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Friday, July 28, 2017

Have you ever met a transgender person in real life?

Damn_Underscore 22 hours ago#1
????? - Results (184 votes)
No, but I have seen one
Shenmue II = best game of all time
Shenmue = 2nd best game of all time
Error1355 22 hours ago#2
Yes, a few times.
This life is just a game we play, that we can never win. 
But don't give up, no don't give up.
X777WgpUYZ5Hv23 22 hours ago#3
I've met a few.
Mostly tumblr-esque
One was pretty down to earth, though.
LinksLiege 22 hours ago#4
I've lived in or near Portland & Seattle my whole life.

You tell me.
This is LinksLiege's signature. It is fantastic.
Mikablu 22 hours ago#5
Yes, several. Not to mention myself.
Lightsasori 22 hours ago#6
A few times yes.
"Yare yare daze" ~ Jotaro Kujo
"Children are pure, they know who's the strongest." ~ MaskDeSmith
Bullet_Wing 22 hours ago#7
Yes, as I just said in another topic, most despise those Tumblr nutsos with 57 genders and multiple labels/pronouns. They just want to be known as male or female.
even if I were a woman, I would never want to be my girlfriend - Franklin
OpheliaAdenade 22 hours ago#8
Actually, no. Or at least none that I knew for certain was trans. :u
Shadowstrike007 22 hours ago#9
Seen one at a job said how are you doing sir and in his deep ass voice said I'm a female.

Awkward as all hell didn't know what to do after so just kinda walked away.
PSN: Shadowstrike002. Currently playing: FF12,undertale,Digimon new order
eston 22 hours ago#10
Only twice, and both were in passing. One I could tell because she wasn't not really close to passing, and the other was a minor local celebrity
Solar_Crimson 22 hours ago#11
Yes, someone who was in my organization a while back was trans (and to be frank, it was pretty obvious, too; she still had a masculine look and voice).

Apparently, no one was allowed to talk about it, because it was an automatic termination.
Damn_Underscore 22 hours ago#13
Solar_Crimson posted...
Apparently, no one was allowed to talk about it, because it was an automatic termination.

This sort of thing isn't goof for anyone.
Shenmue II = best game of all time
Shenmue = 2nd best game of all time
NihilistTurian 22 hours ago#14
TrevorBlack79 22 hours ago#15
Yes. She was a friend's roommate. We weren't close though, and after she and the friend moved out of the same apartment I lost contact entirely.
"a minority is someone who you can tell off the bat they are black/hispanic/colored. LGBT isn't a minority" - Blakkheim1
iLikeMtnDew 22 hours ago#16
One comes into my work every now and then. She's a nice person and tips pretty well. Think that's the only one that I know of
I don't like Mountain Dew
OpheliaAdenade 22 hours ago#17
actually, I think I met one in a gas station once. but that might have been an off the clock drag queen.
Phantom_Nook 22 hours ago#18
Yep, spent a bus ride next to a MtF and we talked about stuff almost the whole time. She rode the bus a few times after that, so I saw her again. I've met others, but that was the longest interaction I had with one.

There was also a friend I had in high school who I found out years later has transitioned to a woman, or at least was starting to. But I never talked with him/her after high school so idk if that counts.
Posted with GameRaven 3.2.1
(edited 22 hours ago)quote
Letron_James 22 hours ago#19
Ask me if I would eat da booty.
justaguy3492 22 hours ago#21
A guy I know transitioned from a female to a male, but it was way before I knew him. One time someone told me that he was born a girl and I thought they were just f***ing with me for the longest time until he actually told me himself. You'd literally never be able to tell that he is trans just by looking at him.
Gt: justaguy3492
NES4EVER 22 hours ago#22
Yup. Grew up with a girl who became a guy when he was 21. 

It was kinda obvious all along (she was always mistaken for a boy as a kid) and we all supported it, but I have to say I had trouble using rhe right gender... not like a moral issue with transitioning. ... like just habitually referred to him as she because she had always been a she.
nu-horsemen 4evar
[A GameFAQs Moderator was deleted by this message]
YonicBoom 22 hours ago#23
One of my best friends from my old job who I was grooming to replace me when I left was FtM trans.

He was one cool guy. I'd have a beer with him any day, if alcohol didn't f*** with his medication/hormones/whatever.
RIP TurboAE86 (19XX-2017) - No amount of Scrotal Googling could find him peace in this mortal world.
"See ya, space cowboy."
Lorenzo_2003 22 hours ago#24
Yeah, I've got several trans friends. They are all male to female, for whatever reason.
Chicken 22 hours ago#25
yeah they had a dark tower tattoo, pretty cool person.
ChromaticAngel 22 hours ago#26
I met one transwoman and one transman and a guy I met in 2000 but don't really talk to much since he moved out of state became a transwoman.
electricbugs2 22 hours ago#27
One. He was a girl who was a lesbian but then became a guy. Then promptly became gay.

Dude was the most oversensitive person I've ever met. My mom used the word "retard" and he later asked if she did it on purpose to offend him (what....) He eventually got fired from our job because he insulted a white girl with dreads as being "culturally appropriating". Owner was furious.

He also identifies as asexual. Him and his boyfriend kiss but never have sex or anything of the sort.
"Cuz yung bucks be finnin n fruntin up a reap G know what it is"-Naysaspace
Valfalk 22 hours ago#28
i'm in a relationship with one
PoopPotato 22 hours ago#29
I was sitting at a bar by myself one time and noticed a lonely woman across the way. She was of average looks but I kept catching her glancing my way. After a couple of beers I decided to sit next to her and spit out my best introduction. 
"I'm poop potato, I'd like to buy you a drink. What are you having?"
She looked up at me, pulled her long hair to the side to reveal her Adam's apple and said in a gravely voice, "estrogen." 

So I ordered her a beer and we played darts. Good times.
Yea at work. The last one wasn't even passing. Had hairy arms and legs and beer gut. All the women that worked there and shopping were weirded out by it lol
"How come you can believe in God but not Bigfoot?" V-E-G-Y
Sativa_Rose 22 hours ago#31
Yeah, it wasn't weird at all. I've just seen so much weird s*** over the years that it's hard to surprise me at this point.
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
CrimsonRage 21 hours ago#32
Deadpool_18 21 hours ago#33
Yep. One of my best friends. She definitely took a turn towards attention seeking after coming out, though. I miss how humble she used to be.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Medussa 21 hours ago#34
not counting myself, a few people in retail settings. two who were working, maybe half a dozen as my customers.
Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
Act now! Venchmen are standing by for your orders!
BoyOfBattle 21 hours ago#35
nope, afaik
GSW. Chef Curry. Klay "Kray" Thompson. Kevin ALPHArant. we already won.
BillyKidd 21 hours ago#36
nope, but when they only make up 0.3% of the country's population and I don't live in a metropolitan sardine can, what do you expect.
Tho I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil. For I'm the meanest mofo in the whole f'n valley
Sayoria 21 hours ago#37
Nope, I have never met a single transgender person in my life at all. ~ ~
(message deleted)
--kresnik-- 21 hours ago#39
One in the hospital and one at the DMV.
Trump 2020
BoyOfBattle 21 hours ago#40
Vicious_Dios posted...
I try not to.

how come?
GSW. Chef Curry. Klay "Kray" Thompson. Kevin ALPHArant. we already won.
Fill_Kessel 21 hours ago#41
A few. Varying stages of transition.
NHL Insider, you're welcome
nativengine 21 hours ago#42
Yeah, my good friend Christa, now Tyler and my niece in law, Sarena, now Quinn.
Solar_Crimson 21 hours ago#43
Vicious_Dios posted...
I try not to.

Afraid they'll spread their trans-germs to you?
BLAKUboy 21 hours ago#44
Not to my knowledge.
Aeris dies if she takes more damage than her current HP - Panthera
Monolith1676 21 hours ago#45
A couple. One was 6'02" and balding.
Gears of War 1 Assassination Legend
Vicious_Dios 21 hours ago#46
BoyOfBattle posted...
Vicious_Dios posted...
I try not to.

how come?

Because reasons.

Solar_Crimson posted...
Vicious_Dios posted...
I try not to.

Afraid they'll spread their trans-germs to you?

Your words, not mine.
S / K / Y / N / E
Twitch/YouTube/GT: Adzeta
gatorsPENSbucs 21 hours ago#47
Muffinz0rz 21 hours ago#48
Yes, my girlfriend's friend is going from male to female. Still looks AF like a dude, but she (?) is getting a higher pitched voice over time

Not sure when the actual surgery is though, pretty sure she's like just starting out on the hormones and whatnot
Not changing this sig until Pat Benatar is in Super Smash Bros. (Started 8/31/2010)
BRAVELY DEFAULT: 1075 - 0844 - 9134 + FS: Pumkaboo, Lampent, Dusclops.
HiddenLurker 21 hours ago#49
If I did I would not know although I have seen a cross dresser. As it is not a habit of mine to ask about ones gender identity.
I used to be a gamefaq poster like you until I took an arrow to my face.
Monkhood 20 hours ago#50
Not that I know of.
I won't have to live in this false, sinful, lying, dying body.
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events
  3. Have you ever met a transgender person in real life?
    Deadpool_18 20 hours ago#51
    HiddenLurker posted...
    If I did I would not know

    You'd have somewhat of an idea.
    Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
    Solar_Crimson 19 hours ago#52
    Vicious_Dios posted...
    Solar_Crimson posted...
    Vicious_Dios posted...
    I try not to.

    Afraid they'll spread their trans-germs to you?

    Your words, not mine.

    lmao Really?
    Kid_Buu 19 hours ago#53
    yeah i used to have a close friend that was ftm trans.

    he moved away though
    I am Kaname_Madoka
    3DS Friend Code: 4682-8964-8708
    (edited 19 hours ago)quote
    Monday 19 hours ago#54
    Just once.

    She was taping her boobs down when I walked in on her in the bathroom. They were nice t***.

    (Family home, her fault for not totally shutting the door. An accident)
    Nomadic View 18 hours ago#55
    I had a trans waiter at red lobster once.
    {}\\{}(o){}\\//{}//=\\{})){}(< \\//{}{{-{}//\\{}
    mobilebloechel 18 hours ago#56
    I live in Portland
    I'm mobile.
    Cj_WlLL_VVlN 18 hours ago#57
    Yea. Both M->F

    One is a current coworker one is an old coworker. 

    Im probably closer to the older one albeit not close with either. 

    With the one I work with now I never mix up pronouns but I think it's because I only ever knew her as female. 

    My old coworker transitioned several years after I met him. Was weird to me. He dated one of my good friends. We went to Vegas together. I've seen her at the bar a few times since and it's still weird to me sometimes and I've mixed up the pronouns when referring to her not purposefully and I tried to explain that to her when she called me out on it. I just knew him for years and have met her a couple times.
    Give me your tired, your poor,Your masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me.
    Electrokinesis 17 hours ago#58
    Yeah, a buddy of mine in college. I met two of my closest friends through her, and through them quite a few other friends. I wish I knew where she went after college.
    It's scientifically impossible for pants to feel "pain". ~ TheRealItachi
    Krystalcyanide 17 hours ago#59
    Yes my last ex was a mTf transgender that I f***ed without a condom on several times
    Diamonds, pearls, krystals, girls, cyanide, poison, roxy!
    The Admiral 17 hours ago#60
    Yes, numerous times.
    - The Admiral
    The23rdMagus 17 hours ago#61
    My good friend and "brother" (by bond, not blood) is trans. I have twelve years on him; my overused joke is that if I'm his male role model, shaping what kind of man he develops into, he needs a better one.
    ~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
    Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
    LittleRoyal 17 hours ago#62
    Yes I was in dance class and drama class in high school. (I didn't act just dance and did lighting)
    I-I really needed this~~
    Time to stomp some faces!!!
    Blue_Dream87 17 hours ago#63
    I have a couple FtM friends and know a MtF, although she's kinda weird in that she doesn't seem to attempt to look like a female.
    LittleRoyal 17 hours ago#64
    Blue_Dream87 posted...
    I have a couple FtM friends and know a MtF, although she's kinda weird in that she doesn't seem to attempt to look like a female.

    Weird! I've never met a FtM I though everyone wanted to be girls lol
    I-I really needed this~~
    Time to stomp some faces!!!
    DragonImps 17 hours ago#65
    Yeah, I met one. A friend of mine introduced me. I wouldn't have been able to tell he was trans if my friend hadn't brought it up. He looked pretty neutral, didn't really play up his feminine-ness, and his name wasn't traditionally masculine or feminine.

    I thought he was flirting with me, because he asked if I liked kids... But then I realized that I was probably being stupid.
    Blue_Dream87 17 hours ago#66
    LittleRoyal posted...
    Blue_Dream87 posted...
    I have a couple FtM friends and know a MtF, although she's kinda weird in that she doesn't seem to attempt to look like a female.

    Weird! I've never met a FtM I though everyone wanted to be girls lol

    Yeah I found it odd, you're made to believe MtF is the most common but sometimes reality throws a curve. And I've run across a fair share, but I tend to actually socialize with FtM.
    LittleRoyal 17 hours ago#67
    Blue_Dream87 posted...
    LittleRoyal posted...
    Blue_Dream87 posted...
    I have a couple FtM friends and know a MtF, although she's kinda weird in that she doesn't seem to attempt to look like a female.

    Weird! I've never met a FtM I though everyone wanted to be girls lol

    Yeah I found it odd, you're made to believe MtF is the most common but sometimes reality throws a curve. And I've run across a fair share, but I tend to actually socialize with FtM.

    Hehe I've met 3 MtF but only talked to one and I've seen a gender fluid but I didn't hang
    I-I really needed this~~
    Time to stomp some faces!!!
    NewportBox100s 16 hours ago#68
    M-Watcher 16 hours ago#69
    I don't know how to answer this. I'm pretty sure I have, but I don't quite remember.

    And on the other hand, one of my best friends is transgender, but he became a she AFTER she moved halfway across the country. So, does that count as meeting a transgender person in real life when they didn't even know they wanted to be a girl until later on when real life contact became impractical?
    NNID: MWatcher27 / 3DS FC: 1203 - 9408 - 2283
    Krystalcyanide 16 hours ago#70
    NewportBox100s posted...
    I legit slept with one on Monday =D

    Nice, how did you give it to her? My ex Liz was a virgin until Thanksgiving night last year so she let me do her without a condom on as a holiday present. We dated for almost a year before we broke up over my drug usage.
    Diamonds, pearls, krystals, girls, cyanide, poison, roxy!
    LittleRoyal 16 hours ago#71
    Krystalcyanide posted...
    NewportBox100s posted...
    I legit slept with one on Monday =D

    Nice, how did you give it to her? My ex Liz was a virgin until Thanksgiving night last year so she let me do her without a condom on as a holiday present. We dated for almost a year before we broke up over my drug usage.

    Your name is Krystal?
    I-I really needed this~~
    Time to stomp some faces!!!
    Stagmar 16 hours ago#72
    I probably have, but none have ever said anything.
    11/11/1572 -- Never Forget.
    pbnj 15 hours ago#73
    Krystalcyanide 14 hours ago#74
    LittleRoyal posted...
    Krystalcyanide posted...
    NewportBox100s posted...
    I legit slept with one on Monday =D

    Nice, how did you give it to her? My ex Liz was a virgin until Thanksgiving night last year so she let me do her without a condom on as a holiday present. We dated for almost a year before we broke up over my drug usage.

    Your name is Krystal?

    Krystal is my drag queen/cosplay/80s glam metal name
    Diamonds, pearls, krystals, girls, cyanide, poison, roxy!
    Chicken 10 hours ago#75
    MabusIncarnate 10 hours ago#76
    Nope, never have. At least to my knowledge.
    Ten million dollars on a losing campaign
    Twenty million starving and writhing in pain
    Sayoria 10 hours ago#77
    Some of the talk has me jealous. I can't wait until I actually find someone I fall for. ~ ~
    Shiek120 10 hours ago#78
    I work with like six transgender people. They're all incredibly kind. There is one that I feel is a bit too much into the attention of it, and wants to have a "Gender Reveal Party" after her post-op
    i5-4570 3.2GHz, 8gb DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Founder's Edition
    I'm a Celtic.
    The23rdMagus 10 hours ago#79
    I'd say that's something to celebrate, though.
    ~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
    Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
    Iodine 10 hours ago#80
    Wow I am really surprised at the results. Transgenders are extremely rare.
    In Belichick we Trust
    Sayoria 9 hours ago#81
    Iodine posted...
    Wow I am really surprised at the results. Transgenders are extremely rare.

    We aren't. I've met.....let me see.

    Male ID - Al, Mason, Evan, Evan, Nick, Robbie, Jay, Aaron, Jeff

    Female ID - Edith, Anne, Grace, Scarlett, Courtney

    Non-Gender - CJ

    ...And many others by which I don't know how they identify, or I never knew because they were either in the closet or passed very well. ~ ~
    Iodine 9 hours ago#82
    Sayoria posted...
    Iodine posted...
    Wow I am really surprised at the results. Transgenders are extremely rare.

    We aren't. I've met.....let me see.

    Male ID - Al, Mason, Evan, Evan, Nick, Robbie, Jay, Aaron, Jeff

    Female ID - Edith, Anne, Grace, Scarlett, Courtney

    Non-Gender - CJ

    ...And many others by which I don't know how they identify, or I never knew because they were either in the closet or passed very well.

    Compared to the general population at large they are.
    In Belichick we Trust
    WafflehouseJK 9 hours ago#83
    Yeah. She was a family friend, and also a fortune teller.
    "She was like, 'Oh, did you see that firefighter? Hes so cute.' And I was like, Mom, I just got blown up."
    Sayoria 9 hours ago#84
    Iodine posted...
    Sayoria posted...
    Iodine posted...
    Wow I am really surprised at the results. Transgenders are extremely rare.

    We aren't. I've met.....let me see.

    Male ID - Al, Mason, Evan, Evan, Nick, Robbie, Jay, Aaron, Jeff

    Female ID - Edith, Anne, Grace, Scarlett, Courtney

    Non-Gender - CJ

    ...And many others by which I don't know how they identify, or I never knew because they were either in the closet or passed very well.

    Compared to the general population at large they are.

    Nah, you just never see them. ~ ~
    TheMikh 9 hours ago#85
    Yeah, a friend of mine is FTM.
    Lorenzo_2003 4 hours ago#86
    Sayoria posted...
    Nah, you just never see them.

    Is there even one percent of the population, anywhere, that is trans?
    _Goggalor_ 4 hours ago#87
    Kind of? A girl from our school moved away in 7th grade (2003) and now she is a fully transitioned man.
    Second-hand Skin available now:
    Tales From the Bleak coming Oct. 31st 2017/Karma TBA 2018
    JScriv 4 hours ago#88
    OpheliaAdenade posted...
    Actually, no. Or at least none that I knew for certain was trans. :u

    Same for me. I can't actually recall seeing one.
    Stretch the bones over my skin, stretch the skin over my head
    I'm going to the holy land
    Blue_Dream87 3 hours ago#89
    Iodine posted...
    Wow I am really surprised at the results. Transgenders are extremely rare.

    I think it depends on what communities you participate in. I'd imagine you'd meet more people who are transgendered in college, which a large portion of CE attends. Plus, fandoms and geek culture can lend itself well to accepting people no matter race/sex/etc., despite what sites like 4chan would imply. 

    All 3 transgenders I know have been met either in school or through some sort of geek culture.
    Insanititious 3 hours ago#90
    Dated one a couple times; they were pretty darned cute but it was difficult to get a read on them. Didn't seem to like me either.
    "Or it's a key all the time, and when you stick it in people, it unlocks their death."
    beacraft 3 hours ago#91
    Yep, kid in my daughter's 5th grade class this past year.
    Have you tried turning it off and on again?
    DevsBro 3 hours ago#92
    Not to my knowledge.

    I know a drag queen though.
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events 
    3. Have you ever met a transgender person in real life?

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