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Friday, July 14, 2017

Disgusting. GOP tries to ban health funding for trans people in military

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  3. Disgusting. GOP tries to ban health funding for trans people in military

Thankfully they lost. I mean you don't even have to be against the bathroom stuff to know this is just a pure hateful idea
Capn Circus 1 day ago#2
Getting someone's genitalia lobbed off is not considered "health funding". Or, at least it shouldn't be.
"I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
Capn Circus posted...
Getting someone's genitalia lobbed off is not considered "health funding". Or, at least it shouldn't be.

Lol 3DS Friend Code: 4682-8964-8708
Skullgirls: F**ua (lul censor) | Sm4sh: Toon Link/Yoshi
Samurontai 1 day ago#4
Capn Circus posted...
Getting someone's genitalia lobbed off is not considered "health funding". Or, at least it shouldn't be.

Is this along the same lines as mothers having their children ripped straight out of their bellies? For conservatives, you guys sure do take that emotional s*** pretty damn far lmao
Frolex 1 day ago#5
I can't tell what was supposed to be blocked from the picture. Seems like they're banned from all treatment like simple colds to cancer.
Ad Hominem.
Samurontai 1 day ago#7
Also Trump Administration hates the LGBTQ community, so it shouldn't be that surprising that the GOP is doing this
CruelBuffalo 1 day ago#8
Capn Circus posted...
Getting someone's genitalia lobbed off is not considered "health funding". Or, at least it shouldn't be.

I'll pray that you can stop being so hateful.
If you can fight for the country, you deserve the same perks as anyone else who fights for the country.
good thing they failed 3DS Friend Code: 4682-8964-8708
Skullgirls: F**ua (lul censor) | Sm4sh: Toon Link/Yoshi
Webmaster4531 posted...
I can't tell what was supposed to be blocked from the picture. Seems like they're banned from all treatment like simple colds to cancer.

That's all it was. They didnt want people to get unnecessary aesthetic treatment
"I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Capn Circus posted...
Webmaster4531 posted...
I can't tell what was supposed to be blocked from the picture. Seems like they're banned from all treatment like simple colds to cancer.

That's all it was. They didnt want people to get unnecessary aesthetic treatment

Fair weather patriotism lol 3DS Friend Code: 4682-8964-8708
Skullgirls: F**ua (lul censor) | Sm4sh: Toon Link/Yoshi
Duncanwii 1 day ago#13
Capn Circus posted...
Webmaster4531 posted...
I can't tell what was supposed to be blocked from the picture. Seems like they're banned from all treatment like simple colds to cancer.

That's all it was. They didnt want people to get unnecessary aesthetic treatment

That "unnecessary aesthetic treatment" is all that's standing between most pre-op transsexuals and suicide. Do you want the lives of all those people on your conscience?
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
(message deleted)
Samurontai 1 day ago#15
Duncanwii posted...
Capn Circus posted...
Webmaster4531 posted...
I can't tell what was supposed to be blocked from the picture. Seems like they're banned from all treatment like simple colds to cancer.

That's all it was. They didnt want people to get unnecessary aesthetic treatment

That "unnecessary aesthetic treatment" is all that's standing between most pre-op transsexuals and suicide. Do you want the lives of all those people on your conscience?

He's a Trump supporter. Do you really think he cares about suicide victims?
WaterLink 1 day ago#16
They don't pay for plastic surgery either unless it's "medically necessary" (i.e. you're disfigured in some kind of way in the line of duty). They don't pay for surgeries just so you can be more aesthetically pleasing. So they don't pay for lipo or breast implants or anything like that for ANYONE. 

It even says they WILL pay for mental treatment as well for dealing with the mental difficulties of being trans like added stress and discrimination.

So I mean, it's not like they're giving all these perks to cis people that they're disallowing for trans.
No one sings like you anymore
Duncanwii 1 day ago#17
WaterLink posted...
They don't pay for plastic surgery either unless it's "medically necessary" (i.e. you're disfigured in some kind of way in the line of duty). They don't pay for surgeries just so you can be more aesthetically pleasing. So they don't pay for lipo or breast implants or anything like that for ANYONE. 

It even says they WILL pay for mental treatment as well for dealing with the mental difficulties of being trans like added stress and discrimination.

So I mean, it's not like they're giving all these perks to cis people that they're disallowing for trans.

Again suicide. These people need this treatment to stay mentally healthy. I'd call that medically necessary.
This is my year of Pokemon!
Pokemon games I'm playing: Fire Red and Pearl.
Duncanwii posted...
Capn Circus posted...
Webmaster4531 posted...
I can't tell what was supposed to be blocked from the picture. Seems like they're banned from all treatment like simple colds to cancer.

That's all it was. They didnt want people to get unnecessary aesthetic treatment

That "unnecessary aesthetic treatment" is all that's standing between most pre-op transsexuals and suicide. Do you want the lives of all those people on your conscience?

Studies show the surgery doesn't increase happiness over time. Furthermore, people suffer from Amputee identity disorder as well. Should the American people pay to have doctors cut their arm or leg off? 

Doctors don't currently perform these surgeries. Not sure why, seems like a double standard to me
"I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
Duncanwii posted...
WaterLink posted...
They don't pay for plastic surgery either unless it's "medically necessary" (i.e. you're disfigured in some kind of way in the line of duty). They don't pay for surgeries just so you can be more aesthetically pleasing. So they don't pay for lipo or breast implants or anything like that for ANYONE. 

It even says they WILL pay for mental treatment as well for dealing with the mental difficulties of being trans like added stress and discrimination.

So I mean, it's not like they're giving all these perks to cis people that they're disallowing for trans.

Again suicide. These people need this treatment to stay mentally healthy. I'd call that medically necessary.

Assuming that they dont get the appropriate doctor and council to go through with such a thing, and which would be very hard with this system, the suicide rate of post op folks is incredibly, incredibly high
"All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
WaterLink 1 day ago#20
Duncanwii posted...
WaterLink posted...
They don't pay for plastic surgery either unless it's "medically necessary" (i.e. you're disfigured in some kind of way in the line of duty). They don't pay for surgeries just so you can be more aesthetically pleasing. So they don't pay for lipo or breast implants or anything like that for ANYONE. 

It even says they WILL pay for mental treatment as well for dealing with the mental difficulties of being trans like added stress and discrimination. 

So I mean, it's not like they're giving all these perks to cis people that they're disallowing for trans.

Again suicide. These people need this treatment to stay mentally healthy. I'd call that medically necessary.

It says right there that they WILL pay for mental health treatment. It's basically saying they just won't pay for the surgery. Because if they caved on that, then anyone can say "I don't like the way my body looks due to x,y,z". There are plenty of others will self-esteem issues driven to suicide or unhealthy behaviors who AREN'T trans, yet I don't hear clamoring for the military to give everyone free lip/breast/ass implants or tummy tuck or facelifts and all that other plastic surgery. They're not discriminating against trans people in this regard, they're simply not making an exception for them because if they did then everyone else would be wronged in the process.
No one sings like you anymore
CruelBuffalo 1 day ago#21
Why not let the VA decide what isn't necessary rather than make a specific law that targets trans people to ban them from something?
CruelBuffalo posted...
Why not let the VA decide what isn't necessary rather than make a specific law that targets trans people to ban them from something?

It doesnt target them. As stated before, other aesthetical treatments aren't covered for straight people, either. 

How do you feel about amputee identity disorder? Would you want funding to remove someone's limb?
"I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
Samurontai 1 day ago#23
Capn Circus posted...
CruelBuffalo posted...
Why not let the VA decide what isn't necessary rather than make a specific law that targets trans people to ban them from something?

It doesnt target them. As stated before, other aesthetical treatments aren't covered for straight people, either. 

How do you feel about amputee identity disorder? Would you want funding to remove someone's limb?

Two wrongs don't make a right

The military should pay for all of that, and it's perfectly able to. It's probably the most overfunded thing in our entire government
WaterLink 1 day ago#24
CruelBuffalo posted...
Why not let the VA decide what isn't necessary rather than make a specific law that targets trans people to ban them from something?

For clarification purposes probably
No one sings like you anymore
Samurontai 1 day ago#25
s***, wasn't there a problem a little while ago where the military literally asked for less money
Samurontai posted...
Capn Circus posted...
CruelBuffalo posted...
Why not let the VA decide what isn't necessary rather than make a specific law that targets trans people to ban them from something?

It doesnt target them. As stated before, other aesthetical treatments aren't covered for straight people, either. 

How do you feel about amputee identity disorder? Would you want funding to remove someone's limb?

Two wrongs don't make a right

The military should pay for all of that, and it's perfectly able to. It's probably the most overfunded thing in our entire government

The VA is ran terribly. Military funding exists to waste money on tanks and planes.
Ad Hominem.
Yeah, while it's would be nice if trans folk got treatment to the fullest capacity, in reality, its probably best the VA never touched them outside of the mental health stuff
"All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
(edited 23 hours ago)reportquote
Banana_Cyanide 23 hours ago#28
I wonder just how many of you have family in the military. I mean you all do realize that once you join the military you're essentially government property right?

That when you sign up you are signing away a good chuck of your freedoms to serve your country? So why would you expect the military (mind you the same military where just getting a sunburn can get you into serious s***) to pay for operations that can get in the way of you performing your duties?

This isn't "hateful" it's common f***ing sense especially in regards to the military. How hard is this to understand?
Who knew bananas could be so lethal?
Proud member of The Church of The God-Emperor of Man.
MARKINGRAM22 23 hours ago#29
I am completely fine with people doing this. I have an issue with the operation(not trans identity), due to dangerous, far left acting like these people shouldn't see psychologists before, and that suggesting so before a dangerous procedure that well...mutilates genitalia is "problematic" and can be dangerous and not a life line to stop suicide. These types of people always celebrate mental illness as a minority status and use it to claim it when they aren't one, yet suggesting wanting gender reassignment should start with seeing a psychologist first is outrageous. I don't mean someone being an a****** about it either.

This could also be abused with people joining for the surgery, and getting out...whether discharged, IRR, doing bare minimum as a reservist, etc. That said I know I personally will donate towards trans people seeking psychological and surgical aide down the road. Hopefully a responsible charity comes up and does things the right way, cause it is a tough thing I can't imagine the struggle. 

I don't think this fits the military though. There will be blowback if this is passed.
"That man practices Islam. Are you happy he was taken out since according to you he believes what terrorists do?" -VipaGTS to me
thronedfire2 23 hours ago#30
yeah I work in nursing homes and the VA tries to screw over so many old people. it's gotten better in the last couple years but the place I worked at sometimes had to wait weeks to get payment/medications
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
MARKINGRAM22 23 hours ago#31
Banana_Cyanide posted...
I wonder just how many of you have family in the military. I mean you all do realize that once you join the military you're essentially government property right?

That when you sign up you are signing away a good chuck of your freedoms to serve your country? So why would you expect the military (mind you the same military where just getting a sunburn can get you into serious s***) to pay for operations that can get in the way of you performing your duties?

This isn't "hateful" it's common f***ing sense especially in regards to the military. How hard is this to understand?

There is literally no standard for this. You are provided a ton of free necessary medical procedures to begin with gender reassignment is going to really mess with certain jobs, especially ground troops.
"That man practices Islam. Are you happy he was taken out since according to you he believes what terrorists do?" -VipaGTS to me
MARKINGRAM22 23 hours ago#32
Unsugarized_Foo posted...
Yeah, while it's would be nice if trans folk got treatment to the fullest capacity, in reality, its probably best the VA never touched them outside of the mental health stuff

There are so many issues people don't consider the ramifications of adding this into the fold. The military can be great, but there is A LOT of waste like all govt agency's, this one being the largest.
"That man practices Islam. Are you happy he was taken out since according to you he believes what terrorists do?" -VipaGTS to me
MARKINGRAM22 23 hours ago#33
Samurontai posted...
Capn Circus posted...
CruelBuffalo posted...
Why not let the VA decide what isn't necessary rather than make a specific law that targets trans people to ban them from something?

It doesnt target them. As stated before, other aesthetical treatments aren't covered for straight people, either. 

How do you feel about amputee identity disorder? Would you want funding to remove someone's limb?

Two wrongs don't make a right

The military should pay for all of that, and it's perfectly able to. It's probably the most overfunded thing in our entire government

The solution to the government overfunding would mean stop funding...not spend more. It is in the name...
"That man practices Islam. Are you happy he was taken out since according to you he believes what terrorists do?" -VipaGTS to me
  1. Boards 
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  3. Disgusting. GOP tries to ban health funding for trans people in military

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