general stereotype.

    Lol, do SJWs like Hillary now or what?


    Did you not read anything other than the part you bolded?

    The SJWs that are pro BLM call Bernie racist. The SJWs that are pro feminism call Bernie sexist (and his supporters sexist too, hence Bernie Bros -- and in 2008, Obama Boys). Which SJWs aligned themselves with Bernie?
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    DOAbayman posted...
    ive always found it incredibly disrespectful for trans people to just ignore someone sexuality especially considering the entire crux of their argument is that sex has nothing to do with gender.

    I'm surprised more feminists aren't flipping their shits about this like Laci Green is, considering the main focus of this mentality is lesbians, not straight men. The argument is that lesbians that don't want to be with a transwoman because they have a dick are transphobic, or 'transmisogynistic'.

    Most of them are actually flipping their shit at Laci Green.
    EuroKnight39 posted...
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    DOAbayman posted...
    ive always found it incredibly disrespectful for trans people to just ignore someone sexuality especially considering the entire crux of their argument is that sex has nothing to do with gender.

    I'm surprised more feminists aren't flipping their shits about this like Laci Green is, considering the main focus of this mentality is lesbians, not straight men. The argument is that lesbians that don't want to be with a transwoman because they have a dick are transphobic, or 'transmisogynistic'.

    Most of them are actually flipping their shit at Laci Green.

    I know, I've been watching. It's kind of insane. But I guess that's the treatment you get when you go against the intersectional borg.
    Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...
    Um, yeah. That's the general stereotype.

    Lol, do SJWs like Hillary now or what?


    Did you not read anything other than the part you bolded?

    The SJWs that are pro BLM call Bernie racist. The SJWs that are pro feminism call Bernie sexist (and his supporters sexist too, hence Bernie Bros -- and in 2008, Obama Boys). Which SJWs aligned themselves with Bernie?

    Why don't you just name me some prominent SJWs who are vehemently opposed to Bernie, "instead of x group opposes them?"

    Shaun Jen for instance gets regurarly called a SJW and he is Pro bernie from what I have seen.
    Behold my beauty!
    Is it possible we could just condemn this persons opinion, and not use it to attack all trans people and not give them equal rights?
    PurplePanda8 posted...
    Is it possible we could just condemn this persons opinion, and not use it to attack all trans people and not give them equal rights?

    It's literally a joke click on the first link it says:

    Have your trans girlfriend rub her balls and dick on your face until you realize how awesome it is? I don't know dude

    Tc is just bullshitting as ususal.
    Behold my beauty!
    (edited 1 day ago)
    Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#95
    CherryTsundere posted...

    Why don't you just name me some prominent SJWs who are vehemently opposed to Bernie, "instead of x group opposes them?"

    Shaun Jen for instance gets regurarly called a SJW and he is Pro bernie from what I have seen.

    Anita Sarkeesian, if that's not good enough Brianna Wu
    I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
    Is it transphobic to not want to date postop ones either?
    Dwavenhobble posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...

    Why don't you just name me some prominent SJWs who are vehemently opposed to Bernie, "instead of x group opposes them?"

    Shaun Jen for instance gets regurarly called a SJW and he is Pro bernie from what I have seen.

    Anita Sarkeesian, if that's not good enough Brianna Wu

    Can't find anything of Anita supporting or not supporting Bernie. regarding Wu:


    Well, don't know if this is legit, but yeah you just got fucked if this is real.
    Behold my beauty!
    (edited 1 day ago)
    Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#98
    CherryTsundere posted...

    Can't find anything of Anita supporting or not supporting Bernie. regarding Wu:


    Well, don't know if this is legit, but yeah you just got fucked if this is real.

    Fair enough.

    I know in part it seems Anita and her producer (J. McIntosh) broke apart their professional and maybe even personal relationship because he supported Bernie and she supported Hillary
    I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    DOAbayman posted...
    ive always found it incredibly disrespectful for trans people to just ignore someone sexuality especially considering the entire crux of their argument is that sex has nothing to do with gender.

    I'm surprised more feminists aren't flipping their shits about this like Laci Green is, considering the main focus of this mentality is lesbians, not straight men. The argument is that lesbians that don't want to be with a transwoman because they have a dick are transphobic, or 'transmisogynistic'.

    Jeez, it may just be that the term SJW is a fucking useless term not used to describe any one particular group and is instead just an insult flung at any one who remotely cares about minority issues.

    Like antifa are sure as hell not Hillary Supporters and they are the embodiment of the SJW stereotype. A good chunk of the YT "Social Justice" crowd are socialists or anarchists who sure as fuck aren't Hillary Supporters. And while BLM may have shot down Bernie, there where other black leaders that where cautious about Hillary as well. 

    There where several factors that lead to Bernies loss, including the DNC being biased for Hillary, liberals preferring the slow but steady improvements Hillary promised over the sweeping changes Bernie wanted, and yes, flaws Bernie had within his own campaign. But Zennia Jones posting a snarky joke in a heated conversation that is quite frankly, so fucking tame compared to some of the shit those on the other side have said (****coughcoughjokingaboutamurderhiursafteruthappened*****) is not #thereasonBernuelost
    "Hey bridesmaid, love the beard! Give's me something to hang onto!!"- Lord Flasheart
    (edited 1 day ago)
    And while BLM may have shot down Bernie, there where other black leaders that where cautious about Hillary as well.

    Not to mention BLM was often vehemently anti-Clinton as well. They were one of the main groups bringing up her "superpredator" quote from the 90s
    Auto correct, room = room. - Vesperas
    1. Boards
    2. Politics
    3. Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops
      1. Boards
      2. Politics
      3. Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops
      hak145 1 day ago#101
      its almost as if you were deliberately searching for this kind of stuff on the internet in order to find dirt on "SJWS".
      Gamertag XL: CRAZYjump, PSN: CRAZIERjump
      Winner: Dark Souls.....2, Honorable Mentions: Fallout 3, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space, Bioshock
      Dwavenhobble 1 day ago#102
      hak145 posted...
      its almost as if you were deliberately searching for this kind of stuff on the internet in order to find dirt on "SJWS".

      "To find dirt on SJWS"

      You mean there's sometimes actual clean spots with them?
      I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
      atmasabr posted...
      Seems SJW or at least some of them are now starting to claim it's Transphobic for Straight men to refuse to date pre-op Trans women.

      I will never stop wondering why the genders used to describe transgender people are the reverse of what makes sense. A pre-op transgender woman should mean someone who was born a woman who has not yet had a sex change operation to become a man. Someone who was born a man who has not yet had a sex change operation to become a woman is a man, is a man, is a man.

      That's bait.
      "Hodor" -Hodor
      Sojy 1 day ago#104
      Nitro378 posted...
      Kinda wish a hot trap would rub their balls on my face, but regardless, of course it's not transphobic.
      CherryTsundere posted...
      Why don't you just name me some prominent SJWs who are vehemently opposed to Bernie, "instead of x group opposes them?"

      Would naming a few that break from the pack invalidate the fact that SJWs don't seem to like Bernie for the reasons already mentioned?

      mad_hax_man posted...
      Jeez, it may just be that the term SJW is a fucking useless term not used to describe any one particular group and is instead just an insult flung at any one who remotely cares about minority issues.

      Jeez, when Anita, Zoe Quinn, et al called themselves SJWs it was cool but now that people ridicule those brave warriors it's considered an insult at nobody in particular.

      The goalposts are only supposed to be a certain number of feet apart, you know.
      Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
      hak145 posted...
      its almost as if you were deliberately searching for this kind of stuff on the internet in order to find dirt on "SJWS".

      Or he follows Laci Green, a fairly popular YouTuber, on twitter and saw the conversation happening? What the fuck is this bullshit about having to scour the deepest chasms of the internet?
      Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
      Argonian_Maid posted...
      Would naming a few that break from the pack invalidate the fact that SJWs don't seem to like Bernie for the reasons already mentioned?.

      Well, you have given me not specific names so, yeah,

      All the people that I "follow" (I don't actually have a twitter account) and that get called SJWs regularly call for a more left wing Democratic Party and I've never seen the attacking Bernie as a whole.

      Sojy posted...
      Nitro378 posted...
      Kinda wish a hot trap would rub their balls on my face, but regardless, of course it's not transphobic.

      Didn't know you were into that.
      Behold my beauty!
      Argonian_Maid posted...
      hak145 posted...
      its almost as if you were deliberately searching for this kind of stuff on the internet in order to find dirt on "SJWS".

      Or he follows Laci Green, a fairly popular YouTuber, on twitter and saw the conversation happening? What the fuck is this bullshit about having to scour the deepest chasms of the internet?

      Or any number of other youtubers. Or reddit, or twitter. Or the chans. This stuff isn't particularly hard to find.
      He who laughs last, thinks fastest.
      So long as the government doesn't start dictating who I'm permitted to find attractive, meh.
      Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis.
      mad_hax_man 22 hours ago#110
      Argonian_Maid posted...
      CherryTsundere posted...
      Why don't you just name me some prominent SJWs who are vehemently opposed to Bernie, "instead of x group opposes them?"

      Would naming a few that break from the pack invalidate the fact that SJWs don't seem to like Bernie for the reasons already mentioned?

      You haven't provided any evidence that SJWs as a whole hated Bernie more than they hated Hillary. .....or who you mean by SJWs

      mad_hax_man posted...
      Jeez, it may just be that the term SJW is a fucking useless term not used to describe any one particular group and is instead just an insult flung at any one who remotely cares about minority issues.

      Jeez, when Anita, Zoe Quinn, et al called themselves SJWs it was cool but now that people ridicule those brave warriors it's considered an insult at nobody in particular.

      The goalposts are only supposed to be a certain number of feet apart, you know.

      SJW was never a self applied term, unless in some ironic way. It originally had a purpose within leftist circles, (as a term that criticised people within their own movement) but was soon appropriated by the right and ranks up there with cuck in shear uselessness. Within the original definition;, Antifa, BLM and yes Zennia Jones wouldn't be an SJW. They maybe aggressive in their approach, but all three do genuinely believe abd have some understanding of the causes they fight for.
      "Hey bridesmaid, love the beard! Give's me something to hang onto!!"- Lord Flasheart
      CherryTsundere posted...
      All the people that I "follow" (I don't actually have a twitter account) and that get called SJWs regularly call for a more left wing Democratic Party and I've never seen the attacking Bernie as a whole.

      You've never seen BLM attack Bernie? Protesting and interrupting a speech, claiming he isn't a good candidate for black people because he's so focused on wealth inequality and (I shit you not, they legit think this) helping the middle class doesn't help black people? You've never seen feminists attack Bernie and his Bros, or Obama and his Boys in 2008? I don't understand the point of being disingenuous, especially on an issue like this. So what if most SJWs don't support Bernie? (Or the reverse, if that were true?) Are there implications I'm unaware of that necessitates distorting reality to claim SJWs like Bernie?

      Stop trying to be Orca.

      mad_hax_man posted...
      You haven't provided any evidence that SJWs as a whole hated Bernie more than they hated Hillary

      That's probably because I never claimed they like Hillary more than Bernie, I just claimed they didn't like Bernie. While Hillary won a ridiculous portion of the black vote, BLM didn't like her too much either.

      Although I feel safe in claiming that feminists like Hillary more than Bernie. Do you need me to provide evidence of that, or is that a gimme?

      mad_hax_man posted...

      Right. She and other SJWs attempted to "own" the term as a badge of honor. They all used to describe themselves as SJWs in their twitter profiles. This has seemingly backfired horribly as they no longer do this. Ironically, I'm pretty sure that was their doing. I didn't see this term gain popularity - or the amount of negativity it holds - until they started calling themselves SJWs.

      But your criticism was that it was a useless term, and my counter to that was that SJWs themselves disagree with that (or used to). Also, I disagree with that because I think categorizing these people is plenty useful. There are people that care about minority rights, such as you and I, but then there are the intersectional activist type that, IMO, that are such a detriment to the cause that have gone so off-script that they do things like fight against free speech, are pro-segregation in that they feel black people should have the right to have their own 'space' and be allowed to exclude people of other races (let's be real though, they mean white people), etc.

      I think it's infinitely useful to separate people who care about issues involving minority rights and the insane, frothing-at-the-mouth racists who have jumped onto a good cause to promote their backwards ideology.
      Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
      (edited 9 hours ago)
      How in the entire fuck did this topic not end in the first 10 posts?
      mgtonvac55 7 hours ago#113
      omega bahumat posted...
      How in the entire fuck did this topic not end in the first 10 posts?

      Because the first 10 posts were dedicated to trying to convince the OP and anyone clicking on this topic by trying to make it seem like this is some odd view that only a handful of people hold and some folks here don't seem very susceptible to this type of reality-distorting bullshit. (On the other hand, others argue that Trump isn't under investigation despite Trump himself claiming he's under investigation. So yeah.)

      Because a massive deflection and distraction attempt is a lot more palatable to some people than admitting and addressing that some popular views in the trans community are problematic garbage. It's not just some fringe lunatic arguing that straight men and gay women are bigoted for not wanting to have sex with a trans woman based solely on genitals.
      "'I'm offended by that.' Well so f***ing what?" -- Stephen Fry
      (edited 7 hours ago)
      ERfanatic 7 hours ago#114
      This is the politics board, not the Gamergate board.
      mgtonvac55 posted...
      Because the first 10 posts were dedicated to trying to convince the OP and anyone clicking on this topic by trying to make it seem like this is some odd view that only a handful of people hold

      Because it is only a handful of people. Hell I don't even know the majority of the people you guys are talking about in these type of topics. You guys act like having a presence on social media or some kind of following means that the majority of people feel this way, while normal people in the world don't give a fuck about it and just live their lives. Stop putting so much stock in what you read online to get outraged over.
      mgtonvac55 6 hours ago#116
      The Great Muta 22 posted...
      Because it is only a handful of people. Hell I don't even know the majority of the people you guys are talking about in these type of topics.

      So because you don't personally know enough about something it's an irrelevant thing that only a few people talk about? lol k

      I dunno, if I found something to be irrelevant I just wouldn't post in that thread, not make the thread go over 100 posts to really drive home the point about how nobody cares.

      I mean, if we were going to apply the "just a handful of people" argument to more things, we should just not talk about trans people/trans rights at all, since they make a fraction of 1% of the population. They're irrelevant since there's so few of them, right?

      ERfanatic posted...
      This is the politics board, not the Gamergate board.

      Trans rights are a political issue. And Gamergate had nothing to do with trans people.
      "'I'm offended by that.' Well so f***ing what?" -- Stephen Fry
      (edited 6 hours ago)
      Hyena 20 5 hours ago#117
      In that link, I see very few people SJWing about it, and the ones who do get blasted for their hypocrisy. This is essentially the convo minus the joke and sarcastic posts (though Zinnia's post might be meant as an "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer" response)

      Count Slambo: Work through a DICK? How does THAT work exactly?

      Zinnia: Have your trans girlfriend rub her balls and dick on your face until you realize how awesome it is? I don't know dude. 

      Mari: Or maybe go down on him.

      Mike: my god people get so uppity when being told to question their sexuality like it's the most horrifying thing ever to try stuff

      Sam: "Question their sexuality" Like being told homosexuality is "a phase" or "a illness" or "culturally taught". Such a daft thing to say.

      Mike: Pretty important distinction between questioning your sexuality ("what do I like?") vs. questioning the validity of it ("is this okay?")

      Sam: No there really isn't. Why should any external source have an impact on your sexuality? "It's different for reasons" is nonsense.

      Mike: Yes, there is. "Do I like boys" and "Is liking boys evil" are two very different questions. Don't be intellectually dishonest. And lots of external factors can influence sexuality. Different cultures eroticize different things. Peoples' kinks come and go. etc.

      SisterJ: Sexual orientation is not a "kink"

      Nini: Stop telling us we HAVE to include trans men and women as our potential partners.

      Alex: Or enjoy the parts of your trans GF that aren't her dick? There's a lot of ways to be intimate with someone. So many assumptions...

      Colonel: You want to help oppressed ppl? Join the military. If Zinnia can complain, she's not fucking oppressed. Crazy, Maybe. Oppressed no.

      Alex: I don't want to murder people maybe. Maybe war is a big part of the problem. But I can't imagine an "alpha male" getting that.

      Andrea: "I don't like penises." "Sure you do, you just haven't tried it." Like no lesbian has ever been told THAT before. Love the hypocrisy.

      Honestly, I only see one, maybe two people in the first link who are SJWing about this. The rest are either making fun of SJWs or telling Mike how offensive his logic is.
      Meet Captain Euro, the coolest superhero this side of Aquaman!~~Portal of Evil
      [Disillusioned Independent]
      (edited 5 hours ago)
      mgtonvac55 5 hours ago#118
      ^But nobody cares
      "'I'm offended by that.' Well so f***ing what?" -- Stephen Fry
      Argonian_Maid posted...
      So what if most SJWs don't support Bernie?

      This is the point where we disagree, the stereotypical notion is that SJWs support Bernie:




      Just google Bernie + sjw

      But who cares anyways, let's just agree to disagree then.
      Behold my beauty!
      (edited 3 hours ago)
      1. Boards
      2. Politics 
      3. Internet people start claiming it's Transphobic for men to refuse to date preops

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