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Friday, July 28, 2017

why are children indoctrinated into religion so young

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  3. why are children indoctrinated into religion so young
AlternativeFAQS 56 minutes ago#1
is it because the older you get the harder it is to believe all that nonsense?

i figured it out you guys!
ShinigamiSoul 53 minutes ago#2
Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it
I dont want a sig!
frozenshock 52 minutes ago#3
Almost all our ancestors for the past couple thousand years have believed in something
I don't hate people, people hate me.
DevsBro 49 minutes ago#4
Same reason children are indoctrinated into everything as a kid: they are extremely impressionable.

There's a reason the pledge of allegiance is taught in schools, slavery and civil rights are some of the first concepts you cover in history, there is a monopoly jr, the disney channel has been putting gay characters in everything, etc etc.
apolloooo 45 minutes ago#5
Because their parents was snd so on
Thanks for the peeps that made the pics <3 if i make typos it means i am on phone
CapnMuffin 43 minutes ago#6
As a parent your job is to mold your children in a way you feel is best.

If religion has played a beneficial role in your life then naturally you would pass that on.

Also religion is a common primary vehicle to deliver morals.
"its okay a lizard ate me and elucidated my fate" - MJ_Max on Dark Souls
3DSFC : 0860-3930-2170 | NNID : CapnMuffin | XBGT : Capn Muffin
Twin3Turbo 42 minutes ago#7
ShinigamiSoul posted...
Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it

This saying should really be changed to "he will be unlikely to depart from it"
AlternativeFAQS 41 minutes ago#8
CapnMuffin posted...
Also religion is a common primary vehicle to deliver morals.

which is frightening
Ivynn 41 minutes ago#9
Technically children are indoctrinated in everything.

Kids can't exactly choose where they're born so they've no choice but to pick up what's around them.
Let's ask Crosby, Stills, & Nash (and sometimes Young):
SageHarpuia 41 minutes ago#11
Actually most atheists tend to come around later in life
My name is Harpuia, one of the four Guardians of Master X and General of the Strong Air Battalion, The Rekku Army.
Solar_Crimson 40 minutes ago#12
This is why I plan to raise my children--should I have any--secular until they're old enough to make an informed decision for themselves. Hopefully my future wife will be on board with that.
E32005 40 minutes ago#13
OpheliaAdenade 37 minutes ago#14
As long as the parents don't belong to a crazy church or something, I don't see anything wrong with it. If anything, it helps them develop. I mean, when I was in sunday school, I don't remember ever being taught anything crazy. It was mostly about being kind, doing as your parents ask, and how much Jesus loves you.

Oh, and Noah's ark. :v We had a strange amount of focus on Noah's ark. I guess because kids like animals?
(edited 37 minutes ago)quote
Medz2017 36 minutes ago#15
Another atheist forcing their beliefs on others
SageHarpuia 34 minutes ago#16
OpheliaAdenade posted...
Oh, and Noah's ark. :v We had a strange amount of focus on Noah's ark. I guess because kids like animals?

Noah's ark is a staple in children's Sunday School, mainly because it's a simple and easy to understand lesson that can keep their attention.
My name is Harpuia, one of the four Guardians of Master X and General of the Strong Air Battalion, The Rekku Army.
Zurkon 34 minutes ago#17
Parents teach their kids their own beliefs. My whole family is catholic, I was raised going to church every Sunday and I did catechism classes and all that.
unpleasant_milk 30 minutes ago#18
Beliefs are harmless and generally sound - if they aren't stuck in some deeply entrenched dogmatic mire.

The world clearly needs less people being from the latter, raising their kids into it.
GT unpleasant milk
#I want a poacher skin rug ~
Transcendentia 29 minutes ago#19
CapnMuffin posted...
As a parent your job is to mold your children in a way you feel is best.

If religion has played a beneficial role in your life then naturally you would pass that on.

Also religion is a common primary vehicle to deliver morals.

This. It's mind boggling that TC didn't realize this before making the topic.
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  3. why are children indoctrinated into religion so young

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