Alpha (Male): The opposite of a beta male. Takes on risk and confrontation. Confident and a leader.
Ascend: When an incel moves on to get laid or gain a relationship.
AWALT: "All women are like that" or "All women are literal trash" or "All women are lying thots."
AMALT: Femcel version of AWALT. "All men are like that" or "All men are literal trash."
Becky: An average female.
Betabux: A beta male when a girl takes advantage of him. He earns a decent wage to finance her lifestyle, etc.
Babebux: Femcel version of Betabux. A beta female when a man takes advantage of him. She earns a decent wage to finance his lifestyle, etc.
Beta (Male): An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma, and confidence of the Alpha male. (Thanks UrbanDictionary)
Blackpill: An incel's brand of philosophy, becoming incel or sympathizing as a normie.
Bluepill: Used to describe someone who is blissfully and willfully ignorant. Used by more groups than just incels.
Canthal Tilt: The canthal tilt is the angle of the lateral canthus (outside corner of eye) in relation to the medial canthus (inside corner of eye).
-cel: The specific reason an individual is an incel: height, weight, wieners, and ethnic background are common. Can also mean an incel who is X.
Chad, Tyrone, Chang, Jamaal, Chadpreet, Chaddam, etc: Your stereotypical alpha male of whichever ethnic background. Very manly, alpha, attractive, and often mogs incels.
Chadlet: A manlet (Short) Chad.
Chadlite: Someone who is almost a Chad, but not quite. Ranked above a normie in their hierarchy.
Cock carousel: Describes the period in "all" woman lives when she's sleeping with many men, usually seen as a time in their life going from 16-25 (usually includes college) where they have many different sexual partners. Makes them less valuable afterward.
Cope: Pretty much anything anybody does to deal with their "incel-ness".
Cuck/to be cucked/something is cucked: Originally referred to 'cuckold', more specifically a fetish where a man watches his wife being plowed by another man. Now used as an adjective for everything incels dislike. Originating from an idea that all left-wing men are cuckolds, which in term arose from Karl Marx describing "class traitors". Used by more groups than just incels.
Curry-: Relating to someone from India.
Elliot Rodger: Often abbreviated to ER, he was the covetous nut sack who went on a killing spree because the sorority girls near him were throwing themselves at Chad (see above), and not him. Can be used as a verb to suggest a going on a killing spree.
Escortcel: An incel who uses the services of an escort to get laid.
Fakecel: A person who claims to be an incel, but isn't. Essentially, incel gatekeeping.
Femcels: Female incels, which "don't exist". (Yes they do)
Foid/Femoid: Abbreviated form of "female humanoid," used to dehumanize females.
Fuckzoned: When a femcel is used in a relationship for nothing other than sex. Think "friendzoned" but pertaining to sex.
-fuel: Motivation for something. ex. Lifefuel (Good for life)
Gymcel: An incel who works out.
Hole: Female.
Hunter Eyes: The squinty, hooded shape a particular set of eyes. Couple this with an aesthetic shape - when the outer corner is higher than the inner like so, also known as positive canthal tilt. Used by more groups than just incels.
Incel: Involuntary celibate.
IT: This sub, IncelTears.
It's over: A general greeting. Answer with "It never began."
JBW: Used to imply that "just being white" can resolve all incel problems.
JB: Jail bait.
JFL: Just fucking lol.
Jumping Bananas: Not mainstream in incel culture, but sometimes seen as a "clever" way to avoid saying "jail bait" when they talk about how much they want to have sex with barely pubescent girls.
KEK: Different form of "lol." Its origin is in World of Warcraft.
Landwhale: A grossly obese woman, pejorative. Incels have a different definition of obese than most people. Used by more groups than just incels.
LDAR: Lay down and rot, generally used to give up on a mental level.
Looksmatch: Looksmatches are of similar "attractiveness levels," both a 6/10 or such.
Manlets: Short guys.
-maxx/-maxxing/-max: An effort to improve an aspect of one's life to the fullest. "Maximize" it.
Mentalcel: Someone who is an incel because of mental illness-related reasons.
MGTOW: "Men going their own way", with a belief that women are toxic and detrimental to society. These men are sometimes incel, sometimes not.
Mog: To overshadow, especially in personal aesthetic attributes, often supplemented with a facial feature our characteristic descriptor to form a compound. Used by more groups than just incels.
Mogger : A racist term deriving from "n*****", when a black man "mogs" another race. Also, Mig-Mog in the same vein of nig-nog.
Moid: Femcel version of foid. "Male humanoid," used to dehumanize males.
Monkey Branching: When someone goes from one relationship (branch) to the next, often not letting go of the first one until securing a grip on another first. New branches are often disguised as "just a friend" or someone "easy to talk to about certain things" instead of the next branch the monkey is about to swing to.
NEET: "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". Widespread, not specific to incels, but it comes up a lot in discussion about/with them and between themselves.
Nice Guy: A guy who acts nice to women in an attempt to get laid. Proceeds to get angry and complain when it doesn't work. "Women go for assholes and ignore nice guys like me."
Noodlewhore: An Asian Woman.
Normie: Anyone besides incel or Chad/Stacy.
NPC: Someone who repeats group ideas, usually used to suggest someone has no original thought. Used by more groups than just incels.
Numale: Nu-males are men lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. (Thanks again UrbanDictionary)
Oneitis: Somebody's one true love, often unrequited. Used by more groups than just incels.
Personality: Braincel automod: "Personality isn't really that important to most women. They often euphemize personality for good physical looks and social status."
Personality Detector: This term is used to mock women who stick with abusive significant others or women who enter relationships with someone who has a negative background. Personality detectors in reality tend to give people a weird feeling around those with negative/malicious intentions. Incels like to point out when this warning fails.
Pinkpill: The femcel version of the blackpill. A femcel's brand of philosophy.
Redpill: A difficult to swallow truth that can't be unlearned. Relating to incels, this is a less intense version of the blackpill. Used by more groups than just incels.
Reeee: Commonly referred to now as an "autistic screeching meme", this is an onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character. It is meant to represent the unique croak produced by several species of frogs when agitated. Used by more groups than just incels.
Rice-: Relating to someone from Asia.
Roastie: Used to describe a woman who has had sex with more than one partner. An insult that combines body shaming and slut-shaming in one.
Rope: To suggest or commit suicide by hanging.
SMV: Sexual market value.
Sour Grapes: If I can't have it, then it wasn't any good anyway.
Soy: The official drink of IncelTears. There have been studies that suggest, but do not prove, that soy lowers testosterone. Incels use this to suggest someone is low testosterone, therefore less of a man.
Stacy/Stacie: A hot, popular woman. Presumably does the sex.
Sui: Suicide.
Tallfag: A tall guy.
Truecel: The opposite of volcel and fakecel, used to indicate that there is no hope for them because they are truly involuntary celibate.
Turbo: An extreme case. (e.g. turbomanlet - a very short man)
Volcel: Used to indicate that the reason someone is celibate is a voluntary decision. Ex. "Fatcels are volcels."
The Wall: After riding the cock carousel, this is the idea that a woman is used up and worthless. Specifically relates to age and how women lose their youthful looks as they get older.
White Knight: A male who takes things out of context to adamantly defend women's rights. White Knights tend to make an issue out of something when there is no issue present. Exhibits Nice Guy behavior when doing so.