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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Trump to speak at anti-gay conference during LGBT+ pride month

  1. Boards
  2. Politics
  3. Trump to speak at anti-gay conference during LGBT+ pride month
Isabelle-K 1 month ago#1
Taishi Ci CCR 1 month ago#2
Which dystopia do you want to live in? Huxley or Orwell? - AtmosOmega
You guys on this board can be a little biased...
mercurydude 1 month ago#3
This is another one of those things where, if he'd never run for president, he would have ended up looking so much better on this issue. Now he's doing whatever some person (probably Pence) wants him to do and ends up looking like a complete asshole because of it. I mean, more so than usual.
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." 
- Thomas Jefferson, writing on the subject of religion
Genericgamer667 1 month ago#4
Taishi Ci CCR posted...

"Most pro gay president ever"
Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
Humble_Novice 1 month ago#5
Most presidents could care less about social issues unless it personally affects them or reflects the viewpoints of their voters. Obama is one example as he changed his disagreement on gay marriage when a majority of his voters supported it.
Rob_the_Ninja 1 month ago#6
Taishi Ci CCR posted...

No, it's not okay.
knightmere122 1 month ago#7
He can speak where he pleases.
Ohio State Buckeyes: 2014-15 National Champions
Porunga 1 month ago#8
Isabelle-K posted...
B-b-b-but he held up a flag!

Upside down.
haloistehawesum 1 month ago#9
knightmere122 posted...
He can speak where he pleases.

You.... do understand that's not the point, right?

Of course you don't.
Isabelle-K 1 month ago#10
knightmere122 posted...
He can speak where he pleases.

I'm not saying he can't speak there, I'm saying it proves he is harmful to LGBT+ people
Porunga 1 month ago#11
Isabelle-K posted...
knightmere122 posted...
He can speak where he pleases.

I'm not saying he can't speak there, I'm saying it proves he is harmful to LGBT+ people

he is harmful to EVERY people.
(message deleted)
feudel 1 month ago#13
@knightmere122 really doesnt care about the LGBT community im guessing

Rubepublicans at their best
hmnut7 1 month ago#14
At some point Trump is going to STOP campaigning to his far right base, right?
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?" 
Robin: "Fight anyway!"
GetStumped 1 month ago#15
Porunga posted...
Isabelle-K posted...
B-b-b-but he held up a flag!

Upside down.

lmao you guys are so desperate. truly unpleasable and will nitpick anything.
Pepe is not dead he's surely alive
Porunga 1 month ago#16
hmnut7 posted...
At some point Trump is going to STOP campaigning to his far right base, right?

MegatokyoEd 1 month ago#17
hmnut7 posted...
At some point Trump is going to STOP campaigning to his far right base, right?

He's realized nothing he does will endear him to the rest of the country so he's going extra hard with his base to keep them energized.
mad_hax_man 1 month ago#18
Remember, this is the same president who spent Sexual Harassment Awareness Month defending Bill O'Reilly
"Hey bridesmaid, love the beard! Give's me something to hang onto!!"- Lord Flasheart
FrisbeeDude 1 month ago#19
knightmere122 posted...
He can speak where he pleases.

Where did you find such sturdy knee pads?
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
IMadepooh4U 1 month ago#20
Trump the Uniter
The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing- Socrates
Porunga 1 month ago#21
MegatokyoEd posted...
hmnut7 posted...
At some point Trump is going to STOP campaigning to his far right base, right?

He's realized nothing he does will endear him to the rest of the country so he's going extra hard with his base to keep them energized.

Except that isn't actually true. Just as an example, when he made his first speech to congress and did so without any trumpisms and behaved like an actual adult, he was praised quite heavily by many people from both sides of the aisle. 

When he does something good, doesn't act like an asshole, he gets positive attention. he is just simply incapable of doing that. he is incapable of behaving in a rational, intelligent, mature, reasonable manner. 

trump gets all of this negativity because he has not done virtually nothing worth praising him for, and in fact seemingly is doing everything he can to get negative attention.
Marmitecashews 1 month ago#22
knightmere122 posted...
He can speak where he pleases.

And everyone can judge him as they please.
Breitbart has been caught lying so many times that you might as well call it Liebart.
Ampelas 1 month ago#23
Okay, how the fuck do Trumpanzees defend this...?
pikey87 1 month ago#24
25+ years of gaming taught me one important life lesson. You normally don't have to push start at the main menu.
Porunga 1 month ago#25
Ampelas posted...
Okay, how the fuck do Trumpanzees defend this...?

With little effort but great delusion.
WindMouseHanpan 1 month ago#26
Looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
Come check out Iido's Gaming Den for Let's Plays 'n other stuff!
mercurydude 1 month ago#27
Humble_Novice posted...
Most presidents could care less about social issues unless it personally affects them or reflects the viewpoints of their voters. Obama is one example as he changed his disagreement on gay marriage when a majority of his voters supported it.

It's always funny when people try to spin Obama's support for same-sex marriage into a negative while trying to spin something like this topic into a positive, or at the very least, a non-issue. Also, you are either lying or ignorant about the circumstances of Obama's official change on the issue, but that's to be expected from any "But Obama!" bullshitting post. 

Speaking at an actively anti-gay venue isn't a case of "could[n't] care less," it is taking a definite stand. He could have chosen to skip this and not have been hurt in the support of his base in the least for having done so.
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." 
- Thomas Jefferson, writing on the subject of religion
  1. Boards
  2. Politics 
  3. Trump to speak at anti-gay conference during LGBT+ pride month

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