A huge rise in the number of people taking antidepressant drugs is potentially posing a threat to the environment. “Antidepressant and antianxiety medications are found everywhere, in sewage, surface water, ground water, drinking water, soil, and accumulating in wildlife tissues
This isn't just limited to antidepressants. This applies to most drugs. Research is finding more and more prescription drugs in the entire water cycle.
What this should be interpreted as is a call to arms for better wastewater treatment. As it stands, water treatment engineers basically only care about killing pathogens and chelating heavy metals. The list of organic chemicals they even measure is pretty damn short. Considering not only the known issues regarding other untreated chemicals that the article is talking about, but also the possibility of issues caused by the very large set of compounds that we haven't really studied, I wonder if it's time to change the policy on water treatment such that we treat wastewater using distillation or reverse osmosis and expect to remove everything from the effluent that isn't H or O.
So you take water out of the natural cycle that's full of minerals and all sorts of other inorganic and organic material (aka tap water), and give back pure H2O at high energy cost. You return less than you took and spend resources in the process. Useful/existing material gets caught in the same filters as harmful byproducts which creates, at best, a waste product that can be refined for paltry resources at further energy cost. Sounds like a big ecosystem debit to me. We can do better than that.
A huge rise in the number of people taking antidepressant drugs is potentially posing a threat to the environment, according to new research.
An expert in the effects of human waste on marine life and an expert in ethical pharmacology, both at the University of Portsmouth, are calling for prescribers to be taught what happens when drugs in human waste enter the environment.
The number of people in the UK taking antidepressants such as Prozac has doubled in the last decade and, it is thought six million people in the UK, about 10% of the population, now regularly take such drugs.
Dr Helena Herrera, of Portsmouth’s School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, says many prescribers might not be aware antidepressant medication was potentially harmful for marine life, or that it persists in the environment
I would say the opposite. What we call relaxation and recreation now were more or less a part of our ancestor's way of life. Their troubles were in the same environment too. Can't worry about global warming or nihilism if you're busy scavenging for food and basic necessities. Not only that, but you genuinely don't care about it. You're not at a point in society where you're well enough off to even ask bigger questions. The level of depression we see today is, I think, restricted to developed nations.
I'm from an immigrant family and I've always wondered why every one of my elders/the previous generation by-and-large don't experience these things. Why they're always so well put together, and why they don't understand mental health. They're not perfect people and have some skewed views, but they're never depressed. The only times it happens is when someone passes away.
Mental health.. It was never a part of the equation for them - they're constantly working. In their youth, they worked to survive. They farmed from dawn till dusk, cooked, and some of them went to school. But they always worked and lived more or less in the midst of nature. Moving to a new country where you can literally find clean water at a public fountain is crazy. I've gone back to their villages - if the power goes out for more than a few days we scoop up some cow shit and burn it so we can boil our water. The smell is infused and the water tastes fine but is ghastly if you don't plug your nose. That's only the beginning.
What our generation sees as a terrible society to them is eons ahead of where they came from. We take opportunities that they could've scarely dreamt of for granted.
So of course they're happy. We have fundamentally different perspectives. To some degree it's a privilege to be born into the societies that we are, despite what I believe to be our natural incapability to deal with the level of leisure that we actually experience in the world today.
I was reading something about comfort breeding depression and mediocrity. Basically we're so inundated with comforting things that they're no longer that comforting, but there isn't necessity to pursue more for a lot of people in the developed world, because there's just so much access to stuff. Kind of like the counterpoint to necessity breeds ingenuity.
I think there's probably a lot of contributing factors though, like media blasting people with the latest celebrities and luxurious stuff for the wealthy. It gives us an artificial view of the world, and how much better others have it. Or being able to buy everything online and just have it shipped to your house. There's less social interaction and little pursuit required to obtain something, so even being a consumer offers less satisfaction. I think there's probably a lot of little things that society has developed that are "comfortable", but reinforce negative patterns of behaviour and thought that lead to depression
Maybe not, but that requires adrenaline, focus, and purpose. You know your objective (run away from that bear, look for berries that look like this and this, etc), you are doing it for a clear reason that impacts people you directly know and care about, and are able to pursue it at your own pace(e.g. very quickly, away from the bear). Modern society is much more complex, obscured, remote, and draining than what we initially evolved to deal with, and--at least in America--we are given less and less time to disconnect from what is, honestly, a constant assault on the human psyche. This in no way means that no one was depressed before the industrial revolution, or that everyone will inevitably become depressed in today's world. It just means that depression is all the more likely in societies that have been built piecemeal, over decades, without ever factoring the incredibly complex human mind into new changes at more than a surface level.
Air quality
Air pollution linked to increased mental illness in children
Higher Levels of Air Pollution in Cities Associated with Suicide in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan
Long-term exposure to air pollution and the risk of suicide death: A population-based cohort study
Ambient air pollution and daily hospital admissions for mental disorders in Shanghai, China
The association between daily concentrations of air pollution and visits to a psychiatric emergency unit in Sweden
Long-term exposure to ambient air pollutants and mental health status: A nationwide population-based cross-sectional study
Smog in our brains: Researchers are identifying startling connections between air pollution and decreased cognition and well-being.
Air Pollution and Emergency Department Visits for Depression in Edmonton, Canada, 2007
Air Pollution and Emergency Department Visits for Depression, 2010
Long-term Air Pollution Exposure Is Associated with Neuroinflammation and Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier in Children and Young Adults,
Air pollution, cognitive deficits and brain abnormalities: A pilot study with children and dogs
Brain Inflammation and Alzheimer's-Like Pathology in Individuals Exposed to Severe Air Pollution
Neurotoxicity of traffic-related air pollution
The polluted brain
Traffic air pollution turns good cholesterol bad in mice, 2013 Higher bad cholesterol leads to higher systemic inflammation which leads to a higher likelihood of mental diseases such as GAD.
Even in healthy young men, all it took was very short-term exposure to cause an 11% decrease in white blood cells and a 32% increase in C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation). Source Higher systemic inflammation increases your chances of getting ill with mental disorders
Even when particulate levels are within US standards, there are still tens-to-hundreds of thousands of early deaths every year. source But usually before killing you, pollution tend to damage your organs including your brain thus increasing your chances of suffering from mental disorders.
Polluted Morality: Air Pollution Predicts Criminal Activity and Unethical Behavior
Exposure to lead & violent crimes in the USA
Unleaded gasoline reduces violent crimes in Sweden too
Urban air pollution, poverty, violence and health – Neurological and immunological aspects as mediating factors
Environmental pollution, neurotoxicity, and criminal violence
Air pollution, weather, and violent crimes: Concomitant time-series analysis of archival data.
"Maternal Residence Near Agricultural Pesticide Applications and Autism Spectrum Disorders among Children in the California Central Valley" source
"Tipping the Balance of Autism Risk: Potential Mechanisms Linking Pesticides and Autism" source
"Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Prenatal Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticides: The CHARGE Study" source
"Potential role of organochlorine pesticides in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and neurobehavioral disorders: A review" source
"Pesticide Concentrations in Maternal Mid-Pregnancy Serum Samples: Association with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability" source
Analysis finds that prenatal exposure to the pesticide is associated with a higher risk of severe autism with intellectual impairment. source
Sugar and depression
Relationship Between Diet and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review
nutritional psychiatry your brain on food
A high-fat, refined sugar diet reduces hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neuronal plasticity, and learning
The longer-term impacts of Western diet on human cognition and the brain
Fermented foods, microbiota, and mental health: ancient practice meets nutritional psychiatry
The link between violence and what we eat
Linking Gut Microbiome, Neurodevelopment, and Depression
Intestinal microbiota, probiotics and mental health: from Metchnikoff to modern advances part 1 from 3
[psychiatrists should pay more attention to what patients eat]https://www.psy-journal.com/article/S0165-1781(07)00329-0/abstract
Depression, suicide and deficiencies
Anxiety in caffeine challenge test
Caffeine and psychiatric symptoms: a review
Screens, artificial lights, and sleep
Excessive Screen Use on Childrenhttps://www.natureplaywa.org.au/library/1/file/Resources/research/K%20Martin%202011%20Electronic%20Overload%20DSR%20(2).pdf
Sleep and mental health
Exposure to light at night and mood disorders
Screens at night harmful to your health.
Timing of light exposure affects mood and brain circuits
A contribution of fluorescent lighting to agoraphobia
Effect of flickering light stress on certain biochemical parameters in rats
Association between duration of daily visual display terminal use and subjective symptoms
Computer use at work is associated with self-reported depressive and anxiety disorder
Prevalence of perceived stress, symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances in relation to information and communication technology (ICT) use among young adults
Exposure to EMF and suicide among electric utility workers
Review: EMFs produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression, 2016
no links here but there are also lots of studies showing a link between mental health and 1) not enough trees/nature 2) too much noise pollution 3) too little exercise 4) too little sunshine and natural light 5) lack of close village-like or tribal-like relationships.
Chronicling and keeping catalog of discussions, records, postings, and handles all pertaining to the subject of the LGBT community and other transgressions as it relates to society, internet and entertainment.
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Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Monday, September 10, 2018
Serena Williams blames sexism for her Tennis loss to Japanese Naomi Osaka.
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- Serena Williams blames sexism for her loss to Japanese Naomi Osaka.
After a controversial call by the U.S. Open chair umpire contributed to her defeat in Saturday's women's title match, Serena Williams asserted that tennis has different standards for men and women.
Williams, 36, on Saturday suffered a swift 6-2, 6-4 loss to Naomi Osaka, who became the tournament's first female Japanese champion. It happened after Williams, a 23-time Grand Slam singles champion, appeared to be thrown off her game -- after being penalized in the second set because of three separate game violations. Williams got the first violation from umpire Carlos Ramos, who ruled that Williams received coaching earlier in the set; she told him she'd "rather lose" than cheat. “I didn’t get coaching,” Williams said multiple times. “I don’t cheat! I didn’t get coaching. How can you say that? You owe me an apology. I have never cheated in my life!” She was given a second violation for smashing her racquet, and again yelled at the chair umpire who had given her the first warning. “You are attacking my character,” she continued. “You will never ever ever be on another court of mine as long as you live.” Her third violation came after she called the umpire a “thief,” leading to the automatic loss of a game. “You stole a point from me; you’re a thief, too,” she insisted. The umpire instantly awarded a game to Osaka, citing a “verbal abuse call” against Williams. It was at this point that Williams sought out the referee and argued that the harsh call had been made because of her gender. “Do you know how many other men do things that are much worse than that? This is not fair. There’s a lot of men out here that have said a lot of things, and because they are men, that doesn’t happen to them,” she said to the referee. “There are men out here that do a lot worse but because I’m a woman, because I’m a woman you’re going to take this away from me? That is not right.” Williams stood by her performance at the post-match news conference, saying: “I’ve seen other men call other umpires several things and I’m here fighting for women’s rights and for women’s equality.” Later Saturday, Williams received some support in the form of tweets from tennis legend Billie Jean King. "Several things went very wrong during the @usopen Women’s Finals today," King wrote. "Coaching on every point should be allowed in tennis. It isn’t, and as a result, a player was penalized for the actions of her coach. This should not happen. "When a woman is emotional, she’s “hysterical” and she’s penalized for it," King continued. "When a man does the same, he’s “outspoken” & and there are no repercussions. Thank you, @serenawilliams, for calling out this double standard. More voices are needed to do the same." Williams’ coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, later admitted to an ESPN reported that “I was coaching.” “I’m honest, I was coaching. I mean I don’t think she looked at me so that’s why she didn’t even think I was but I was like 100 percent of the coaches on [sic] 100 percent of the matches.” He said that he believes that rules like this “are killing tennis.” “I have always said it. … Not to allow the players to express their feelings is stupid, I mean it’s not a big deal breaking racquets.” Williams said later at the press conference: “I don’t need to cheat to win. I’ve won enough. That’s never been something I’ve ever done, you know.” Full ARticle: http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2018/09/09/serena-williams-accuses-umpire-sexism-in-us-open-loss.html ![]() Sounds like a sore loser to me. The chick who kicked your ass had lady-parts too ya'know? Maybe next time just don't cheat rather than complain men get away with cheating. 'It's not a big deal breaking rackets' fuck you Patrick, be a profressional. These are athletes not children
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Sounds like a sore loser to me. The chick who kicked your ass had lady-parts too ya'know? Do you actually think you understand the things you read and share |
What is ‘coaching’ in this context and why is it against the rules?
What a sore loser though, losing to an Asian must be annoying for her. Is she gon get a Nike deal too?
Fear the Beast
https://imgur.com/EKKJrY6 |
should have played the race card too
ManBeast462 posted...
What is ‘coaching’ in this context and why is it against the rules? they're not allowed to get advice between serves |
ModLogic posted...
should have played the race card too Serena is like THE POSTERCHILD for greatness being met with skepticism and doubt, massive criticism BECAUSE OF HER RACE PEOPLE MARIA SHARAPOVA HAS BEEN IRRELEVANT FOR A DECADE YET HER NAME IS STILL BROUGHT UP STILL BROUGHT UP NEXT TO SERENA WILLIAMS' WHY You know why |
ModLogic posted...
should have played the race card too Not only is the chick who beat her female. But the chick who beat her is also a minority. So these victim cards are kinda hilarious and are very transparent. She's just a sore loser who has never been told "no" in her life. She's like a grown up Angelica Pickles
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
ManBeast462 posted...
Is she gon get a Nike deal too? also holy thinly veiled racism batman Are you this ignorant that you don't even know Serena Williams is one of Nike's BIGGEST endorsements ROFL |
UnfairRepresent posted...
But the chick who beat her is also a minority. asians arent on the SJW bare minimum tolerance list tho. |
Dragonblade01 posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...The chick who kicked your ass had lady-parts too ya'know? Sure does. She's claiming sexism yet her opponent suffered under the same rules and won fair and square because she didn't cheat. Can't explain that
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
UnfairRepresent posted...
She's claiming sexism yet her opponent suffered under the same rules and won fair and square because she didn't cheat. YOUHAVENOHOPE posted... Do you actually think you understand the things you read and share you haven't answered my question, not directly at least |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Dragonblade01 posted...UnfairRepresent posted...show hidden quote(s) No, she's saying that her complaining to the umpire was treated more harshly because she was a woman, mentioning that men don't receive the same calls for similar actions. Her opponent didn't complain to the umpire. Now, I don't know if the umpire's decision was actually motivated by her sex or not, but it certainly has nothing to do with the fact that both players were women. |
Dragonblade01 posted...
Exactly. Her opponent didn't cheat so she won fair and square.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Her opponent didn't cheat so she won fair and square. YOUHAVENOHOPE posted... Do you actually think you understand the things you read and share please respond |
Foppe posted...
If her coach knows that it can hurt her, why does he keep coaching her on every match? Because he thinks it shouldn't be cheating, therefore it's okay to cheat. Same as if a racer cut a corner because she thought it shouldn't be cheating. Then blaming sexism when she's penalized
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Dragonblade01 posted... And it still has nothing to do with what she's talking about when she accuses the umpire of sexism. |
UnfairRepresent posted...Her opponent didn't cheat so she won fair and square. |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Dragonblade01 posted... You really don't ever know what you are talking about huh? |
Dragonblade01 posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...You're like, trying to rationalize with UnfairRepresent here :PDragonblade01 posted...show hidden quote(s)
Chez moi, il fait beau.
Dragonblade01 posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...Dragonblade01 posted...show hidden quote(s) "You're sexist but not against women, only against me when I cheat." Ok.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
UnfairRepresent posted...
Foppe posted...If her coach knows that it can hurt her, why does he keep coaching her on every match? But she didnt cheat. And men have said worse things on matches without losing sets.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Foppe posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...Foppe posted...show hidden quote(s) she only lost a game. and it was because it was her 3rd violation
Started from the bottom now we here
UnfairRepresent posted...
Dragonblade01 posted...UnfairRepresent posted...show hidden quote(s) Read the sentence right before the one that you bolded. |
oh man UR is reaaally trolling us here so BAD
Foppe posted...
"She didn't cheat because I can think of a guy who got away with cheating." Ok... I guess sexism is also why Armstrong got discredited despite other people doing the same thing, not because he was cheating
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
ManBeast462 posted...
What is ‘coaching’ in this context and why is it against the rules? Her coach actually admitted to coaching during the match in an interview afterwards, he claimed everyone else did it but rarely got called out on it. Serena outright lied claiming he just gave her a thumbs up which it has been proven he didn't. She cost herself the match by acting like a prima donna. A match she would have likely lost anyways seeing as how the same girl smacked her around 6-2 in the first set and also beat her in their previous match.
How can one person post so much stupid s***?
remember when serena had a meltdown a long time ago and said shed shove the tennis ball down a line judges throat? shes a thug.
ManBeast462 posted...
What is ‘coaching’ in this context and why is it against the rules? tbh if i gotta lose to anyone i'd rather it be an asian |
She literally would have lost anyway. Naomi had her number big time.
"Guyz, I have to justify somehow why I lost so bad to a no-name Asian gurl!" ~Serena Williams
I didn't read the article, but how is it sexism if both opponents are female? >____>
gp1829 posted...
NeonOctopus posted...I didn't read the article, but how is it sexism if both opponents are female? >____> Eh, too lazy. |
can anybody say ANYTHING without shit being intentionally misconstrued by people with no integrity? it's not even a reading comprehension issue. this is deliberate fuckery, lolololol.
no matter what, if people want to see you fall, they'll pull every piece of fiction out of their ass to create a new storyline. Serena's argument is that it's more acceptable for a male athlete to go off.. which is true. when she(a woman) goes off, she feels it's responded to more harshly. and she feels like her character was attacked by the cheating implications she felt. it's an argument that's got nothing to do with Naomi's performance. or military vets.
Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!! |
Flamazide posted...
You guys are really fucking weird. They really are. |
i like how tc only recognizes half of her race. she's also Haitian.
#1 Aurelion sol on GameFaqs |
Le__seul_dieu__ posted...
i like how tc only recognizes half of her race. she's also Haitian. Haitian is a race? |
She lost to a woman because she was a woman? lolwat
THE FAM. My waifus Caulifla, Kale and Kefla from Dragon Ball Super and I drawn by da GOAT @MoistenedYouth: https://imgur.com/a/TYhlg
Dragonblade01 posted...
NeonOctopus posted...I didn't read the article, but how is it sexism if both opponents are female? >____> So she's resorting to whataboutism.
"The cheese it yours turtles." ~ William Shakespeare
Rimmer_Dall posted...
Dragonblade01 posted...NeonOctopus posted...show hidden quote(s) Basically. Serena's always had a bit of an unruly temper. But the point is that she's not claiming sexism based on anything about her opponent. She's claiming something is sexism by saying that the same situation would have been handled differently if it were a male tennis player. |
NeonOctopus posted...
I didn't read the article, but how is it sexism if both opponents are female? >____> She's claiming that her cheating would be excused if she had a dick and that the umpire is biased against women by enforcing the rules
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpg |
Flamazide posted...
You guys are really fucking weird. |
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- Current Events
- Serena Williams blames sexism for her loss to Japanese Naomi Osaka.
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- Current Events
- Serena Williams blames sexism for her loss to Japanese Naomi Osaka.
MabusIncarnate posted...No, she got outplayed, dominated even. Regardless of the call at hand, she got her ass whooped on the court by the better competitor. She's being a crybaby because she got fat and old.
She lost by disqualification
If she lost from playing, I doubt she'd be so talkative
Serena has been nothing but classy when losing to her competition - when she lost to Sloane Stephens in 2017 there was no excuses, it was all class. She actually decides to speak up about her umpire's latent sexism (and tennis's bougie underlying racism) ONCE and she's just a sore loser? lmfao
like this is what serena is talking about
serena williams is literally one of the most dominant women's tennis players alive
Four years after her last US Open win she's still making it to the final
and she still doesn't get ANY respectYOUHAVENOHOPE posted...MabusIncarnate posted...
No, she got outplayed, dominated even. Regardless of the call at hand, she got her ass whooped on the court by the better competitor. She's being a crybaby because she got fat and old.
She lost by disqualification
If she lost from playing, I doubt she'd be so talkative
Serena has been nothing but classy when losing to her competition - when she lost to Sloane Stephens in 2017 there was no excuses, it was all class
this is how you know when somebody's contempt for a person outweighs common sense and truth.Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!MabusIncarnate posted...No, she got outplayed, dominated even. Regardless of the call at hand, she got her ass whooped on the court by the better competitor. She's being a crybaby because she got fat and old.
Didn't she have kids
and she still doesn't get ANY respect
They'd respect her more if she stopped cheating and making excuses for losing after cheating.
Most people learned that when they were 3 years old. I'm sure you and her will too one day^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgYOUHAVENOHOPE posted...She lost by disqualification
If she lost from playing, I doubt she'd be so talkative
She wasn't disqualified. She lost 6-2, 6-4. She was outplayed in every category, not to mention that she had 6 double-faults.DirkDiggles posted...YOUHAVENOHOPE posted...
She lost by disqualification
If she lost from playing, I doubt she'd be so talkative
She wasn't disqualified. She lost 6-2, 6-4. She was outplayed in every category, not to mention that she had 6 double-faults.Her third violation came after she called the umpire a “thief,” leading to the automatic loss of a game. “You stole a point from me; you’re a thief, too,” she insisted.
The umpire instantly awarded a game to Osaka, citing a “verbal abuse call” against Williams.
okay so it was one game she was penalized to automatically lose
either wayTbf Serena and Venus Williams have faced a lot of shit in tennis over the years.
They made one of them change her sports bra in the middle of the match because the straps started to show last year. As far back as like 15 years ago people were trying to get them dusqualified for having skirts that were too short. They both have a long history of people applying double standards to them.
With that said, I'm not sure it's really motivated by sexism or if it's simply because people don't like them.PSN: Jiek
FFRK: Tyro God Wall KZcvYOUHAVENOHOPE posted...okay so it was one game she was penalized to automatically lose
either way
RickyTheBAWSE posted...this is how you know when somebody's contempt for a person outweighs common sense and truth.
You people didn't read the article, didn't see the game, and don't watch the sport yet you think you're qualified to say anything about this. Absurd.childhood trauma prevents some sort of emotional chemical imbalance that causes u to stalk *****es and player hate over the phone.
Big_Boss63Flamazide posted...You people didn't read the article, didn't see the game, and don't watch the sport yet you think you're qualified to say anything about this. Absurd.
What's funny is the guys who didn't do any of that are the ones saying "OMG you don't even understand!?" and then getting basic details wrong^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgUnfairRepresent posted...Flamazide posted...
You people didn't read the article, didn't see the game, and don't watch the sport yet you think you're qualified to say anything about this. Absurd.
What's funny is the guys who didn't do any of that are the ones saying "OMG you don't even understand!?" and then getting basic details wrong
Okay bro lol.childhood trauma prevents some sort of emotional chemical imbalance that causes u to stalk *****es and player hate over the phone.
Big_Boss63Dragonblade01 posted...UnfairRepresent posted...
The chick who kicked your ass had lady-parts too ya'know?
But that has nothing to do with her criticism of the umpire.
But how can it be sexism if both contestants are female?
It could be sexiam because male umpire female contestant, but that dynamic is the same for Osaka.
Sexism can only take place if one contestant is negatively judged based on their gender, but the gender for both contestants is the same.XboX GT/Steam/Wii-U - NazanirJiek_Fafn posted...Tbf Serena and Venus Williams have faced a lot of shit in tennis over the years.
They made one of them change her sports bra in the middle of the match because the straps started to show last year. As far back as like 15 years ago people were trying to get them dusqualified for having skirts that were too short. They both have a long history of people applying double standards to them.
With that said, I'm not sure it's really motivated by sexism or if it's simply because people don't like them.
Serena Williams reminds me a bit of tiger woods in this regard.
When they cracked into their sports I was a huge supporter of them. They were met with a lot of racism, double standards and other fucked up things. I wanted them to succeed, I wanted them to be a “haha! In your face, racists!” story.
They succeeded, massively, and I was very happy for them.
But turns out they’re terrible people. Tiger had one of the most beautiful wives I have ever seen her he cheated on her.. dozens of times. With crackwhores. He handled it like shit. He hurt (emotionally) Ellin and was a p**** about it. Then fast forward to 2018 and turns out he is like “respect the presidency! MAGA!! 45 is my homeboy!!”. Screw you, tiger. I hope you never win shit again. After all the racism you faced, how can you embrace the first alt-right president and basically try to play the “I am one of the good ones” card?
Then Serena... oh boy. She gets abusive with umpires. She blames her losses on sexism or some sort of boogeyman and tends to act unsportsmanlike. Turns out she has the patience and manners of a honey badger. By now she feels she is larger than life and she feels she can and should give the Christian Bale treatment to people around her. It was a disgusting spectacle.
It’s so disappointingHawaiian_punch posted...Jiek_Fafn posted...
Tbf Serena and Venus Williams have faced a lot of shit in tennis over the years.
They made one of them change her sports bra in the middle of the match because the straps started to show last year. As far back as like 15 years ago people were trying to get them dusqualified for having skirts that were too short. They both have a long history of people applying double standards to them.
With that said, I'm not sure it's really motivated by sexism or if it's simply because people don't like them.
Serena Williams reminds me a bit of tiger woods in this regard.
When they cracked into their sports I was a huge supporter of them. They were met with a lot of racism, double standards and other fucked up things. I wanted them to succeed, I wanted them to be a “haha! In your face, racists!” story.
They succeeded, massively, and I was very happy for them.
But turns out they’re terrible people. Tiger had one of the most beautiful wives I have ever seen her he cheated on her.. dozens of times. With crackwhores. He handled it like shit. He hurt (emotionally) Ellin and was a p**** about it. Then fast forward to 2018 and turns out he is like “respect the presidency! MAGA!! 45 is my homeboy!!”. Screw you, tiger. I hope you never win shit again. After all the racism you faced, how can you embrace the first alt-right president and basically try to play the “I am one of the good ones” card?
Then Serena... oh boy. She gets abusive with umpires. She blames her losses on sexism or some sort of boogeyman and tends to act unsportsmanlike. Turns out she has the patience and manners of a honey badger. By now she feels she is larger than life and she feels she can and should give the Christian Bale treatment to people around her. It was a disgusting spectacle.
It’s so disappointing
Man...you would not like to meet any athlete, let me to tell you.childhood trauma prevents some sort of emotional chemical imbalance that causes u to stalk *****es and player hate over the phone.
Big_Boss63Hawaiian_punch posted...Jiek_Fafn posted...
Tbf Serena and Venus Williams have faced a lot of shit in tennis over the years.
They made one of them change her sports bra in the middle of the match because the straps started to show last year. As far back as like 15 years ago people were trying to get them dusqualified for having skirts that were too short. They both have a long history of people applying double standards to them.
With that said, I'm not sure it's really motivated by sexism or if it's simply because people don't like them.
Serena Williams reminds me a bit of tiger woods in this regard.
When they cracked into their sports I was a huge supporter of them. They were met with a lot of racism, double standards and other fucked up things. I wanted them to succeed, I wanted them to be a “haha! In your face, racists!” story.
They succeeded, massively, and I was very happy for them.
But turns out they’re terrible people. Tiger had one of the most beautiful wives I have ever seen her he cheated on her.. dozens of times. With crackwhores. He handled it like shit. He hurt (emotionally) Ellin and was a p**** about it. Then fast forward to 2018 and turns out he is like “respect the presidency! MAGA!! 45 is my homeboy!!”. Screw you, tiger. I hope you never win shit again. After all the racism you faced, how can you embrace the first alt-right president and basically try to play the “I am one of the good ones” card?
Then Serena... oh boy. She gets abusive with umpires. She blames her losses on sexism or some sort of boogeyman and tends to act unsportsmanlike. Turns out she has the patience and manners of a honey badger. By now she feels she is larger than life and she feels she can and should give the Christian Bale treatment to people around her. It was a disgusting spectacle.
It’s so disappointing
Difference is Bale admits he was an asshole and has apologized on several occasions
Serena is claiming to be a victim after cheating^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgUnfairRepresent posted...Flamazide posted...
You people didn't read the article, didn't see the game, and don't watch the sport yet you think you're qualified to say anything about this. Absurd.
What's funny is the guys who didn't do any of that are the ones saying "OMG you don't even understand!?" and then getting basic details wrong
Says the guy that keeps calling her a cheater when her main complaint is getting the penalty for yelling at the ump. Yelling at the ump isn't cheating and her own coach said she didn't even see him trying to coach her so get off the ridiculous cheating narrative you're trying to pull.UnfairRepresent posted...Flamazide posted...
You people didn't read the article, didn't see the game, and don't watch the sport yet you think you're qualified to say anything about this. Absurd.
What's funny is the guys who didn't do any of that are the ones saying "OMG you don't even understand!?" and then getting basic details wrong
you know he's talking about you rightNo one should be able to abuse the officials. So, the first call on coaching was correct by the books and she went on tilt. She needs to learn to control her emotions on the court.Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...No one should be able to abuse the officials
Holy shit does nobody actually read these
Her complaint is literally that men are allowed to go on outbursts because that's being passionate and outspoken
but her going on an outburst is "hysteria" and "being a sore loser"
There's a double standard
and I've seen it myself, watching the odd tennis game
It's differentNazanir posted...Dragonblade01 posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...
show hidden quote(s)
But that has nothing to do with her criticism of the umpire.
But how can it be sexism if both contestants are female?
It could be sexiam because male umpire female contestant, but that dynamic is the same for Osaka.
Sexism can only take place if one contestant is negatively judged based on their gender, but the gender for both contestants is the same.
But what she's claiming is that she lost a point/game for unruly conduct when men who do the same things don't lose a point/game.
That's the sexism she claims to have experienced: The difference in how behaviors are punished between female and male tennis players.YOUHAVENOHOPE posted...Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
No one should be able to abuse the officials
Holy shit does nobody actually read these
Her complaint is literally that men are allowed to go on outbursts because that's being passionate and outspoken
but her going on an outburst is "hysteria" and "being a sore loser"
There's a double standard
and I've seen it myself, watching the odd tennis game
It's different
Right, i agree that men should be held to the same standard. Allowing her to abuse the officials isn't okay though. So she rightfully was penalized. That's like getting pulled over for speeding and crying that everyone else was speeding too.Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...Allowing her to abuse the officials isn't okay though. So she rightfully was penalized.
Okay sure
But it'd be nice if they actually followed the standard
I see where you're coming from now, hostility loweredFlamazide posted...Hawaiian_punch posted...
Jiek_Fafn posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Serena Williams reminds me a bit of tiger woods in this regard.
When they cracked into their sports I was a huge supporter of them. They were met with a lot of racism, double standards and other fucked up things. I wanted them to succeed, I wanted them to be a “haha! In your face, racists!” story.
They succeeded, massively, and I was very happy for them.
But turns out they’re terrible people. Tiger had one of the most beautiful wives I have ever seen her he cheated on her.. dozens of times. With crackwhores. He handled it like shit. He hurt (emotionally) Ellin and was a p**** about it. Then fast forward to 2018 and turns out he is like “respect the presidency! MAGA!! 45 is my homeboy!!”. Screw you, tiger. I hope you never win shit again. After all the racism you faced, how can you embrace the first alt-right president and basically try to play the “I am one of the good ones” card?
Then Serena... oh boy. She gets abusive with umpires. She blames her losses on sexism or some sort of boogeyman and tends to act unsportsmanlike. Turns out she has the patience and manners of a honey badger. By now she feels she is larger than life and she feels she can and should give the Christian Bale treatment to people around her. It was a disgusting spectacle.
It’s so disappointing
Man...you would not like to meet any athlete, let me to tell you.
I know there all assholes. But they keep that in their private spheres. You don’t hear of Lebron either supporting 45 or yelling “you’re a thief!” At the face of a referee. You don’t hear about Michael Jordan whining about racism in basketball or whatever, etc.Hawaiian_punch posted...You don’t hear about Michael Jordan whining about racism in basketball or whatever, etc.
you showed your hand too early
had me going
Also really you chose Michael Jordan as your "but look at these other athletes that aren't terrible" example?
please tell me more about how you know nothing about sports apparently*Acts like a petulant child because she's tilted that she's getting wrecked*
*Gets penalized*
*b-b-b-but men!!!111*
The absolute state of Serena.The umpire clearly has personal disdain for Williams. In a “normal” course of the game Williams would have been subject to terrible calls and a biased level of officiating compared to the shit we see at the World Cup. And then she could have a heck of a story on how some bobble head looking effeminate fuck stole the game from her because he personally dislikes her, perhaps for being the one black woman (along with her sister) to break into the game.
But instead she made it too easy for him. She smashed her racket, she argued with him several times, insulted him, and had this “sassy diva” attitude. She thought the entire tennis authority body was gonna react like “yasssss queen bey slay!” , but of course it wasn’t to be. She fucked upHawaiian_punch posted...Flamazide posted...
Hawaiian_punch posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Man...you would not like to meet any athlete, let me to tell you.
I know there all assholes. But they keep that in their private spheres. You don’t hear of Lebron either supporting 45 or yelling “you’re a thief!” At the face of a referee. You don’t hear about Michael Jordan whining about racism in basketball or whatever, etc.
Lol yeah Lebron isn't out here cooning and racism in the NBA isn't as prevalent as it is in Tennis. Serena is right. Also Lebron does argue with the refs. Every athlete does to some effect. It happens a LOT in tennis. They throw temper tantrums to no end but it's accepted. Men do way worse than what Williams did pretty often and no one cares. She speaks out about it and she is a sore loser despite not that matching up to her history at all or even fitting the situation. It's stupid.childhood trauma prevents some sort of emotional chemical imbalance that causes u to stalk *****es and player hate over the phone.
Big_Boss63Hawaiian_punch posted...thought the entire tennis authority body was gonna react like “yasssss queen bey slay!”
holy shit you may as well just come out and say it dudeYOUHAVENOHOPE posted...Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
Allowing her to abuse the officials isn't okay though. So she rightfully was penalized.
Okay sure
But it'd be nice if they actually followed the standard
I see where you're coming from now, hostility lowered
Maybe this will force them to try and be more consistent going forward...maybe.
Somewhat unrelated: Didn't Serena get verbally abusive with a line judge a couple years back too? Even threatened her. She does need to tone it back.YOUHAVENOHOPE posted...Hawaiian_punch posted...
thought the entire tennis authority body was gonna react like “yasssss queen bey slay!”
holy shit you may as well just come out and say it dude
Yes, she thinks she is Beyoncé and that she has a fandom of blind followers that have elevated her memedom status. She thinks
She can give crazy attitude to people as if she were a memefied popstar, and that tennis officials are as vapid as Beyoncé fans, but that wasn’t to be.
There I said it. It’s not controversialDat_Cracka_Jax posted...YOUHAVENOHOPE posted...
Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Okay sure
But it'd be nice if they actually followed the standard
I see where you're coming from now, hostility lowered
Maybe this will force them to try and be more consistent going forward...maybe.
Somewhat unrelated: Didn't Serena get verbally abusive with a line judge a couple years back too? Even threatened her. She does need to tone it back.
a few years ago?
dude, NFL and NBA players do it literally every game. some of these guys are prone to fines.
if Serena is going years between verbal abuse, it's even more clear how bad her critics are trying to reach.
there would be a lot less "whataboutism" if there was consistency in the judgements though. lack of consistency is why there is suspicion. in a professional sport, the athletes aren't the only professionals...Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!Hawaiian_punch posted...Yes, she thinks she is Beyoncé and that she has a fandom of blind followers that have elevated her memedom status. She thinks
She can give crazy attitude to people as if she were a memefied popstar, and that tennis officials are as vapid as Beyoncé fans, but that wasn’t to be.
There I said it. It’s not controversial
Everyone can tell you don't like black peopleRickyTheBAWSE posted...Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Maybe this will force them to try and be more consistent going forward...maybe.
Somewhat unrelated: Didn't Serena get verbally abusive with a line judge a couple years back too? Even threatened her. She does need to tone it back.
a few years ago?
dude, NFL and NBA players do it literally every game. some of these guys are prone to fines.
if Serena is going years between verbal abuse, it's even more clear how bad her critics are trying to reach.
Why are you saying it's okay because others do it? It's not okay. Also, a better comparison for tolerance of ref abuse would be comparing NBA to WNBA(lol)YOUHAVENOHOPE posted...Hawaiian_punch posted...
Yes, she thinks she is Beyoncé and that she has a fandom of blind followers that have elevated her memedom status. She thinks
She can give crazy attitude to people as if she were a memefied popstar, and that tennis officials are as vapid as Beyoncé fans, but that wasn’t to be.
There I said it. It’s not controversial
Everyone can tell you don't like black people
Are you fucking kidding me?
Have you read my posts itt? I brought up how tiger and Serena have faced a lot of racism and that it sucks. I said that the umpire probably didn’t like Serena for being black. I even insulted the umpire (I called him and effeminate bobble head looking fuck).
I said I wanted tiger and Serena to be very succesful, especially because of the racism they faced.
Yet you take ONE like I say out of context and pretend that I don’t like black people? You have problems. You need help.
I spend half my time here calling out racists like the admiral or shokan_warrior.RickyTheBAWSE posted...Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Maybe this will force them to try and be more consistent going forward...maybe.
Somewhat unrelated: Didn't Serena get verbally abusive with a line judge a couple years back too? Even threatened her. She does need to tone it back.
a few years ago?
dude, NFL and NBA players do it literally every game. some of these guys are prone to fines.
if Serena is going years between verbal abuse, it's even more clear how bad her critics are trying to reach.
there would be a lot less "whataboutism" if there was consistency in the judgements though. lack of consistency is why there is suspicion. in a professional sport, the athletes aren't the only professionals...
Yes, tennis reminds me a lot of soccer in this regard. There is definitely an equivalent to the “good old boys club” and the judgements are always very suspect. They’re even more suspect now that technology could correct many of the weird calls that get madeDat_Cracka_Jax posted...RickyTheBAWSE posted...
Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
show hidden quote(s)
a few years ago?
dude, NFL and NBA players do it literally every game. some of these guys are prone to fines.
if Serena is going years between verbal abuse, it's even more clear how bad her critics are trying to reach.
Why are you saying it's okay because others do it? It's not okay. Also, a better comparison for tolerance of ref abuse would be comparing NBA to WNBA(lol)
why are you saying that's what I said when you can't quote the part where I actually said that?
consistency is the issue. in the NBA, it's pretty easy to see what is going to land somebody a technical foul based on the pattern of behaviors that lead to it. whether you be Steph Curry or DeMarcus Cousins. with professional tennis, there is obvious bias.Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!RickyTheBAWSE posted...Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
RickyTheBAWSE posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Why are you saying it's okay because others do it? It's not okay. Also, a better comparison for tolerance of ref abuse would be comparing NBA to WNBA(lol)
why are you saying that's what I said when you can't quote the part where I actually said that?
consistency is the issue. in the NBA, it's pretty easy to see what is going to land somebody a technical foul based on the pattern of behaviors that lead to it. whether you be Steph Curry or DeMarcus Cousins. with professional tennis, there is obvious bias.
I quoted your whole post. You edited it after the factHawaiian_punch posted...Have you read my posts itt?
yesDat_Cracka_Jax posted...RickyTheBAWSE posted...
Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
show hidden quote(s)
why are you saying that's what I said when you can't quote the part where I actually said that?
consistency is the issue. in the NBA, it's pretty easy to see what is going to land somebody a technical foul based on the pattern of behaviors that lead to it. whether you be Steph Curry or DeMarcus Cousins. with professional tennis, there is obvious bias.
I quoted your whole post. You edited it after the fact
I added, not "changed." even in my original post, you're still putting words in my mouth. so...
feel free point out which part of my edit changed the entire meaning of my post, though.Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!How about not slamming your racket after you already had an infraction? That's why she lost the point. Then arguing with the umpire cost her the game. And that's how she would go about losing a match that she would have likely lost anyways. Poor sportsmanship. And I remember watching that match she had against Kim Clijsters. Serena is as soft as Lebron James when the **** hits the fan.
--I wanna be a Hulkamaniac, have fun with my family and friends.Doesn't Nick Kyrgios ruin the sexism claims?
That boy gets in trouble at basically every tournment he's not banned from.
Usually just racket smashing or swearing at himself as well, although he does also do other stuff like giving up and getting into arguments with the crowd.
Don't think Kyrgios has ever been as bad in a single incident as Serena Williams was yesterday though.Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...Somewhat unrelated: Didn't Serena get verbally abusive with a line judge a couple years back too? Even threatened her. She does need to tone it back.
Yeah, she got fined after to losing to Clijsters and then warned if she acted out again in the next two years of Grand Slams, she would get a one tournament ban. She would also get some of her fine money back if there were no incidents.
Then she started ranting at a chair umpire when she lost to Stosur, but they decided not to enforce the ban. Obviously, everyone is out to get her and does her no favors.
Her coach ADMITTED to coaching her (albeit playing the "everyone does it" defense). That's one.
She smashed a racquet. It's a penalty for everyone, men and women, anyone who watches tennis will say so. That's two.
Then she ranted at the umpire again. That's three.
The match lasted 79 minutes, even with one game penalty that's fast. Losing a match in 79 minutes is like a 35-14 football score. Not good.Detroit Red Wings
http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/sptusnhlexperts/108545331.jpg- Boards
- Current Events
- Serena Williams blames sexism for her loss to Japanese Naomi Osaka.
- Boards
- Current Events
- Serena Williams blames sexism for her loss to Japanese Naomi Osaka.
Stolen from the sports board:
Plenty of men get penalties for racquet/ball abuse.Detroit Red Wings
http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/sptusnhlexperts/108545331.jpgRickyTheBAWSE posted...Dat_Cracka_Jax posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Maybe this will force them to try and be more consistent going forward...maybe.
Somewhat unrelated: Didn't Serena get verbally abusive with a line judge a couple years back too? Even threatened her. She does need to tone it back.
a few years ago?
dude, NFL and NBA players do it literally every game. some of these guys are prone to fines.
if Serena is going years between verbal abuse, it's even more clear how bad her critics are trying to reach.
there would be a lot less "whataboutism" if there was consistency in the judgements though. lack of consistency is why there is suspicion. in a professional sport, the athletes aren't the only professionals...
There are different expectations in tennis. It would be better to compare her rare outbursts of terrible sportsmanship with the nonexistent outbursts from Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic. Well, Djokovic occasionally destroys his racquets and gets penalized but that’s directed at himself."I have never understood why it is greed to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money." Thomas SowellSounds fair tbh. You throw a fit, you get thrown out of the game. In my experience, that's the way it's always been. Gender doesn't factor into it.My arts- http://gopherguy.deviantart.com/PrettyBoyFloyd posted...Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Indians don't like each other either.
her opponent was Asian and she didn't cheat or yell at the umpire^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgHawaiian_punch posted...PrettyBoyFloyd posted...
Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Indians don't like each other either.
What’s your point?
I'm figuring that she wouldn't have been as burned up if she had lost to another black player.
Upset, disappointed, then yes.
Not with anger and rage.
Of course I'm analyzing the issue with a biased mind.The Evil Republicans - Est.2004 - WoT
[Government Destabilizing Branch]PrettyBoyFloyd posted...Hawaiian_punch posted...
PrettyBoyFloyd posted...
show hidden quote(s)
What’s your point?
I'm figuring that she wouldn't have been as burned up if she had lost to another black player.
Upset, disappointed, then yes.
Not with anger and rage.
Of course I'm analyzing the issue with a biased mind.
Not everyone is as racist as you are.childhood trauma prevents some sort of emotional chemical imbalance that causes u to stalk *****es and player hate over the phone.
Big_Boss63thronedfire2 posted...So a coach can’t even talk to their player during a match in tennis? What’s the point of even having one
Women can call for the coach during changeovers (every two games after the first game of a set they change what side of the net they are on).
Also emotional support/cheer them on. When you see a tennis player react, good or bad, it's usually in the direction of their box. The guy who beat Federer was ranting at his box all night. It's why you usually see coaches sit still like statues when they aren't applauding politely, to avoid the penalty.
Watching the match live is also better than limiting the coach to the TV angles, so at practice after or before a match they know what to work on.Detroit Red Wings
http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/sptusnhlexperts/108545331.jpgthronedfire2 posted...So a coach can’t even talk to their player during a match in tennis? What’s the point of even having one
They watch and provide feedback after the fact. In the case of men’s tennis, it’s not boxing. It’s truly 1 vs 1 for 3-6 hours. I guess women get to call coaches sometimes."I have never understood why it is greed to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money." Thomas Sowell12amMadman posted...Never knew that about the coaching rule, seems odd. Is it like that at all levels? (High school-college)
In high school and college there is coaching. In junior tournaments which are much more competitive than high school there is no coaching. Unless that changed since I was a kid."I have never understood why it is greed to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money." Thomas SowellGetting her old ass dominated by a superior competitor.
Shows zero composure and continually throws a strop midmatch because she can't take losing.
Gets rightfully penalized for her actions.
Whips up the crowd into booing the rightful winner.
Blames her loss on sexism because she knows it's any easy card to play to garner sympathy.
Steals the spotlight from the rightful winner to continue complaining about losing.
Serena just shat all over her legacy with this. What she did to Osaka was fucked up and she should be utterly ashamed of her actions and do something to actually make amends.You can tell a lot about a man by how he strangles you.
"Hypocrisy does not invalidate a point." - S. Rose. https://imgur.com/ZA4vp0yFlamazide posted...PrettyBoyFloyd posted...
Hawaiian_punch posted...
show hidden quote(s)
I'm figuring that she wouldn't have been as burned up if she had lost to another black player.
Upset, disappointed, then yes.
Not with anger and rage.
Of course I'm analyzing the issue with a biased mind.
Not everyone is as racist as you are.
Hell I don't know.
It's just the way I'm analyzing the issue.
Am I supposed to lie to myself just to keep others happy ?The Evil Republicans - Est.2004 - WoT
[Government Destabilizing Branch]Hawaiian_punch posted...
1) Serena didn’t cheat
Yes she did.
Hawaiian_punch posted...
2) Naomi is half black. She is as black as tiger woods or Obama
Who cares about race?^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgManBeast462 posted...What a sore loser though, losing to an Asian must be annoying for her.
Osaka is Black as well.Be wary of boarding the hype train, lest you end up on the ruse cruise... - nanobuilder (r/nintendo)
http://backloggery.com/SolarCrimsonGIRLS FROM COMPTON OWN TENNIS Hurr hurr. If tennis had weight classes she would suck....dusk is the time when men whisper of matters about which they remain silent in the full light of the sun.
https://imgur.com/aCDRb27Solar_Crimson posted...ManBeast462 posted...
What a sore loser though, losing to an Asian must be annoying for her.
Osaka is Black as well.
She is mixed, not black....dusk is the time when men whisper of matters about which they remain silent in the full light of the sun.
https://imgur.com/aCDRb27YOUHAVENOHOPE posted...Serena is like THE POSTERCHILD for greatness being met with skepticism and doubt, massive criticism BECAUSE OF HER RACE
You know why
Because of people who don't watch tennis and want to try to have a conversation anyway. Kind of like people who feel the need to give their 2 cents about tiger woods in a golf conversation when he loses so frequently that when he last won a minors it was a huge news with everyone reporting "COMEBACK!?!"It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
https://imgur.com/dQgC4kvDusk_ posted...Solar_Crimson posted...
ManBeast462 posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Osaka is Black as well.
She is mixed, not black.
Everyone is mixed.
Race is a social construct with no actual meaning or definition.^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgDusk_ posted...Solar_Crimson posted...
ManBeast462 posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Osaka is Black as well.
She is mixed, not black.
She is Black and Japanese. She's both.Be wary of boarding the hype train, lest you end up on the ruse cruise... - nanobuilder (r/nintendo)
http://backloggery.com/SolarCrimsonhaloiscoolisbak posted...The funny part is that should she brought up her child as a sign she doesn't cheat. But she's okay with throwing immature tantrums?
No one is perfect.
As someone mentioned earlier I hope she'll pull a Christian Bale and apologize for her actions.
voldothegr8 posted...The real fucked up part here was the crown booing Osaka during her award presentation, fuck those people. She was beating Serena regardless.
Sheep gonna baaa^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgUnfairRepresent posted...haloiscoolisbak posted...
The funny part is that should she brought up her child as a sign she doesn't cheat. But she's okay with throwing immature tantrums?
No one is perfect.
As someone mentioned earlier I hope she'll pull a Christian Bale and apologize for her actions.
voldothegr8 posted...The real fucked up part here was the crown booing Osaka during her award presentation, fuck those people. She was beating Serena regardless.
Sheep gonna baaa
She already had the chance in the press conference and doubled down on her sexism rant.Started from the bottom now we hereShe's so full of shit. Getting her ass beat so she resorts to acting like a child.
She got coaching. Against the rules.
She acted like a 2 year old. Against the rules.
She continued acting like a 2 year old. Against the rules.
It's funny, when you look at these Williams sisters losses, they usually involve something like this. Rules that shouldn't be rules. Bad judge. Some fake injury. It's hilarious.
Oh and who the fuck cares what goes on in men's matches. Are Nba players complaining that their 3 point line is further back than the Wnba 3 point line.UnfairRepresent posted...Dusk_ posted...
Solar_Crimson posted...
show hidden quote(s)
She is mixed, not black.
Everyone is mixed.
Race is a social construct with no actual meaning or definition.
Hell if I know what I am aside from being white.
Scotch, Irish and Cherokee is all I've heard.The Evil Republicans - Est.2004 - WoT
[Government Destabilizing Branch]MacDaMurderer posted...So much misinformation in this topic.
"But I won't tell you what information that is!"^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
https://imgtc.com/i/14JHfrt.jpgDusk_ posted...Solar_Crimson posted...
ManBeast462 posted...
show hidden quote(s)
Osaka is Black as well.
She is mixed, not black.
Weird, this Colin Kaepernick dude is as white as he is black but everyone says he's 100% black. Weird how mixed race opinions change based on who the person is.Smashingpmkns posted...She has a point. Also all of the thinly veiled racism and sexism in this topic kinda prove her point lol whatever though, shes one of the best athletes of all time. She'll bounce back.
Is it racist and sexist to call her out for her tantrum?Started from the bottom now we hereSmashingpmkns posted...She has a point. Also all of the thinly veiled racism and sexism in this topic kinda prove her point lol whatever though, shes one of the best athletes of all time. She'll bounce back.
ThisWitness The Trio Of Terror!
https://i.imgtc.com/pvRMyIx.gifgatorsPENSbucs posted...Dusk_ posted...
Solar_Crimson posted...
show hidden quote(s)
She is mixed, not black.
Weird, this Colin Kaepernick dude is as white as he is black but everyone says he's 100% black. Weird how mixed race opinions change based on who the person is.
mixed isn't an ethnicity or nationality. Japanese is correct and Black is correct. neither are wrong and both don't need mentioning in order to be accurate.
but you're correct. "race" opinions change depending on who that person is. it's also very telling when people aren't consistent. from how they talk about Obama to Rashida Jones.
let Rashida Jones start being vocal about police brutality, and you'll see how quick she loses her White card to certain demographics. if she started that "Blue Lives" stuff, she'd have been called other things, too.Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!Are people still blaming the ump?
He has a history of calling code violations on top male and female players. This lists seven of his past calls, six of which were against male players and three of the male players have been world top three at some point.
Here's a reddit post with one call on Djokovic
Maybe the first one was a little ticky tack(with the coach even admitting to violating the coaching rule in an interview because 'everyone does it' it's a lot harder to excuse though, fucking idiot) but 2 and 3 are the definition of fair, next.haloiscoolisbak posted...Smashingpmkns posted...
She has a point. Also all of the thinly veiled racism and sexism in this topic kinda prove her point lol whatever though, shes one of the best athletes of all time. She'll bounce back.
Is it racist and sexist to call her out for her tantrum?
Nope. But what shes saying is that men do the exact same shit and wouldn't be penalized, which is true. Women are held to a different standard in terms of etiquette in tennis. Hell, Venus and Serena are held to a different standard than anyone in tennis it seems. Not like you would know, but they've been subject to a bunch of bullshit throughout the years and this is more likely to be more bullshit than not.Clean Butt CrewSmashingpmkns posted...haloiscoolisbak posted...
Smashingpmkns posted...
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Is it racist and sexist to call her out for her tantrum?
Nope. But what shes saying is that men do the exact same shit and wouldn't be penalized, which is true. Women are held to a different standard in terms of etiquette in tennis. Hell, Venus and Serena are held to a different standard than anyone in tennis it seems. Not like you would know, but they've been subject to a bunch of bullshit throughout the years and this is more likely to be more bullshit than not.
White Eagle posted...Stolen from the sports board:
Plenty of men get penalties for racquet/ball abuse.
You are absolutely pathetic.You can tell a lot about a man by how he strangles you.
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